
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, March 09, 2008

An Alleged Brew River Owner/Employee Responds

"Im glad you wont be coming back. When I saw you there we starting talking, look at the shit-stirer, asshole there! Hell we might have even spit in your



Nikki said...

OMG! I hope the owners find out who wrote that and fire their azz

Anonymous said...

Guess I won't be going there anymore.

Anonymous said...

That's just sick! I hope you sue them Joe.

Anonymous said...

Well the person who wrote that was probably the same one who didnt ever bring me my dinner. Was with a group and everyone but me got served. He said I never ordered but he asked me if I wanted fries with that and I said, "yes, thank you". I never got anything and when I finally complained after everyone else was almost done he got quite nasty then said he would bring it out in 5 min. Well guess what...20 min later, I was still hungry. I went to the management who said oh, sorry, we won't charge you. I responded, well good because I am not freakin paying for something I never got!!! Idiots.

Anonymous said...

Well Brew River Employee I will tell you that you probably the stupidest person to walk the face of the earth!

I went to Brew River about two months after you opened and I haven't been back. Why? Because it sucked!

I not only had the worst lunch I had ever eaten but it was overpriced for the serving and quality, but the staff was extremely unprofessional, just like yourself.

I told my husband then that I would never go back and we have not.

I will tell you this better look for a job in another field. As you absolutely know nothing of the service industry because if you knew who Mr. Albero was and what he does why in the name of all that is sane would you not make sure his meal was perfect?

Whether you agree with him or not, his money spends just like all others, and if you and your fellow employees don't know this maybe you should go work in a chicken plant or perhaps be correctional officer.
Not that those are bad occupations but it's not something you need to be a people person to be.

Anonymous said...

What they should have done, was to express thier CONCERN, make the improvements, and welcome your return! I couldn't get you back fast enough if you said that about my business.

Anonymous said...

It is probably just another anti albero blogger and not even anyone from Brew River. Lord knows there is plenty off them.

Yes, the food there is terrible but so is Joe. I certainly hope that the old saying what comes around goes around happens to this man someday.

The restaurant reviews and "real" news are nice but the constant bas mouthing of others when he gripes about people doing the same to him gets old. I like it better when he sticks to the news that have facts to go behind it.

joe albero said...

anonymous 3:17,

I see, so I deserve to be served rotten food and made sick while I spend good money in local businesses?

I deserve to be made sick to my stomach because you don't like what I have to say?

You're just as sick as those others, trying to find good in illegal activity. I'll stick to going to Vinny's and other local restaurants that know I'm a decent guy.

Like Stephanie said, my money is just as good as everyone elses and I should be treated properly.

Of course, none of you are man enough to use your real name because I can guarantee you one thing, if that pussy from Brew River had used his name, I guarantee you I would be up there at this very moment beating the living shit out of him, perfectly willing to get arrested for doing so too.

NONE of you are willing to use your name against a real man, big or small. Oh, but one of you will sucker punch me one day if you ever run into me face to face? Let's see, I'm at ALL the City Council Meetings. I'm willing to usually announce when I'll be somewhere. Where are all you tough guys then?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:59,
For the life of me, I cannot understand why Joe has to sue them. He had a bad meal. Okay. But that doesnt mean he has to sue them. How do we know the commentor even worked at the restuarant? You, and I hate to say this, Joe, you too, are the problems we have with society this day and age. You cannot resolve a problem youself so what happens, you have to sue them. I have never seen so much litigative speak that someone has to sue someone because of what they said or did, even in defense of themselves, anywhere, as I do on this blog. Holy hell, just grow up.

Everyone on here complains about one thing or another and does absouletly nothing about it.

Kids....and I mean that. Go out and get involved in your community and help to right things. Don't just come to a little blog and cry and moan. Nothing will get done this way.

The only thing done on here is name calling.

Joe, once again. You and your readers show their true colors.

in Millersville, Maryland

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they "doctored" your meal up Joe. Probably the reason why you were in the can at 3:00 a.m. eliminating. LOL!

joe albero said...

"I" never said "I" was going to sue. Lots of words for nothing. If "YOU" don't like reading comments, why do you come back?

