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Monday, June 30, 2008

Today's FULL Page Ad In The Daily Times

I found this to be quite interesting. They claim to have the cheapest prices on cigarettes, yet they're paying thousands of dollars for a full page ad? Do you actually believe YOU'RE not paying for that ad in the long run?

Nevertheless, are you people actually spending that much money today on a pack of cigarettes? If this is the "cheapest price" on a pack of cigarettes, how much are YOU paying elsewhere?

The more I think about it the more I realize just how much our own Government has screwed us. A pack of cigarettes only a few years ago was $2.00 a pack. I know, I know, we all remember when they were .25 & .50 cents a pack but let's get real here. Once you're addicted and can't quit, the Government knew just what to go after and tax through the ying yang. Same for liquor, electricity and now gasoline. You do know what's going to be next, right? CHOCOLATE!!!!! Start running for the hills ladies!


Anonymous said...

It costs more to smoke than drive. How's that for ridiculous?
Let them tax chocolate all they want, I'm allergic.

Anonymous said...

Bastards better keep their tax loving grubby fingers off my chocolate! That's a good way to get hurt!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey, Joe, in China in the 40's a CARTON of cigarettes was 50 cents at the PX. And you could sell that carton to the black market in town for anywhere up to $9.50, depending on the brand. Those were the good old days!! My how times have changed.

A. Goetz

LadyLibertarian said...

I'm stocking up now...LOL

Anonymous said...

Ed and I have started rolling our own about 6 months ago. It costs us together around $20.00 a month (together.) to smoke. We went to Joe's tobacco store in Delmar. A bag of tobacco is about $15.00, and the tubes are $1.33 a box fo 200 tubes. When we first bought our machine and supplies, we walked out about $70.00 broker, but it paid for itself within 30 days. The great thing is you can buy any tobacco, (menthol, non-menthol, light, ultra light, regular) In the bag of tobacco, you get a coupon to save on the tubes.......You can't beat it. We save hundreds of dollars a month by not having to pay for the tax of cigs!!!

Anonymous said...

$34 a carton for Marboro's in Delaware.

Tim Chaney said...

Taxing chocolate on the ladies would surely bring a mass bashing of O'Malley, the O'Governor that never met a tax he didn't like.

Psst ladies, good news is I have plenty of chocolate, bad news is, it's in my pocket : ) ROFLMAO Just Kidding!

If they tax chocolate, just go to Delmar, you may even like it there and want to move. My Cystal Ball shows that in my future.

Anonymous said...

wheres joe's tobacco store at in Delmar, can you get that tobacco without the self extinquishing chemicals in it?

Anonymous said...

Yes,it's without the self extinguishing(sp?) chemicals. It's right behind the new Wawa on the line.

Anonymous said...

In Delmar......Sorry your not a mind reader
Countrygirl ;)

Anonymous said...

As for the chocolate situation......My father in law works at a chocolate factory in New York....I get all the free chocolate I want!!!!

Anonymous said...

Country girl (12:10 p.m), I cannot believe the bragging you're doing about saving money on cigarettes. You may not be so cavalier when you and/or Ed are battling nicotine-induced cancer. Then see whether your savings on cigarettes were so great compared to your--and the taxpayers'--outlay on medical care!

Anonymous said...

Well excuse me......I am not Bragging, Mr.(s) No Name. I actually don't smoke half of what I did 6 months ago.....I'm not proud of it, not at all. I know of all the risks of smoking.....And it's MY CHOICE. Obviously you don't even smoke. If you did and quit, you know it's not easy. Don't begin judging me if you don't know me. My comment there was to let everyone know there are ways to save money..Even with bad habits....Have a nice day Mr.(s) No Name