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Monday, March 17, 2008

How High Will The Price Of Gas Have To Go Before We Mass Produce Gasohol?

The only fairly good argument we saw a year or two ago referencing why the Federal Government wasn't going back to gasohol was because it was too expensive to manufacture. Welllllll? I mean, we continue to watch Bush self promote his oil friends in the Middle East, kissing them on the cheek, (no, I didn't say which cheek) and allowing more American Dollars to be sent to yet another foreign country. So how long are we going to allow it to happen. I disagree with the ONE commenter who stated we'll get up to $10.00 a gallon before we'll say we've had enough. I think we're very close to the enough is enough stage.

We do have options, we're just ignoring them. I remember Bush stating very clearly we need to become less dependent on foreign oil and we need to start supporting other forms of fuel. What an Idiot! What happened to fuel cells and hydrogen? Oh, I could go on and on about bullsh!t politicians with their bullsh!t promises they never deliver on. Granted, it was something out of our league anyway. I mean, since when can you be dependent on anything and quit cold turkey?

Then I think back to when computers became a massive product. It created an Industry that had never been seen or experienced and the Stock Market went through the roof with Dot Com's. What has George brought to the economy table in 7 years? 9-11? A War? Trillion dollar debts? All I'm saying is, where's the gasohol? Take the G out of "G" asohol and you get the current President of the United States of America!

Where's it being sold, if it's being produced? Back in the Carter Administration, you knew most stations carried it for a reduced price. Can someone name me a location where it can be purchased?


Anonymous said...

The value of the American dollar has dropped 14% on the world market in the last couple of months. Which means even stuff made in China, India and Pakistan are going to cost more. You name it everything costs more. That is also another impact on the price of gas.

It used to be that people in other countries liked to save "American Dollars," now people are investing in the more stable and increasing value of the Euro-dollar. Vintage Beer and Wine on Snow Hill road is selling Gasohol, it was $3.15 a gallon yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I don't think gasohol is the answer
right now. Vehicles that get 25-30 mpg are on the market. We still buy the gas hogs! If we all had cars that would give us 25-30 mpg we would require 50% less gas in this country.Of course that won't
happen cause the ones that own the hogs wouldn't be able to say look what I got, it's a 4x4 with 454 etc.

Anonymous said...

In feb. 2008 China became the largest user of gasoline in the world. It's just a matter of supply and demand. It is estimated
that in 2010 China with need double what they use now! Think about it , who will be able to afford gas , or will it be here
to use.

Tim Chaney said...

Our country must do what has it has done in the past and take the lead on alternative fuels like we did to get a first man on the moon, the first Nuke, first laser guided cruise missles, first unmaned pedator drone etc. We need something to bounce this economy back and spending all our dough on fossil fuel isn't going to cut it.

We are going to have to learn what our grand parents learned long ago, how to sacrifice something to move forward and once again become a strong stable country.

Dark Prince said...

In the 1776 our forefathers had enough of British rule and its high taxation. these early Americans banded together and did something. Todays Americans simply point fingers and complain. If this Nation for one week banded together for one week we could cripple the oil barrons and bring the price down. If all truckers and transpoters of good and services would park their rigs. If all Americans would refuse to drive and work something would happen. They cant fire a Nation of people. America won't band together as one. The American people lack the courage to sacrifice.