Are you worried about gangs proliferating on the Shore?
Joe Albero
Considering sbynews.com was first to expose gangs and graffiti in our area, as well as being a victim at 300 W. Main St., you better believe I'm concerned. The fact that Salisbury's mayor and police chief denied such gang activity concerned me even more, though. Considering my blog exposed and educated the public about such activity will only help people to "look up" when they're traveling around the downtown area, as most of tags were high up on the buildings. Because this was exposed and some civilians patrolled the downtown area, it came to an immediate end. Drugs and crime are heavy issues with gangs and it's time the city of Salisbury took back the streets by arresting more the drug dealers and gang members ruining this fine city. That being said, not delivering the police raises that were promised last year has also affected morale within the city police department.
GO HERE to see every one's reaction to this question of the week in the Daily Times.
My hat is tipped to the Daily Times for printing this message.
So.... i guess you got your paper LOL
Actually, I had to go ON LINE to get it and with Dial Up here at home, it took me a good half hour just to navigate their Site just to get to it.
salisbury needs a curfew during the week days, nothing crazy, but after a certain time of night any kid on the street is probably up to no good. its something to think about, and its is not socialism to try to protect our streets, our citizens, our town.
Joe, Why don't you start a relentless effert to show the effects of gangs in our community. The problem is the Juvinile Justice System. They do nothing to Juvey's that break the law. You need to expose them. If you got time go to juvey court on tuesdays. You will see that it is a joke. The schools and police need more power to stop the thugs.
Anon 1:43 & 11:06
Good posts! Some County Council members should worry less about giveaway pens, liquor control and other minutia and focus on local legislation that addresses the out of control thugs that roam the area.
I look at the youth you are calling gang members as I drive through certain sections of town and have often wondered why they aren't doing anything constructive. We spend thousands of dollars promoting anti-gang activities but what would happen if we just bought every kid under 18 a membership to the Y.
I can see two things happening, the regular church going members of the Y would quit leaving the Y with nobody but the gang wannabes.
The wannabes would eventually be the only ones there, so all activities except basketball would be discontinued.
Joe, sometimes the youth don't have any options except joining gangs. Come up with something besides sports to help them and you will become the hero to a whole generation.
the gangs in salisbury are getting worse and worse, beyond what the public has knowledge of, due to several reasons 1) lack of observation, 2)lack of education about gangs, 3)lack of exposing the problem to the public. With Gang problems getting worse, but the council not making good on their word to raise officers salaries and refusing to give additional officers it's only going to get worse. I hope few are victimized by the lack of attention and action that the people that should be giving the police what they need is going to cause.
Here's a thought for ALL of you. How many Gangs were there in Salisbury BEFORE the Mayor and Chief were elected/hired? NONE! Come on now Folks, the buck stops right at these two, period.
I think the people that are in charge should stop being little B#%%^es and start caring about the city like they should. Either provide the police with the money, equipement, and manpower that they need to do the job and improve salisbury or move over so someone else can. If you're not part of the solution your part of the problem. Also if your a admin police position act like one, focus on being a cop first then worry about your political life. A true test of a good man or woman is doing whats right in the face of adversity, not just being a puppet or a yes sir yes sir person
hey Joe! Why don't you run for office and fix the problems you accuse others of creating. Oh, I know why. You couldn't get elected. And the thought of someone writing a blog about your every action would be enough to make you cry.
Joe, it's easy to hide in the bushes and throw rocks at people. Even though you say you are one of us, you and I have nothing in common.
Let me explain a little something to you. First of all, if I ran for Office, (which I can't) I'd win in a New York Second, hands down. However, I can do a whole lot more right here from this Blog than I can wasting my time for peanuts running a City I don't even live in.
That being said, I hide behind no bushes. I make it pretty public where I'll be and when. If YOU would like to confront me, Mr. Pussy Anonymous, come to the Council Work Session and or a Council Meeting and you'll see me face to face. Oh, and if you have the balls enough to introduce yourself, tell me your problem with me and don't go running back to the Anti Albero Blogs and say, I stood in the same room as Joe Albero, like a pussy.
Man up people and you'll see, I don't bite unless bitten first.
Joe, You're wrong Carolyn Hall tried to expose the gang activity in Salisbury over 15 years ago when her son was beaten up. Don't believe me call her. She ran against Barry Tilghman. She was defeated after someone tried to sell her fake crack when she was going a neighborhood door to door in the church street area. Can you say set up?? She had no choice but report the strange incident (Carolyn looks nothing like a drug user). It turned the black vote against her. If she had won as mayor, Salisbury would not be the crap hole it is today.
your idea of a New York minute and mine must be different. Yep, you attend meetings and say stuff about people in you blog. It's just too bad that a lot of the time you shoot from the hip and don't check things out first.
I can't stand the DT either and you have every right to get down on them. They charge real money for their crap. At least your crap is free.
Carolyn Hall isn't the Daily Times or Salisbury News. My point that I was trying to make was the fact that the Daily Times, WBOC & WMDT refused to cover the Graffiti or Gangs until I came along and exposed it. Back then, it added enough pressure that even when my hits were in the hundreds per day, we were being recognized enough to force the issue and finally get results. I'm not trying to imply I was the very first person to expose Gang activity. Just in the media sense.
Like I said, you know where I'm at. If there's an event going on, you can usually find me there, right Folks?
As for proving things, you'll have to show me where I've been wrong.
I seem to recall a 93 year old woman being attacked.
Yes, you do correct yourself when it's pointed out to you.
If that had been the DT, you would have jumped on them with both feet and called their reporter incompetent.
Good for the goose, Joe
Hey Joe! At least you got people reading and writing. Now that's quite an accomplishment.
Keep up the good work.
OMG, is that all you've got? Give me a break. Did you forget that an elderly woman was allegedly raped, period? I don't care of she was 73 or 93, what's the difference at that point? Unless you have no clue how to sympathize with someone living to that age and be at the tail end and get raped? So you know what, screw you.
what do you mean "is that all you got?" Wow, you sure have a way with words.
It doesn't matter that she was 73. A bad thing happened to her, that's a fact.
What you did was a chicken little thing. It's a wonder you didn't blame that on the mayor or Obama.
Have you ever done a follow-up on any of your stories about terrible things happening to good people?
Now that would be interesting.
And I agree with 7:14, you do get things stirred up. That's why I'm here.
We don't want Joe on the City Council! There, he would only be one voice. As it is now, he represents many voices. And a HUGE part of what is wrong in Smallsbarrie was brought to light by Joe! WWTP (sludge pit and spills), Zoo, gangs, and many other problems. Joe's presumed arrogance is a joke on himself, folks. He knows how to laugh at himself, which is more than I can say for most of our city's administration.
that's why we are all here, it's called freedom of speech
blame whoever you want for the gang problems but start with the real culprit....the parents of these kids
As I recall, the "errant" post about the 93 yo woman being raped, WAS, IN FACT CORRECTED, and YES right here on this blog by Mr. Albero.
He can't keep up with everything, but what's here is GOOD STUFF!
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