Topper said...

stephanie you are way off on your oppinion of those occupations as I have worked in a poultry plant and am now a correctional officer. How can you deal with 96 convicts at the same time and not be a people person?

Anonymous said...

Ugh--not going there after the 'spit in your food' remark. The owner better find out who this employee is and fire him today.

Anonymous said...

Joe, honestly, I do not use my name because like those that "fear retaliation" from the mayor, I fear the same about about you. I have seen the slanderous comments you have made about many that have NEVER done a thing to you. For those that have done something to you, yes have at it and run them in the ground. But for those that simply have an association to something you do not like, those comments are wrong. You have a right to your opinion but keep it to yourself if those involved have done nothing wrong.

As for saying that you deserved a bad meal and to be made sick, there you go putting words into peoples mouth and distorting what was really said. You are a customer and your money is just a good as the next guys. I agree totally that their food sucks and wish someone had warned you before you had to experience it first hand.

As for the comment,I'll stick to going to Vinny's and other local restaurants that know I'm a decent guy." Have you ever stopped to think that these people don't really think of you as a "decent" man, they just deal with you to avoid getting bashed on this blog?

Afraid to use my name...

Anonymous said...

Joe: I am really taken back by this and sorry you and Jen were so poorly treated at Brew River. Why don't you call Frank Hanah, the owner and tell him about the miscreant he has as an employee there. I'd bet he'll have him or her canned right away, or put in jail. I never did like that place, when Rotary used to meet there.

A. Goetz

joe albero said...

I'll say this. I trust Vinny, as should everyone else. I do NOT trust anyone at Brew River and I hope this Website shows thousands upon thousands of other people just how they can expect to be treated and choose not to go there any longer. This is all a part of out freedom of speech.

As for you're being in fear of me, you should be. Just remember though, I allow your comments and I have been fair.

Anonymous said...

If Brew River starts to fail, look for some kind of huge subsidy, tax deferral, grant money, inner city development gift, creation of a health department annex, whatever to come out of it. Henry Hanna is never allowed to fail or to make bad investments. Our city and county governments support him like he's royalty or something. Even the offsite sign advertising Brew River is against the code, yet there it stands.

Anonymous said...

Allow me to repharse myself, I do not fear you, I fear the fact that so many people view this site and happen to belive all of what you say to be true. I will admit that I agree with and believe about 80% of your news, however the 20% that is simply put on here just because of your hatred towards the association is what they should not belive.

Anonymous said...


Henry Hanna does not own Brew River, Frank Hanna does. Leave Henry out of it, he is a fine businessman, hard worker, and overall a Gentleman.

Anonymous said...

Hanna,Kramer,Tilghman insurance ring a bell? Remember how Frank Hanna got city taxpayer money to finance the parking lot at Brew River? Don't you know how big a landlord Frank Hannah is? He is oneof the REAL powers in this city so better be careful .

Anonymous said...

Read up before typing ANON 5:01 PM, I was correcting someone that named Henry Hanna as the owner of Brew River. I am well aware of "who" Frank Hanna is. The fact still remains the same, the food at Brew River Sucks.

Anonymous said...

JOE, They use city water to wash the dishes and silverware. Hardhead

Anonymous said...

We stopped eating at Brew River a long time ago because the food was so bad. When we were served spoiled food, that was the last straw. We have been in the unfortunate position of having to join friends who wanted to go there, they've also slowly come to the conclusion that the food is not good and you can only order certain items to avoid an upset stomach. The health department really needs to check that kitchen and the food handling.

Anonymous said...

OK, Frank Hanna got the city to finance the parking lot at Brew River. Which Hanna got the county to take the old J. C. Penney's off his hands for the new health department? That location and the building were completely unsuited for a health department, and many people opposed putting it there for sound, not political, reasons. Yet, good ole boys take care of each other. So, was that Henry or Frank?

Anonymous said...

Yes the health department, located on the site unloaded on the county by one of the Hanna's, should investigate Brew River.

Anonymous said...

if you ever took a look at the Brew River would never want to eat there again!!

let me just say with the lack of cleanliness and abundance of creatures in that would be a third world country compared to a normal restaurant

wouldn't let my worst enemy eat there

Anonymous said...

