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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Iraq Costs US $12 Billion Dollars Per Month

The money we're dumping into the Iraq war is steadily rising, new analyses show. In 2008, after six years, the war will cost approximately $12 billion a month, triple the rate of its earliest years. Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz and co-author Linda J. Bilmes recently reported this information in a new book.

They claim it will cost the U.S. budget between $1.7 trillion and $2.7 trillion - or more - by 2017.

We have homeless, people with no health insurance, people losing their homes like there's no tomorrow, yet we're supposed to sit back and support this crap any further?

I support our Troops, that's a given but I no longer support this alleged War.


Anonymous said...

Joe, I agree, I support our Troops but not our War. My husband (NAVY) is currently in Kuwait for his second time in 1 year, and our son who just graduated boot camp (NAVY) will get 13 weeks of training and will be going to Iraq. The family is completely stressed over all of it. WE ARE READY FOR IT TO BE OVER WITH.


Anonymous said...

Sadly there seems to be no end in sight for this ill-advised war....wait, we're in two wars. It doesn't make it any easier to be unable to criticize the war without supposedly not supporting the troops. These folks are doing thankless work for a thankless cause for very little pay. Of course we support them. We'd just rather that they be home. Iraqis of all the various sects have been fighting with each other for thousands of years. How arrogant for us to think we can change that.

Cowman Scents said...

I agree with the good folks who stand at Salisbury University every Sunday - stop the war! The worst however, is that the Neocons try to confuse people into believing that if you oppose an illegal war, you are somehow against the Troops. That is ridiculous. Many people do not realize there are more mercenaries in Irag than volunteer soldiers. The mercenaries (Blackwater, among others) don't represent America. Many crimes have been committed and treasonous acts. We have no clue how many Civillians have been killed. Are the readers aware of the cluster bombs? How about the depleted uranium? Experimental vaccines, "ray-gun weapons", "sound weapons", and executions. There are atrocities being committed in our name. The lead up to the war was a pack of lies. Our media has refused to do any investigative reporting. The profits being taken from this war by American Corporations is an absolute outrage. Our country must wake up and regain control of this government before it is too late.

joe albero said...

anonymous 9:40 = Joe Arminio

You're welcome to comment here using your own name Joe. Welcome.

Cowman Scents said...

I enjoy reading and writing here. I am not Joe Albinio. Just wanted to clear his name. Whoever he is. Thanks for publishing my thoughts. I love this site!

joe albero said...

If you're not Joe, forgive me? It certainly sounds a whole lot like him and anyone here who knows him would agree. Nevertheless, that's cool.

Anonymous said...

Just appreciate the support. Currently in Iraq serving with a bunch of great americans. Means alot to get the support from back home.