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Monday, March 10, 2008

Tax Rebate

This morning President Bush said each one of us would get a $1200.00 tax rebate. It was previously slated to be $1400.00, but they dropped it to a $1200.00 tax rebate because of various budget problems.

Now, if we spend that money at Wal-Mart,all the money will go to China , if we spend it on computers, most of the money will go to Korea or India . If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs.....and none of these scenarios will help the American economy.

We need to keep that money here in America the only way to keep that money here at home is to drink beer, gamble, or spend it on prostitution. Currently it seems that these are the only businesses still left in the U.S.


Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!!! I love the post!

Tax Guy said...

Joe...just to clarify....

The rebate is $600.00 per person, $1,200.00 per married couple (if you qualify for the max).

You don't want people getting $600 per person, then blaming you.

Anonymous said...

Another sure way to spend where it will do no good at all not for the economy or your own self enlightenment is to buy the "Daily Disappointment!
The reason I suggest avoiding the "DD" is because that poor excuse for a newspaper has got to be a terrorist plot. No self respecting loyal patriot would set out to foist that much anger on the subscribing public.
Should we somehow discover it is not a terrorist plot than I suggest we export the whole operation to the war zone and air drop it over the enemy. Bet you dinner at Brew River they give up then.

Anonymous said...

Right On Brother!!!

Anonymous said...

Thats funny, I don't care who you are !

Unknown said...

I personally like the beer idea. Or I can spend it to get my transmission fixed in my car.
No... I really like the beer idea.


Anonymous said...

This is too funny, but it's the truth!

dan said...

Or here is a novel idea: For the millions of Americans on the brink of foreclosure and other economic disatsers, how about taking the checks and putting them in the bank, or sending them to the banks that hold all of our home and car loans?

The country's economy is a wreck, and family after family are teetering on disaster every day, and the President says to us, "hey, go shopping." Steady leadership through uncertain times indeed, boss.

It is the same mantra he told us after 9/11, "go shopping, spend money."

Thanks, Mr. President, for your unwavering bravery in this storm and your ability to lead and inspire us through these tough times.

For anyone that thought W could not screw up any more in his remaining months, here is another one. At least we are not in a recession. How bad would it be then?

The sad part is, those families who need the money for credit payements and a place to live are actually going to be headed to Best Buy the day they receive the checks. Maybe mortgage companies accept 42 inch Plasma TVs as payment nowadays.

Anonymous said...


Do you support the "stimulus plan"? The "cost" of this alone is higher than that of the Iraq war for the next twelve months.

Jean Galbreath

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that most of the comments feel that the goverment can spend my money better than I can.The american public has been thoroughly brainwashed by liberal politicians. Maybe you should take time out of your busy day and add up what is being withheld in your weekly pay check.

Anonymous said...

That idea of puting it on your loans.....Their working on a bill right now for banks to apply stiff penalties for early pay-offs

Anonymous said...

My rebate will be going on the roof of my house, plus a lot more. Of course the tar paper, shingles and nails are most likely made in China.

If a crew of illegal Mexicans show up to do my roof that would conclude my investment with my devaluing American dollar.

Anonymous said...

Don't you rake in millions Albero? If so, I don't think you qualify buddy.

Anonymous said...

Can you get a 42 inch plasma tv for $1200 at Best Buy?
Seriously, how lame is this plan to stimulate the economy by spending capriciously? That could only be the idea of our lamebrain president and his equally lame advisors, these same folks who got us into this mess to begin with.

Anonymous said...

I love how the government brags about giving us back our own money. Why are we giving these criminals our money any way? Is it because they have guns? I think so. Think about that for a while.

Anonymous said...

I spent the last rebate check on having illegals install sod in my yard....almost exactly the same amount....Ironic, I thought at the time.
Maybe this time I'll go to Wallyworld and buy some stuff made in China.

Ray said...

Everyone has a great idea as to how we should spend this gift from our leader. That's ok Mr. Prez. print some more paper for the masses, our money is not worth anything now, a few more billions from the printing office can't hurt. I'm sure that China is loving all this. Next thing you know our leader will be selling off parts of our country to them to repay his debt to them.

Can the United States survive this time? I sure hope so for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll just cash mine and stuff it in my mattress, save it for the day the storm comes. Never know when you'll need cash in these days and times.