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Sunday, July 13, 2008

False Flag Operations


When you get your paper, go to the Grapevine. This is on the delmarvanow website. Has anyone done any research on this? I've never heard of this guy. Guess the proof readers were on vacation, per this article McNiven would have been a year old when this happened. I hope this information is not true...

Prior to the 911 tragedy -- and unknown to the majority of the American people -- our government proposed and devised mock terrorist attacks which fall under the label of "false flag operations."

Operation Northwoods was proposed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on March 13, 1962, to justify an invasion of Cuba.

The proposals included staging the assassination of Cubans in the United States, developing a fake communist Cuban terror campaign in Miami, other Florida cities and Washington, sinking a boatload of refugees, faking a Cuban air force attack on a civilian jetliner and other terrorist acts.

These proposals were approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but were not carried out because President Kennedy rejected them and fired some of the people involved.

Timothy McNiven, a 29-year Defense Department operative, stated in an affidavit in 2004 that in 1976, his unit, C-Battery 2/81 field artillery in Germany, was to create the perfect terrorist plan using commercial airliners as weapons and the twin towers as the target. He made the statement that if this ever actually happened, he would go public.

He was physically assaulted and later told if the plan ever happened, to bring it to the attention of the American people. Since then, McNiven has devoted his life to alerting the public to the similarities between 9/11 and that 1976 plan. To silence critics, McNiven has successfully passed a credible lie detector test.

Are the American people going to be the subject to another false flag operation to justify attacking Iran?

Bartow Van Ness

Deal Island


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you believe this BS. It shows what happens when people cannot think or research for themselves.
Tell me, how did they cover this up without someone spilling the beans?

Anonymous said...

Are Bartow Van Ness and Shelton Lankford the same lost soul?

Anonymous said...

pictures dont lie, there was definitly a exterior pod attached to the aircraft. there would be no commercial reason for this.

Anonymous said...

Joe. Don't fall for this. Even the Daily Times is pulling back the reigns on the Lankford-type craziness. You are doing too much good work locally to give this douchebag the forum floor. Give us a fishing report instead.

Wymzie said...

Watch should answer many of your questions.

It's called Loose Change.
If the link doesn't work simply google 'Loose Change' and watch the final cut.

You will never believe another thing you see on the MSM again!

Anonymous said...

You guys are nuts

Anonymous said...

However, you can look on Wikipedia under "False Flag" and discover that some of what Van Ness is saying is true:

Anonymous said...

BTW....I always blindly take advice regarding matters of utmost national security from, like, an 87year old man who paints his intellectual, world-wise, thought portraits while using the cultural bastion of Deal Island as his parchment. A nice box of Oreo's and cyber adult Depends to you my friend. And watch out for Shelton-he WILL eat your liver if you hang out with him.

Anonymous said...

Yea, and I ALWAYS look to wikipedia and youtube for factual information.
Riiight, and Elvis was flying one of the planes on 9/11 too I guess.

Some "real" sources of information would be Popular Mechanics, for starters, who debunked all the 911 myths.

Anonymous said...

I still remember the stunned silence, followed by bursts of uncontrollable laughter, in law school when a first year chick kept using Wiki to back up her arguments on cases(instead of silly discounted resources such as the Constitution and statutes and such). I guess her Tiger Beat " Miley Cyrus Reads While Moving Her Lips to the Federalist Papers" was mislaid. Good times. Good times.

Anonymous said...

And Joe, I know I'm going to the well one more time here; but the material is too good to pass up. I was also the guy who is just dying (and possibly eventually purchasing)to see the video footage of, inevitably, "When Beekeepin' It Real Goes Wrong." Does Wymzie buy into all this? Because if she does-isn't it within the realm of possibility (using Wiki standard of proof only)that those bee "hives" are, in fact, medium to intermediate ranged bee "cells" designed to ultimately form a flock large enough to clog the engines of ZZ Top's tour bus, thus destorying our economy? I think all we want is the TRUTH!

Anonymous said...

you owe it to yourself to watch the video, you look at the facts and decide for yourself, facts dont lie governments do...

Anonymous said...

102pm, I'd love a fishing report, but dont dare come here and bitch and call names, your the only douchbag in here,and a sissy to boot! nobody twisted your panties and made you read wymzies post. Ty wymzie for all you do.

Anonymous said...

540 the video makes mention of popular mechanics cant look at info and decide for yourself if its truth?or you cant stand contraversy? or maybe you feel abit angry when your caused to think or consider that this government might be corrupt and decietfull?

Anonymous said... Screw you and the horse you rode in on. If Wymzie can't take a joke (which it was); she is probably in the wrong business. You sound like you are the one with twisted panties because I choose not to acknowledge your craziness with anything other than cyber laughter.

Anonymous said... was the disrespectful douchbag comment that makes me wanna take you by the nap of ur neck and the seat of your pants and drive you down my stone driveway like a toy firetruck with no wheels... and yes face first.
{case u wanna invite to see me stones up close}

Anonymous said...

You all need to go to youtube and look up the debate with loose change and popular mechanics its 5 parts. I posted the links earlier I guess post didn't make it on.

Wymzie said...

Hang on their guys!!!