Well hearing of something like this possibly happening at brew rive dosen't supprise me when I found out that there may be a possible registered sex offender working there. I was looking one day for the ones that lived around me...which I think everyone should so....but I digress, and happen to see this guy that had employment at brew river. Wonder if they tell you that when you walk through the door with your kids.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I would NEVER eat at Brew River after all the horrible meals that were put down in front of us. I had a neighbor who at one time worked in the kitchen of that establishment (several yrs ago) and they even said I would never want to know what went on in the kitchen( food preparation wise) . It certainly changed my mind about ever eating there again. My favorite is Market Street Inn if I want to sit along the river!

Anonymous said...

joe, all people don't read your sby beacause they like you it's because most people are nosey.But I have to say that this was the best day. Knowing that you got bad treatment. THAT'S GREAT NEWS.good job Brew River. you don't mind being rotten to people you don't really know. so if you got rotten food good.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ugh--not going there after the 'spit in your food' remark. The owner better find out who this employee is and fire him today.

3:43 PM

Don't worry about that, I used to work for Frank and those were common tricks used all the time. If they didn't like someone they got a "special treat."

Notice I said used to work there! I wouldn't never go there knowing what I know today. If a decent employee of the health department did a real inspection of Brew River they would be closed down immediately.

Anonymous said...

Probably one of them Salisbury Farmin that work there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If Brew River starts to fail, look for some kind of huge subsidy, tax deferral, grant money, inner city development gift, creation of a health department annex, whatever to come out of it. Henry Hanna is never allowed to fail or to make bad investments. Our city and county governments support him like he's royalty or something. Even the offsite sign advertising Brew River is against the code, yet there it stands.

4:05 PM

It doesn't belong to Henry, it belongs to Frank Sr. and ran by Frank Jr.

If you remember correctly Frank was given this valuable piece of riverfront property for only $75K. Not a bad subsidy from the city is it?

If the city gives property away at that outrageous price they should make a stipulation that they have to sell it back at the same price if they ever try to unload it. Why should they make a huge profit at tax payers expense.

Anonymous said...

The experiences I have had personally. Sent coffee back as it was cold and weak. Sent Iced Tea bag 2 times and finally said "just bring me water". Last time, I went the chicken salad was NEW recipe and dreadful. SO, after giving them many tries, I said I would not be back and that was 3 years ago. I guess my money is spent better at Vinnie and Cactus Taverna.

Anonymous said...

Truth be told:

Henry Hanna is the person who cut Barrie's spouse in on the land that became the Wal-Mart and other stores in Fruitland. Doubled the money he paid in about 2 years, I believe.

mulerider13 said...

I agree w/most everyone else--overpriced and nasty food.
Never again. I prefer McD.. or Arbys anyday.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Truth be told:

Henry Hanna is the person who cut Barrie's spouse in on the land that became the Wal-Mart and other stores in Fruitland. Doubled the money he paid in about 2 years, I believe.

8:10 PM

Henry is a crook and he got what was coming to him when Frank unloaded the Royal Exchange Pub on him. What a flop!! Good move Frank, ROTFLMAO!!

Anonymous said...


Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone in the poultry or correctional fields, I was merely trying to think of a field that didn't directly depend on tips for the majority of ones compensation.

I was absolutely appalled at the 'spitting in the food' comment.


Anonymous said...

Wow, unbelievable. I do (or rather did) eat at Brew River. I never considered for a minute that anyone would poison a person's food on purpose. How can you possibly run a business like that? I'm expecting some kind of apologetical remark from the Manager. Begging for forgiveness would be nice. I DEFINITELY WON'T BE BACK.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to believe that Brew River opened just a few years ago and it is a very nasty and unhealthy establisment. The last time I ate there was Thanksgiving Day and I refuse to go back. The food was GGGRRRROOOOOOSSSSSSS!!!! The tables were filthy, the carpet was stained and nasty, the walls were stained and greasy. I had to go to the restroom and it was disgusting. Most of the fixtures were broken, broken glass on the bathroom floor, a cup in the bathroom that someone had obviously urinated in. The place looked like it was in a sad state of disrepair and the owners refused to clean it up. I hope the place is shut down by the health department as it is very unsanitary and unhealthy. BARF!!

