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Friday, June 06, 2008

Delmar Police Sue Over Collective Bargaining

Yesterday was the big day for Delmar Police Officers who were guaranteed Collective Bargaining but never got it.

Their case was tried yesterday and the end results will be final in writing by the Judge in weeks to come. However, I heard things went favorably towards the Police Department but one never knows until the final say from the Judge.

Funny thing is, I never read about any of this in the Daily Times? Oh, that's right, we'll read about it in a day or two, now that it's on Salisbury News. LOL


Anonymous said...

I would like to know why we can't get info about arrest made in Delmar by Delmar PD like we do from you with Salisbury?

Anonymous said...

crug dont like cops.

Anonymous said...

How come you don't have a pic of Delmar's new cruiser?

Anonymous said...

I thought people around here didnt like unions.
Pay the cops or they will hold a sick out , sounds like teachers unions to me.
So why dont workers have a right to collective bargaining. Or the dirty word around Shitsbury, UNIONS.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the police department for the pending victory. We keep loosing officers just when they seem to learn the ropes to other higher paying departments. Its time that the residents in Delmar realize just how under paid the Police and Paramedics are compared to surrounding areas.