
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Friday, June 06, 2008

DOW Down 350 Points!!!!!!!!

GO HERE to see official numbers.

We have been trying to tell everyone this was going to happen. Today Wallstreet has plummeted. The price of crude has gone ballistic now trading up $9/barrel today alone. If this doesn't affect the US economy I don't know what will.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Watch for the "positive" news after the election. If the libs get in, it will be nothing but positive reports about how consumer confidence just suddenly swings upward. Not that things could be better, high energy always translates to higher costs, but the mainstream will play it up to make the everyone think the world is coming to an end which just compounds the problem. Don't watch the news for a week and see how much better you feel!

Anonymous said...

george orwell 1984.....

Anonymous said...

It will sure as hell be better than before the election. I hope.

Anonymous said...

Well, actualy the dow droped 394 I believe, do to the jump in oil prices to up over $10.00 and to the weakening dollar. Sorry, but Obama can't fix this till he gets in, if it can be done even then.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

In my 50 years of life, election years have always sucked economically as long as I can remember. Almost to the point you would want to think it's deliberate.

You can say that about liberals if you want, it was gloom and doom until Reagan was elected and ran up the national debt like his sonny Boy George W. has run us in the hole of debt much like our great mayor.

If you ask me both parties are treasonist to our country when they put THEIR party before the nation as a whole. In other words they all suck!

If Osama Obama picks Hillary as a running mate because he thinks that is what will win him the Whitehouse he's a freakin' dumb F'in screwball too.

If McCain wins better get the kids ready for the draft and a war with Iran, Christ while we're over there might as well huh? Our country would be a lot better off right now if Saddam was still running Iraq and we were supplying him with all the weapons he needed to kill all the Iranians we want!

Now our gracious leaders have F'ed up two countries with one fatal swoop.

Anonymous said...

Hail to Obama, lord and savior of America.Like Hitler he will lead the blind fools to defeat and death to many.

Anonymous said...

The reason for the large increase is because some a-hole finincial analylist stated the price of crude would be $200.00 before July 4th. This caused the Dow to plummet
and the price of crude to increase by $11.00 per barrel.The SOB should
be locked up and not released until the price drops back to under $100.00.

Anonymous said...

obama aint sh--!

Anonymous said...

No matter who decides what in this economy everyone and I do mean EVERYONE had better tighten their belts to the last notch. This economy is bad but not near as bad as it's going to get. This depression we're headed into is going to make the crash of '29 look like a picnic. Stop charging and start stashing as well as stockpiling. If you think I'm wrong, do nothing. If you do nothing, don't piss and moan about how rough you have it, you did it to yourself.


Anonymous said...

12:43 pm
you got that right!
I'm ready now , and what I don't have I will take , it's called survival!

Anonymous said...

Yu all can kill each other for something to eat if you want. Im going to Hebron carnival and have a oyster sandwich and some beer with the firemen.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
12:43 pm
you got that right!
I'm ready now , and what I don't have I will take , it's called survival!

3:18 PM

Please don't come around here to take anything from us. We work hard for what we have's to damned hot to be outside digging a pit to hide your body.

I'm off to join 457 at the Hebron Carnival, that oyster sammich and cold beer sounds pretty good right bout now. hey 457....wait for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

I'm ready to quit hugging tree's for a while if it means more oil independence.

Anwar, The Dakota's, and anywhere else we can drill may be a national security issue before it's all over. Terrorist's know that if they can further disrupt oil may be the fork stuck in us, let's not go there.

I have heard others say increase pumping oil in Oklahoma, Texas and other current oil reserves. From what I have read that oil is for the most part exported because it's not the high grade of oil we use for most things.

Instead of sending rockets to Mars and the far reaches of our solar system it's time to prioritize and that means becoming more oil independent.

It is a matter of survival!