Wait till you see what's under curtain #2!!!!!!!
That's a MONSTER Generator that has been sitting outdoors DOING NOTHING for longer than I can remember!
That's right, the County has its hands on a VERY expensive generator that has been doing absolutely nothing, yet it's covered under that blue tarp and out of the public eye.
Perhaps someone from the County would like to explain this one because I can't seem to get any answers? None worth posting so far, anyway.
I would have brought it to yesterday's Council Meeting and slapped it up on the table like they did bottles of beer and pens but it was JUST TOO BIG for me to carry. Talk about Grandstanding!
Damn Joe, where do you come up with all of this stuff. You're everywhere dude!
I had myself cloned.
Can someone in the County tell us why there is a need for two mobile command units? Speaking of command units why does every fire department in wicomico county have its own command unit. Check out their websites and you will see Ford Excursions, Ford Expeditions, Suburbans and so on. I just checked out Hebrons website and they have a brand new 2008 Ford Expedition EMS chase car. Why does every fire department have new utility vans or pick ups like Hebron's 2006 Chevrolet 15 passenger van? If they have so much money then why do they go to the county council every year and beg for money? Why do most fire departments in this county have their own rescue truck? How many ladder trucks are in this county and how many ladder trucks and rescue trucks are really needed in this county? Can someone do a break down of all the specialized equipment in this county?
I hope we never have a Katrina here, but if we did the command center wouldn't be a lot of good without power.
I know the corporation I work for got all their properties in a hurricane zone to get generators, ours was $90K. If we are ever without power we have to have a backup. Nursing homes the same way as well as the hospital.
Our generator holds 800 gallons of diesel fuel, it is set to run once a week for one hour to make sure it is functioning all the time.
you have nothing else to do. If you don't know something why don't you ask instead of assuming. Oh I forgot you like making an a@#@ at of yourself.
Speaking of command units why does every fire department in wicomico county have its own command unit. Check out their websites and you will see Ford Excursions, Ford Expeditions, Suburbans and so on. I just checked out Hebrons website and they have a brand new 2008 Ford Expedition EMS chase car. Why does every fire department have new utility vans or pick ups like Hebron's 2006 Chevrolet 15 passenger van? If they have so much money then why do they go to the county council every year and beg for money? Why do most fire departments in this county have their own rescue truck? How many ladder trucks are in this county and how many ladder trucks and rescue trucks are really needed in this county? Can someone do a break down of all the specialized equipment in this county?
Every dept has a command vehicle because every department hs someone that takes command of the incident scene DUH!! They are usually hi-end SUV's as these vehicles travel alot of miles and carry alot of equipment and electronics, and you need a vehicle that will hold up. Hebron's new chace vehicle replaces the one that was lost in the accident. A 2006 vehicle is no longer new. Vehicles that transport a large amt of people are needed to get people to training, or for transport to incidents that require alot of people, for instance forest fires. This equipment is usually financed and paid for over time, just like Joe Average does. it costs alot of money to keep a dept operational. Be glad most depts do alot of fundraising and do not rely on the taxpayer for the full cost. Most have their own rescue because it is needed for their response area. If you were trapped and bleeding out in a vehicle in Hebron, would you want to wait for tools from Delmar or Salisbury before they could start to get you out? What if that other vehicle was on another call or out of service? There are enough ladder trucks to get by in the county. Salisbury needs a new one. Many of them are quite old, like Hebron's and Pittsville's.
Speaking of command units why does every fire department in wicomico county have its own command unit. Check out their websites and you will see Ford Excursions, Ford Expeditions, Suburbans and so on. I just checked out Hebrons website and they have a brand new 2008 Ford Expedition EMS chase car. Why does every fire department have new utility vans or pick ups like Hebron's 2006 Chevrolet 15 passenger van? If they have so much money then why do they go to the county council every year and beg for money? Why do most fire departments in this county have their own rescue truck? How many ladder trucks are in this county and how many ladder trucks and rescue trucks are really needed in this county? Can someone do a break down of all the specialized equipment in this county?
Every dept has a command vehicle because every department hs someone that takes command of the incident scene DUH!! They are usually hi-end SUV's as these vehicles travel alot of miles and carry alot of equipment and electronics, and you need a vehicle that will hold up. Hebron's new chace vehicle replaces the one that was lost in the accident. A 2006 vehicle is no longer new. Vehicles that transport a large amt of people are needed to get people to training, or for transport to incidents that require alot of people, for instance forest fires. This equipment is usually financed and paid for over time, just like Joe Average does. it costs alot of money to keep a dept operational. Be glad most depts do alot of fundraising and do not rely on the taxpayer for the full cost. Most have their own rescue because it is needed for their response area. If you were trapped and bleeding out in a vehicle in Hebron, would you want to wait for tools from Delmar or Salisbury before they could start to get you out? What if that other vehicle was on another call or out of service? There are enough ladder trucks to get by in the county. Salisbury needs a new one. Many of them are quite old, like Hebron's and Pittsville's.
local firefighter said...