Anonymous said...

I went there back after college graduation in 2000 and after that 1 meal, i decided to never go back. Crappy food, over priced, and nasty wait staff.

Anonymous said...

I miss the old Pub on RT. 13, Brew River has always been horrible, the folks that work there are just as bad, and the folks that come there on Friday and Sat Nights, well I hope you are packing heat! It amazes me that anyone would eat there, how did the Hanna Family let the place sink so low?

Folks if you want a good dinner here are my top pics:

1. Market Street (best food)
2. Going Nuts(best drinks..Davis R may want to stay away)
3. La Roma (best host... Vinny)

Anonymous said...

The spitter was not a real employee, I'd bet $100 not one wait person in there would know Joe on sight. They are college kids and they don't give a sh$t about this blog.

Having said that, I have always had good lunches at Brew, but we crossed it off our dinner list after 2 strikes. I do enjoy the deck bar in the summer and their drinks, at least the margaritas, are much better than Meat Market Street.

Another victim of our 2 strike rule was Chef Fred's this fall.

Outback is not Sysco food. It is all fresh - believe it. They built their business on that principle.

Here is the good - IMO -no particular order:
Fratellis - I am not an expert on Italian but I like it.
Old West - Slow service but always good food.
Adams Ribs
Cactus Taverna
La Tolteca
La Tapatia
Las Margaritas
Station 7

Local but don't like
Chef Fred
Brew River
Break Time

Best Pizza - Ponzetti's (Greasy and Good)
Tim's, Lombardis and Pizza City not bad either.
Bad Pizza - Pat's, Ledo's Little Caesar Papa John Dominos

Chinese - Not had bad Chinese here yet. Hunan is good and the one in the Twilley Center too. Megan's Noodle House is also good.

Best Subs - Red Door (No contest)

If I have to eat at a chain:
Olive Garden

Good but sliding downward - Greene Turtle.

Anybody tried the Ramada?

Accomack Transplant

Anonymous said...

eeeewwww!!! I never did like it there, another reason to skip that rat hole. Prefer Market Street Inn, Uptown Chef, Ikebana, Megan's noodle house, and Namaste (it has moved) are all good bets

Anonymous said...

The roaches are SOOOO big there they wash the dishes to pay their bar tab.

Anonymous said...

Salisbury is full of nothing but critics. Joe, I appreciate that you once worked in the restaurant industry but you have to admit there are people all over who have never worked in any kind of service industry, yet critique every single detail every time they venture into a bar or restaurant (as if they could do a better job). While there is no excuse for an ultimately bad product or consistently terrible service, recognize that sometimes bad experiences occur at normally enjoyable locations. Also, I'm tired of idiots complaining about places using Sysco food as if its second-rate.... HELLO, EVERYTHING COMES FROM SYSCO!!! Its like shopping at any grocery store, its not the ingredients that come to you on a truck, its how you use those ingredients to produce your individual product. Criticize Fred Lankford and his company if you want to, but he sells 100,000 cases of food per day IN THE OFFSEASON, so he is having the last laugh.

-Rob S

Anonymous said...

Honestly, just shows you what kind of people you are! To believe an employee would actually write that not too mention all of you believe it. Also for you guys to have the time to do this, Im surprised any place suits you. Brew River is a very nice establishment and not sure what more you can ask for there. I dine there about twice a month and have never had a bad experience. Although I have not met Frank Hanna before, I do know his kids run the place, gotten there degrees from great Universities for the Hospitality/Food Industry,and frankly we could use more of these family run operations in Salisbury. People who actually care about customer service and food quality unlike the numerous chains coming in. So to you people who want to sit behind your computers and hide behind your hateful blogs...Just realize not everything you hear and read is true! Brew River is a great successful establishment for good reason. One of the few on the water and if you want to sit back and be hateful, Well guess that just makes more room for me and my husband! Stinks you to be you guys...Terrible ways to live your life.


Anonymous said...

I heard that guy joe albero is a wack job and being sued by the mayor!

I wouldnt believe a word he says, crazy bastard!


