Lieutenant Robin Roberts of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department had the day off Sunday and went to Walmart to do some shopping with his Bride.
When they entered the Store the alarm went off and a black male was running towards the exit at full speed with a empty shopping cart. Somewhat confused, Lt. Roberts identified himself but the man continued running out of the store. Lt. Roberts chased the man to his vehicle where the man rammed Lt. Roberts with the shopping cart and dumped packages of meat into the trunk, got into the vehicle and hit Lt. Roberts with the car injuring his knee and hip and ultimately ran over his foot, (so I'm told).
Witnesses claimed the man then tried to run Lt. Roberts over with his vehicle again and sped out of the parking lot. Lt. Roberts was able to call it in and Salisbury Police found the vehicle along with Sheriff's Deputies and the man was arrested. No word if the meat ended up back on the shelf again for resale, (just kidding).
I did speak with Lt. Roberts who confirmed this story. He was taken away in an Ambulance and was found not to have any broken bones. You know something Folks. I don't EVER want to hear another person bellyaching about any other Police Officer having an OFF DUTY VEHICLE!
These guys are ON DUTY 24/7 until they die or retire. Thank You Lt. Roberts! Lt. Roberts also ran for the Sheriff's position and has been a Police Officer for I think about 97 years now, LOL.
May you heal in time for Bike Week and the Department needs you back ASAP.
Wishing Lt. Roberts a speedy recovery and a big THANK YOU for being,as Joe said, "always being on duty". One question: which Wal-Mart did the incident happen, up north or Fruitland? Cathy-Jo
Hi, is this at the Salisbury Wal-Mart?
And what time of day was this?
Thanks for keeping us informed! Phluff70
North, hence the Salisbury Police Department. I should have said so though, sorry.
Whe a formal Police Report comes out I'll have more details. Considering I was more concerned that Mr. Roberts was Ok, I neglected to ask certain key questions. Sorry about that Folks. I should have more tomorrow morning.
the perils of economic devistation are upon us...
First the man is a thief now he has attempted murder charges, or should, all for some stolen meat. Did he need the meat for his family or was this just another heroin addict trying to feed his habit? Either way, he is a thief but if he is an addicted thief, hang his ass from the highest tree. They don't come back from these addictions, they get clean while in jail then come out and start all over again.
My boss just last week was telling about a man who walked up to him in his own yard offering to sell him packages of meat. First copper, now fresh meat? things that make you go hmmmmmm.
I ventured to that store over the weekend for the first time in several years to get something only Wal-Mart stocks. It has become a dirty and run down place with a customer group that is becoming a problem without more in-store security. My experience at the one in Fruitland is a bit better.
On the plus side, the store personnel were polite.
"My experience at the one in Fruitland is a bit better."
That may be so, but Fruitland's selection is poor compared to the Walmart North and the prices tend to seem a little higher.
It costs more to live and operate a business in Fruitland
But seemingly you're not risking your life by shopping there. Our Mayor and City Council don't think there's a crime problem in SBY? Think again.
To 7:16 Walmart is currently doing a complete remodel of their north store. That is why it looks like it is in poor condition.
Just in case anyone is interested, Giant is Salisbury is now very competetive to Wal-Mart prices, many times even cheaper, with much higher quality. For years, I wouldn't shop there because they were known to be much more expensive. Not the case now. Beatiful store, nice people (not just employees but actual customers)and clean. I may never return to Walmart. It is dirty, dangerous, and the clientel of Salisbury Walmart is some of the worst. For those budgeted like myself, it pays to also compare sales weekly between SuperFresh and Giant in the summer being they are so close to one another and the college students are not in town.
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