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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Barrie Tilghman and the Tax Differential Scam

During Monday's "State of the City" address, Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman again called for a "tax differential" for Salisbury. Now notice that she didn't call for a tax differential for Salisbury residents, or Salisbury taxpayers.

There's a simple reason. Tilghman doesn't want a true tax differential. That would mean a reduction in the property tax rates of Salisbury property owners. Instead, Tilghman wants the county to cut her a check. Gotta feed that bureaucracy don't ya know.

I happen to support a true tax differential. I understand the County government's reasoning in not being able to grant one, I just happen to believe that it is the right thing to do. I would NEVER support Tilghman's idea of a "tax differential". If the Maryland legislature ever decided to force Wicomico County into providing a differential (which I am also opposed to), I can only hope that our County Council would return that money to taxpayers. The Salisbury city government doesn't need more money to spend. They need to start being good stewards of the tax dollars they are already receiving.

It was unfortunate that Greg Latshaw of the "Daily Times" did not understand that what Tilghman is calling for is not a true tax differential.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Anonymous said...

GA, I agree with you 100% on this. Another concern with the tax differential is Barries reasoning of providing duplicate services to the city residents. Did it ever occur to her or the County Council that the city isn't required to duplicate these services, they are only doing it to create an EMPIRE!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! All hell should break loose if a differential was ever granted and it was not reimbursed to the citizens.
But then again, I don't know what it takes to get the citizens of Salisbury fired up. We should be turning out in force, just like the county people did at the hearing last week..

Anonymous said...

Does the city pay the county for the deputies that have to come into the city to handle things beyond the control of a small city police staff?

Does the city reimburse the county for fire rescue and EMT services that come into the cities limits to help?