This photo was taken yesterday at the Salisbury Zoo. Click on image to enlarge.
One year ago this month I put up a Post showing this exact same Deer in the Salisbury Zoo and raised hell trying to make things right for this animal. Councilwoman Terry Cohen fought desperately with the Mayor and even went so far as contacted a Veterinarian in Australia to get answers to what was wrong with this animal and what could be done to help it.
The Mayor freaked out and even tightened the reigns on Council Members being able to go direct to Department Heads because of the embarrassment this caused to everyone in the Zoo and City Officials. Sadly, none of it worked.
The photo you see above was taken Saturday and obviously the Mayor, Ron Alessi and the Veterinarian Dr. Nolte have done NOTHING to relieve this animal. I said it in the past and I'll say it again, the Salisbury Zoo DOES NOT need to have a Male Deer in that Zoo, period.
The cause of this growth was because they castrated this animal too young and this is the end result. It's a long story made short. On Monday I will post more technical information on "Perruque," the technical term for what you're seeing. You're welcome to Google it. You may even want to research "The Deer Vet" and you'll learn more about it.
Now let me ask you this. Would YOU walk your Dog on a City street if it looked like this? If you did, how many people passing by would call the Humane Society? That being said, how can this Mayor continue to be unaccountable for all the BS she has done to this City? How can parents bring their children to the Zoo and be exposed to such a mess?
The Salisbury Zoo is NOT Ripley's Believe It Or Not! It's NOT a place for a freak show! Mauled Ducks everywhere, a Bear neurotically rubbing his head/body for hours on end against a concrete wall, a Llama being raped and a Deer that looks like this? So tell me Folks, when is enough, enough?
Contact your Mayor and let her know what you think at, . You can also contact the City Council at, . Let them know just how powerful this Blog Site is and how many people truly care about what's going on in YOUR City.
It's Posts like this that made Alessi and the Mayor so desperate to do anything and everything possible to make sure Joe Albero didn't have access to the Salisbury Zoo.
More to come on this issue. I think I'll let this Post linger for a while.
joe, i am like you i love all animals, this is absurd
! that bitch we have as a mayor ought to be put in a cage down there with no food or water or medical care . the cage title plaque would read fat worthless 2 legged liberal that ruined this zoo and the city of salisbury nothing less hard as a granite rock chunked at it at anytime
Joe I was at the zoo a few weeks ago on a day when several day cares and kid camps were there. There were literally hundreds of kids crawling the zoo. Anyway, as we approached this deer (which, lets face it, when you first notice it, its hard not to stare just to figure out what's wrong), we noticed every kid that went past it was being sidetracked by an adult trying to steer them away before they noticed it. This is a ZOO for christssake and kids are being redirected so that they can't see one of the zoos displays. Its sad. And there I was, doing the same as those other adults, redirecting my almost 3 year old son because I just don't know what to tell him about that deer.
Oh boy...get ready for people to blow their stack!
I'm sure the Zoo's position will be that this little guy is in no "immediate" danger and is not in pain.Still not sure how they know that...anyways..Dr.Nolte is now the treating vet?What happen to Jimmy Traegle?probably got tired of trying to care and putting up with too much crap.Nolte will be better for that,he kind of takes a rather "whatever" attitude.I know from MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that Dr.Nolte is fine for routine shots,but anything more.....alot of folks have dealt with the loss of their loved one.I know of TOO many situations where people ended up taking their animal somewhere else to save it's life.THIS IS THIS BLOGGERS OPINION !!!! So don't jump in my stuff!
If the deer is indeed relatively healthy and the choice to remove the tumour would be too risky,then let him be.But he should maybe be kept somewhere away from the public's view.I'm sure there is someone who could even take him to an area in the country more suitable on a large fenced in farm.But he should not be subject to stares,jokes,anger,and everything else people are capable of!
I forwarded your post to my mom, who works at PETA.
Forward to PETA.
You know while we're at it - not only should this deer be out in the country somewhere - the whole zoo should be out in the country somewhere so the animals would at least have room to roam around some. I live very near the zoo and don't go because I can't stand to see the animals be soooooo confined - they need more room. I like zoos too, but this zoo is absolutely in the wrong place with not enough room for any of the animals. And Angela, I'm very glad you forwarded this to your Mom who works for PETA.
mbiangela--thank you, thank you. And please update PETA on the ENTIRE Zoo situation. Our Mayor has demonstrated that she cannot administer effectively at the Zoo.
Remember to make them aware of the Zoo in a flood zone.
I've heard that PETA actually gets multiple complaints about the Salisbury Zoo. I'm not sure why there hasn't been any change yet. Don't hesitate to send more, though!
Here is the link to report cruelty to animals. It will ask you if the danger is immediate. Just click the yes or no button and then follow the instructions.
just shoot the damn thing and be done with it.
Friends, if this has moved you, here is what my mom has sent me:
If you determine that a facility that you visited may be in violation of the AWA, it is critical that you file a complaint with the USDA regarding your observations and concerns. Please send a polite letter detailing what you saw, along with any corroborating photographs and/or videotape, and asking the USDA to investigate. Ask to be notified of the results of the investigation:
4700 River Rd., Unit 84
Riverdale, MD 20737-1234
301-734-4978 (fax)
Joe, maybe you could include this in your updated post on the deer, along with the PETA address I posted earlier?
I love the animal compassion expressed on this blog, btw. :)
makes you wonder how a dog park would be run.......
One of you commentors suggested moving the zoo out into the country so the animals had more space. Well, I suggested moving the zoo to the Winter Park off route 50 east about four or five years ago, mostly becausse of my concern that the current area is in a flood plain and has flooded on occassion before. In fact thats where all the prairie dogs went, drowned in a flood about six years ago. Before moving though, they do need to deal with this deer's problem one way or the other.
A. Goetz
protest in front of the mayor's home. think it is 1009 monitor court. maybe then she will listen.
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