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Monday, March 10, 2008

Why The Pocomoke City Government Appears To Be Openly Corrupt

Now that we have had our Worcester County Commissioner ask for HELP from the people of Pocomoke City in the form of written complaints / requests to stop the drug market and crime wave.

Now that Pocomoke City Councilman Rob Clarke has stated "We need the Sheriff’s Office, WCBI, State Police, FBI, in town. Whatever it takes to straighten this mess out."

It should be obvious that there is a problem in Pocomoke City and it's the head of the problem who has been holding un-elected office for 32-years with NO ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE PEOPLE allowing this to happen in the first place, and he should be removed.

It’s pretty obvious that Russ Blake runs the City with an iron fist and he refuses to address the open air drug market (centered at X-Councilman Canes property) which makes me think that he personally must be profiting from the revenue generated by the drug sales.

X-Councilman Cane has disqualified himself from holding office as he has moved outside of his district to Butlers Village yet dances around a phone bill claiming he still resides within his election district and is qualified to remain seated as a councilman.

Has the Mayor, City Manager or any member of the City Council publicly asked X-Councilman Cane to be a gentleman and step down? NO!

What does it look like when I am sent a certified letter to remove my untagged vehicles within 30-days and X-Councilman Cane tells everyone he is above the law after getting the same letters last December? His crappy cars are still junking up the city with no signs of any enforcement taking place.

What does it look like when everyone in town knows that X-Councilman Cane has moved to Butlers Village, yet is retaining his council seat"

What does it look like when the drug dealers on Fourth Street are more afraid of my big red Excursion than they are of the police?

What does it look like when the City Manager ignores requests from a City Councilman and the Mayor to place the issue of broadcasting city council meetings on the FREE cable network on the council meeting agenda?

What does it look like when the last Chief of Police for Pocomoke City was sentenced to weekends in jail for crimes in office and the city manager was one vote away from indictment by the grand jury, yet he still runs the city with an iron fist? (The Chief then as now only reported to Boss Hogg Russ Blake)

What does it look like when ground zero for Pocomoke open air drug market is some bogus 'business' owned by X-Councilman Honiss Cane who acts as though he is above any law?

It appears openly corrupt!

Can Councilman Rob Clarke as (what appears to be) the only City Councilman with any integrity help the citizens by demanding removal of these criminals?

Will the City Council make a resolution to remove City Manager Russ Blake from office this Monday night?

The average term for a city manager is 4 to 7 years because of the amount of power that can be gathered and with Russ Blake being the only person whom anyone working for the city reports to; I feel he is personally responsible for the open air drug market, police departments refusal to enforce laws and is the root of our problems.

A sitting City Council member has asked to call in the troops, Sheriff, State Police, FBI, everyone but the Marines.

A sitting County Commissioner has asked for help from the citizens making written requests for basically the same thing.

Houston (Annapolis) we have a problem here!

City Manager Russ Blake and X-Councilman Honiss Cane need to be removed from office immediately to prove that action is being taken.



Anonymous said...

Since when does Worcester, as in Worcester County, have an H in it?

Anonymous said...


Are Honiss and the equally infamous "Rudy" (of Wicomico County -- delegate in the MD legislature) related?

Ddubb said...

yea i couldn't read the rest of the post because of that foul up.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like to me he's a FOB (Friend of Blake) like we have FOB's (Friends of Barrie) in Salisbury.

BossHogg said...

Blame Bill Gates for the typo.

It passed the spell check last night.

Anonymous said...

Honis and Rudy are brothers

Anonymous said...

Two crooks in a pod!