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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Pittsville Taxes To Rise 17%

I keep getting messages asking me if I'd be willing to put up a Post letting everyone know there will be a meeting in Pittsville on 6-16-08 referencing a 17% Tax Increase.

The funny part is, people are asking me if Barrie Tilghman has anything to do with this. My answer to ALL of you is, kinda! You see, Paul Wilber is also the Town Attorney for Pittsville and that's one of the main reasons why Pittsville is so screwed up, seriously.

If you only knew what the taxes were like in that Town to start with, especially corporate taxes! I happen to own 13 properties in Pittsville and it blows my mind what these people get away with, especially water bills!!!!! Sound familiar?

This was just one of the quotes that came in to me: "I see little value in return for the tax money we pay in this town. Our water/sewer bills are outrageous and now they want to jack us on taxes... for what? Streetlights and trash pickup."

See you there Folks!


Anonymous said...

I see Pittsville has over a $35000 increase in property taxes coming...wonder what the hell they are going to waste that on...certainly not services...we used to have alot more now we got nothing and they are raising taxes!! went to the town hall the other week and it was CLOSED...water man said person was on vacation...we used to have a manager and two or three other ladies working in there and things were good....what is going on NOW?

Anonymous said...

Isn't Paul Wilbur town manager, or at least town atty?

You see, this is how growth pays for growth. They develpoe and you pay cause the development doesn't.
It just spreads your "services" thin.

Anonymous said...

wilber is the attorney they do not really have a of their commissioners some years ago did a bang up job by really getting in their as manager and working, you would find him in the office and around town, hell I even saw him digging in a hole with water leaks one time, they had a full staff of office people and all....not sure what happened since then, obviously from the 650 post the office staff is gone. question is where is the money GONE? SHO ME THE MONEY!!!

Anonymous said...

Talking about growth, I used to go to the town meetings, the people in charge at that time made the developers pay for everything. I got such a kick out of watching them make Pete Richardson so mad he could spit nails. He was to buy the town a generator, bet he has never done that with this group in charge. Different group in there now, I do not even go to the meetings cause they don't care and let everyone get away with whatever they want. I just watched them let someone build a house on Main Street and they run the sewer line all the way over to the Old Ocean City Road. just gave away all we have been paying for front footage away to someone who has not paid a dime in front footage.....there is the problem!!
no ba11$ by this group to stand up to anyone.

Anonymous said...

joe , thanks for posting this i saw it in the daily slime today too.speaking of illegal edu,s in the town there has been water and sewer illegally hooked with no impact fees paid to the county or town on old ocean city road on the west side of pete richardsons trailer village. the dwelling is a red barn type building that sits east to west maybe if the town researched there building in the town limits better the honest taxpayers in the town would not have to absorb the free water and sewr given to ppl like this. maybe the town code enforcement prick they have can check on this rather than put a tape measure up to 5 inches of grass to be cut or a car with no tags sitting dormant.also the town council has 3 fireman on it which i feel is to many and steers alot of decisions in there favor , one of them should not even be able to be called honorable with the paternity and judgements againest him but all you ppl know all there names just do a case search on them all. as for wilbur joe lets see on the 16th what pittsville is payin him for his lame services

Anonymous said...

they ought to have plenty of money !the impact fee to hook town water and sewer is $7,000 and soon going to $10,000 then you to pay wicomico county a $5200 dollar impact fee . then a $900.00tap fee for the meter . also what ever you have to pay the plumbling contractor to run the water and sewe pipes to the road all in all before you can have water and sewr and elecric on a lot in pittsville it will cost you about $20,000 just for these 2 utilites where hell is all the town impact fee money from pete richardson, tom ruark,and bill martin ? these 3 have used several edus in the last 5 years i wonder were the edu record book of fees is? we need a referendum to vote on this one to joe.just like mareville but not as big of sclae yet!

Anonymous said...

maybe the american middle class dream cost to much now...

Anonymous said...

one of the water mans told me that several of the council people never get their water turned off or get pay their taxes either....maybe louise from salisbury does there audit....joe you ought to ask about that if you have to pay your taxes and water bills on time.

Anonymous said...


Now that Wilber has that big house in Barrieland does he still have his spread in P-ville?