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Monday, June 30, 2008

A Liquor Dispensary Exclusive From Salisbury News

Oh, I think I'll just let this one speak for itself and await the comments. Click on the image to enlarge it.


Anonymous said...

Among its members on the commission they forgot to add the Honorable Alfred Truitt. I wonder why they'd make that ommission?

They also forgot to state that once the county dispensary is closed PRIVATELY OWNED businesses will replace them. How did they forget that?

How did Ron Alessi forget to sign his name to this propaganda piece?

Nazism at it's worst.

Anonymous said...

WOW....BS smeared all over some stationary and it's suddenly a letter!!!

Anonymous said...

Where are all the consumers complaining here about the change? I don't see any, why don't the objectors speak out? Because there are very few?

Don't Get Fooled Again!

Anonymous said...

If the LCB would release their records and the people became informed of how our money is being wasted then the people would bring out their arms. That is the main reason they are refusing to let the council review the records. Let's see,donations to cemetaries, private clubs, etc. Yes I think the people would become outraged as to the mangagement of the "business".

Anonymous said...

Dump Alessi and the LCB and lets get on with busnesses handling our liquor needs. My guess is there will be more county income in taxes from these businesses than is currently coming to the county from LCB. If not, we can raise the taxes for these businesses, right? I also think we need to see the books for several years from this bunch. Amen.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Please tell me LCB how exactly do you work on a "time schedule that suits me" It doesnt suit me to take my car over to your place stuff my trunk, backseat, and sometimes passenger full of liquor. Then drive back to my establishment and unload all myself by hand. That doesnt suit me that suits you!! You tell when I have to order by and then when I can come get it, what if it suits me to come between the hours of twelve and one. Oh wait thats right I can't because your closed for lunch. What if I have things to do and their is four people in front of me I could wait almost a half an hour. Or I could just have a nice big truck come to my door and bring the liqour right into my storage room and I wouldnt have to break a sweat. So don't give me that BS that it suits me because it doesn't and neither do you!!
I would be extatic to have to order from "a large distributor across the bay." You make them sound like the big bad wolf, or in reality the more efficiently and intelligently run company than yours. I would be dealing with people I actually liked and that actually might be intelligent. They also might carry all the products I want that are available to me, at a price I deserve. Not just the ones that they feel like carrying at a price which is absurd. They will actually have sales and tell you when they are happening. Unlike you who gets things on sale from them and the doesnt pass that same courtesy on to us. So their is actually absolutely NOTHINHG about you that suits me or anyone else in this county. So just go away.


anonymous liqour license holder