Anonymous said...

Joe, myself and a coupla friends useta make BR A weekly sunday dinner deal. We also stopped because the food was not so good. we could see the service was going downwards also. It's scary to think that an employee would make that kind of comment, if in fact is was an employee. Been to Chef Fred's several times, and i have been lucky enough to have never had anything but excellent meals there. Sat a.m breakfast is always good, great service, meals hot and fresh. Chili's, Outback, the same. And emperor's kitchen has excellent chinese take out, very clean, well prepped, hot. I will not be going back to BR myself. Had sunday breakfast there about 2 months ago. No more.

Anonymous said...

There's no defending this place; it's the absolute worst restaurant in town. If you've ever visited Harpoon Hanna's in DE, it's the same thing there. The problem with Brew River started several years ago - they had a competent manager (David H.) running the establishment, who was experienced and dependable (Valedictorian of his class) - then little Frank wanted involvement in the business and after David trained him, David was fired. This is not a little 5 table lunch venue, but a large scale operation with amazing potential.

It's disgusting that someone who is so well known and wealthy would allow such a shi*thole to exist as a staple of the dining community.

See other informative comments on another page of Joe's blog:

Anonymous said...

"spit in your food"- this is clearly not a brew river employee. all of you people that claim to know every this and that and the other thing about brew river- don't. 'ex employees' and 'ex patrons' don't know what goes on in the kitchen NOW. we have a brand new serving staff and management staff and we are making every effort to improve. i admit- brew is not perfect. it is not the best place in the world, or salisbury for that matter, but efforts are being made. come in and ask for heidi, and she will tell you how hard she works to make brew a well-oiled machine. come in and ask leigh the strides she is taking to improve her family's business. come in and ask justin what he does to ensure that he is hiring the right servers and the training he is implementing to try to compose an efficient and friendly serving team. changes are being made- but it doesn't happen over night.
your server is a person. a server will respond to a rude customer or a mean customer as a PERSON would. we are not there to be your slave.
as for knowing who joe is and "doctoring" his food- his server was a 22 year old guy that has not the slightest idea nor care of who he is. none of us do. we are there to do a job. i have never heard of ANY of my coworkers spitting in food or asking the cooks to do that. in fact, we have a brand new manager in the cook staff who would never even dream of allowing that. nor would the managers. i have worked at brew for a year now and never heard of any such incident... it may have flaws, but we do try.

Anonymous said...

went to brew river last night to enjoy a sit-down get together outside for a friend's 30th birthday party. present in the group were three ER nurses, an RN, a DE police officer, a firefighter, a teacher and a CPA. none of them were probably interested in skipping out on a tab.

at the recommendation of an employee, we ordered from a cocktail waitress rather than walk three feet to the bar. separate checks were requested, and the waitress never wrote anything down. when three couples decided to leave, the five females went to pay the five tabs at the computer in front of the bar.

a half hour later the waitress comes back and says two tabs were still open--one for $11 and one for $24. the five people remaining maintained that all tabs had been paid, that their tabs were definitely paid and that all beers ordered afterward were ordered from the bar. the manager, part of the family, insisted that if we didn't pay then the waitress would have to pay. we thought that was unfair to make us pay and we thought it may be a learning experience for the new waitress.

an hour later, the manager returns and says that she spoke to the general manager (her brother) and we absolutely have to pay because it was our party who did not pay. again we maintained we would not pay for anything except a few of the beers because they POSSIBLY could have been ours. she said "in all fairness" we were a large party and we requested separate checks. also, we should have to pay all of it. shortly after, a salisbury police officer came to our table to resolve the problem. he insisted we needed to pay the tabs. a credit card was given to pay the tabs and avoid any more of a scene than was already occurring. words were exchanged between one of the guests and the group of five or six employees huddled in the inside bar watching the scene. one of them called the cops behind the manager's back.

after some more argument which moved to inside the bar, the waitress resurfaced. it turns out, when she went to give another table their checks, she couldn't find them. their checks were the ones she gave to us and called the cops on us about.

the charges were refunded on the credit card, but no sensible apology was given. nothing even to try to get anyone to come back for another drink or meal at the establishment.