I read all kinds of stuff...I read the Wall Street Journal, I read Anne Coulter, I read Newt Gingrich, I read Ayn Rand, I read Alex Jone's site, I even read the ACLU site, and Information Clearinghouse;
All while I have FOX News and CNN going in the background.
I do not however Wiki anything!
I can take a joke, I do however ask that those of you who believe the government explanation of 911 to do yourself and your loved ones a favor and read or watch videos that question their presumptions and conclusions one by one.
I don't like it when anyone makes comments about 'black helicoptors' because it is meant to discredit what might very well be something credible.
Our Delcaration and Constitution were written for times like these when there is sooooooo much money at stake that corruption will run rampant.
According to the post I submitted last week, we are at the end of our Democracy (historically they have only lasted about 200 years) and it is one of the tactics of the elitist who have a vested interest in controlly you and taking away your basic freedoms two majors of which we kissed away last week without one bit of protest.
Don't put me in a box and tell me I'm looking for black helocoptors when I am actually digging for truth and am willing to put my ass on the line to bring attention to a point of view other than what the MSM is spoonfeeding you.
Question Authority Always!
This shit is happening everyday all around us and we are medicated into a state of lala land not to even notice.
You read this site not to be spoon fed happy horseshit. You read this sight to be told another side to a story. If you don't like the reports I provide for reading pleasure or displeasure, I have accomplished my goal in making you think for maybe just one second that maybe what you have been told is not the whole truth.
The article I wrote on Bush and McCain and Obama attending Bohemian Grove this week, sources from the New York Post were sighted as were other legitimate media.
It's not just paranoid whackjobs who are asking these questions, don't discredit the messenger just cause your not likin the message.

Anonymous said...

However, you can look on Wikipedia under "False Flag" and discover that some of what Van Ness is saying is true:

Wikipedia?? Now there's a paragon of truth.

Chimera said...

Wymzie-I agree with you-people have to weigh the evidence and make up their own minds.
The whole mess reminds me of the movie "They Live" and its time to put the glasses on.....

Anonymous said...

If you do not question authority you are doomed to be subjected to that same authority.

People have become apathetic. As long as they can continue to feel the warm and fuzzies they are content. It is these same people that will drown in their own tears when the shit hits the fan and believe me, it will hit the fan.

Trust the government? HA not on any level and not on your life. Ask any Indian what Cointelpro is/was.

Anonymous said... Here is the deal. YOU got a lot of traitorous balls to spout off at me with your redneck gum bumping. Joe posts a lot of stuff honoring war veterans and such (I was the guy who passed on the story about Navy SEAL Lt. Mike Murphy)and you backwards DOUCHEBAGS dishonor their service by spewing this kind of crap. Believe me redneck-my richard is really stiff thinking about getting my hands on your psycho ugly traitor face; but I'll do you one better. Now when you and Wymzie spread your ignorant, unproven garbage-Instead of laughing it off as a couple retards with free speech and computer access, I'll come right back here and embarass you directly in front of everyone-everytime (why would I waste my time embarassing you on your e-mail where nobody else can point and laugh at you). How do you like me now country boy?

Anonymous said...

Wymzie . BTW..I got me a ding-dang old law degree. I thinks me knows ding-dang old well "How to Question Authority." But I do it by asking the CORRECT questions using CREDIBLE resources. I notice you claim you read a lot; However;there is a difference between reading skills and subsequent comprehension abilities. And if you are seeing too many "Black Helicopters", I hear they are doing wonders with Clozaril these days.

Wymzie said...


Your law degree doesn't mean anything other than your went to school and passed a test. There are lots of people who are exceptional at test taking but don't have a clue about what's going on in the world around them. If you keep up with your insults you are going to prove all of the bad lawyer jokes, but I have thus far never ascribed to because I have worked for many years as a legal secretary and a paralegal.
What I find interesting you go right back to slinging an insult about me being concerned about black helocoptors instead of taking what I said hearing the heart of my meaning.
I only cited the names of some of the authors whose work I read to illustrate to you that I am not absorbing only one point of view, but many.
It's too bad that you do yourself such disservice by not engaging in true healthy debate on meaningful issues, but instead return to your frat house roots to insult and discredit while giving your self a high five in the process, and still not even have the guts to use your name.

Anonymous said...

See that's your problem dingbat. Fraternities are for lemmings like you too. You mean you are going to let someone do to you what is done to pledges just so you can fit in with the crowd. I don't post my name because you guys are bloody lunatics. Quite frankly, I'm a little peeved at Joe because I think he baited me on this knowing just how much I hate you little backwoods Judge Judy wannabees. The thing is, housewife, I wasn't even the one who made the ORIGINAL comment about "black helicopters". That was someone else who thinks you have gone bat (or bee if you prefer) guano too. Just remember one thing, housewife, everytime you chime in with your half-assed political rhetoric because you like the sound of your own voice; I want you to hear another sound in the background.....the overwhelming gun-shot sounding thump of those SEAL tridents that go into those wooden caskets of guys and gals who gave their lives so you can post your traitor vomit. You make me sick, Ma'am.

Anonymous said...

Excellent conversation! Keep up the writing folks. 911 is a self inflicited wound, the purpose of which was to rollout a police state and to justify Israel's war on the Middle East. The event is full of illuminati and occult numerology. Too many number 11's for me. Something is definitely not right about that event.

Anonymous said...

Hey dumbass. Israel is not currently at war with anyone. And if you have a hard on for the number "11"- go to Atlantic City and play roulette instead.

Anonymous said...

2:11 why so angry? What's wrong with intelligent dialogue? Some of us believe the U.S. military is used as the tool of Israel's Zionist agenda. There is a lot of evidence Israel was intimately involved in the 911 event. The Zionist agenda is very powerful in America. I wish people would learn to be a little more suspicious of the information given to us in the main stream media. That's all I ask, be more suspicious. Think about other people's comments for a while. Do some research. Don't just spout out some angry response which is designed to end the conversation. Please!