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Friday, May 23, 2008

Times are tough & gas prices are soaring - but what do you all think of this?

With the costs of gasoline climbing beyond what anyone could have imagined, everyone is doing what they can to conserve. Now, it seems, it's having an effect on the way the governments of some jurisdictions do business. Read the article at the above link and share what you think. Should our Law Enforcement agencies consider this?


Anonymous said...

When times get tight and
money is hard to find , crime goes up. Maybe the police need to conserve , but not to the extent that
crime increases. Walking the beat
won't hurt any of them . They still show a presence . If it is organinzed properly , it may help .

Anonymous said...

Very Interesting article. I agree that a patrol car in the driveway can and does deter crime. Traveling back and forth these officers are detering crime. With it their contracts I wonder how long it will be before the State Police takes away the off-duty use. They are already limited them to 25 miles around their house. I don't think you will see them loose their taking the cars home. My neighbor drives over two hours to get to his barrack and he has told me that their are hundreds of officers driving an hour or more. This could save alot of gas and money and ultimatley tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Well around here the only officers the could "walk a beat" would be the salisbury police officers. I don't think taking away their take home cars would work, but how about not letting them drive them all over hell and creation and do what they want. I know many officers who use their cars all the time, but I also know many who don't, for instance I see some taking their families to dinner in their cars. Many don't want to take their families in their cars in case a criminal they have had a run in with before would find out who their wives/husbands or kids are and what they look like. I know some may get recognized in public but they are more likely to be noticed if they are in their patrol cars. They should just be able to take their cars home or to their court dates and that's it in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Ah . . . the Police State at your service. Or, is it . . . all of us at the service of the Police State?