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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Kratovil Kronicles - 20080713

According to Politicker MD, 1st District Dem congressional hopeful Frank Kratovil just didn't have a very good week. Not only is he listed as a loser in their weekly "Winners & Losers" column, Kratovil has managed to make some news almost everyday this week that is damaging to his campaign - particularly in a moderately conservative district like the First.

Kratovil's campaign admits that they will probably lose the fundraising race to Maryland Sen. Andy Harris (R-7). That's the kind of message potential donors always want to hear. Of course, there's no shortage of money coming from special interest groups and lefty pals, despite Kratovil's claim that he "represents our values".

This leads to probably the most damning admission of all. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) stated this past week that Kratovil will "work with his party after winning a place in Congress". As we have noted in the past, Kratovil is just one more example of post-modern Democrat candidate - run as a conservative and govern as a liberal.

In all fairness to Kratovil, we have always contended that he truly is not a liberal. If elected, he will govern as one because that is what Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer will tell him to do. That is also where his money will be coming from. In reality, there is no evidence that Kratovil actually believes in anything, other than electing Frank Kratovil.

To me, more than the events noted above, this is what makes Frank Kratovil a REAL LOSER; not just for this week, but for the entire race.

cross posted in Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

G.A., get real.

"Most damning admission of all"?

What's Hoyer going to get up there an say, that Kratovil will stick it to the Dems after he's elected?

With all due respect, and I ordinarily like your pieces, well, the locally focused ones -- this post is pure ideological pap.

You just can't stand that the Dems found someone who's a moderate who reflects most people here. Not all Republicans are right-wing nut jobs.

Stick to pounding on the liquor board. When things get national, you just sound like a party mouthpiece, which is a waste of your skills. This post shouted that loud and clear.

G. A. Harrison said...

Perhaps we'll bump into one another if I ever show up at a Democrat club meeting.

The Dem strategy has been clear, and successful. Run people using conservative rhetoric and then vote with Nancy Pelosi when you get to D. C. That is what we can expect from Kratovil.

Please don't call him a moderate, or anything else. There is no evidence that Kratovil has ANY cohesive political philosophy.

As for being a right-wing nut job, I guess it all depends on who does the name calling. I don't support Bush, never have. That makes me to libertarian. I don't support most of the social conservative agenda (even though I may agree with the end result) because I'm too much of an adherent of Goldwater / Reagan principles.

I'll just stick to being me. I may not get what I want, but at least I'm not pimping for anyone.

Anonymous said...


How many perps has you boy Harris sent to the slammer???

. . . I'm waiting!

joe albero said...

anonymous 6:28, Harris is a Doctor, not a States Attorney, Idiot.

That being said, that would be like my asking you, how many lives has Kratovil saved?

Come on now, act like a grown up.

Anonymous said...

Easy there, G.A.

You won't find me at a club meeting. I don't belong to either party.

You say Kratovil doesn't have a "cohesive political philosophy"? That may be a selling point to someone like me. That typically means to wedded to the party line.

I wasn't calling YOU a right-wing nut job. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was referring some of those you support. You say you didn't support Bush. But did you vote for him anyway?

You gave a lot away in your nice remembrance of Tony Snow (may he r.i.p.), who was, after Bush's main spokesman at one time.

"While his previous writing showed his conservatism, he would often frustrate us by not allowing his personal philosophy to dictate the op-ed policies of his paper. We learned to respect Snow for refusing to do the same thing that we accused the liberal media of doing."

That sounded a bit "pimpish" to me. I'm glad Snow had the integrity not to go for it, as you said.

Joe, as for Kratovil saving lives, if he put some dangerous criminals away, then I guess he did. But your point is valid anyway. Bit hard to compare careers.

See, G.A.? I'm willing to hear people out. I'm kind of surprised by your hot reaction to my comment, especially with the compliments in it. Guess the misunderstanding over right-wing nut jobs did it.

BTW, my wife is the family Republican. Or should I say, was. She's not super-political, but she went independent because of, well, the party going right-wing nut job. That's why I made the comment I did.

Anonymous said...

kinda like his sign at gordy tigermart of yesterday it was crumpled and on the ground...