Every dept has a command vehicle because every department hs someone that takes command of the incident scene DUH!!
5:58 PM
And they can't "takes" command by riding in the fire engine. DUH!
Go back to your trailer and pay your rent or are you still past due? You are not a tax payer so you don't have the right to speak on wasting tax dollars. DUH!!
{And they can't "takes" command by riding in the fire engine. DUH!}
That is not the preferred practice. Usually the duty officer or chief has the command vehicle with him, and responds directly to the scene, getting a trained eye to assess the situation ASAP. This allows the amount of equipment initially dispatched to be increased or decreased accordingly.
{Go back to your trailer and pay your rent or are you still past due? You are not a tax payer so you don't have the right to speak on wasting tax dollars. DUH!!}
Baseless personal attacks just demonstrate your ignorance of the fire service and life in general. BTW, I don't live in a mobile mansion and I probably contribute alot more to the govt than you do.
local firefighter said...
"That is not the preferred practice."
So you admit the boys with toys aren't really needed. It's just something to get their kicks at tax payers expense by driving as fast as they can and beating everyone there.
"Usually the duty officer or chief has the command vehicle with him,"
So a take home car at tax payers expense!!! Who is paying for the gas at $2.90/gallon.
"getting a trained eye to assess the situation ASAP."
I think that trained eye (ROTFLMAO)could do the same job on the fire truck at a major cost savings to the tax payer.
"This allows the amount of equipment initially dispatched to be increased or decreased accordingly."
Is it equipment or manpower that is required on the call?? I think Joe had a story on this as well.
"I probably contribute alot more to the govt than you do."
I doubt that. I am sure your contributions are to the likes of SAPOA. Have you paid your rent yet?
7:45 PM
Anonymous said...
you have nothing else to do. If you don't know something why don't you ask instead of assuming. Oh I forgot you like making an a@#@ at of yourself.
4:32 PM
Sandy chill out. Joe is only doing what the citizens want him to do. Aren't you supposed to be retiring soon anyway?
I don't want Sandy to retire! I would miss her too tight, too short skirts. Then again, she might be able to foot it on Church st. Naw, she'd starve!
I am not positive, but I believe that the Mobile Command and generator were purchased with funds from a homeland security grant awarded. And regarding command vehicles, I do believe that they are useful but there is really no need to take them home. And the so called "trained eye" theory, thats a crock. Most departments in this county have no training requirements to become an officer. And most have no clue. The county needs to standardize all the county departments and quit just "throwing money" at the problem.
Sounds like quite a few of the Salisbury members whining.
In my personal opinion all, out side of berryville, taxpayers should educate themselves on why there are small town fire companies and why they all have similiar equipment.
Fire companies in Wicomico are the best bang for the buck going. If taxpayers had to foot the bill for paid firemen and EMS through out the county they could be heard whining from here to Dover.
Some fireman both paid and volunteer can get over zealous at times and if they do they need to be reigned in. Let me suggest we thank the hose beaters for all they do and not worry about the little bit of money the Council gives each company anually.
Believe this I am not a fireman and never been a fireman. But I watch the time they donate and often wonder what motivates them to give so much of their personal time and energy.
What in the h--- is that painted on the side of that RV? It looks like a patriotic chicken with no legs.
Anonymous said...
In my personal opinion all, out side of berryville, taxpayers should educate themselves on why there are small town fire companies and why they all have similiar equipment.
Fire companies in Wicomico are the best bang for the buck going. If taxpayers had to foot the bill for paid firemen and EMS through out the county they could be heard whining from here to Dover.
Some fireman both paid and volunteer can get over zealous at times and if they do they need to be reigned in. Let me suggest we thank the hose beaters for all they do and not worry about the little bit of money the Council gives each company anually.
Believe this I am not a fireman and never been a fireman. But I watch the time they donate and often wonder what motivates them to give so much of their personal time and energy.
10:28 AM
Isn't it amazing how all of these farmin get on here and pretend they are Joe Public with no knowledge of the fire service and pat themselves on the back. This person is obviously to knowledgeable to not be involved in the fire service.
Yes the county invests quite an enormous amount of money in the small town fire companies and it is a waste of tax dollars and at least 25% of the fire companies could be eliminated. The county forks over money for paramedics, ambulances, firetrucks, fire stations, workers comp insurance, health insurance, etc. and the list goes on and on. If a study was done the educated tax payers would realize how much of a waste these departments are costing tax payers. Does the tax payers need to pay for two paramedics in each station. How many calls does Powellville, Sharptown and Allen respond on? What happened to "volunteers?" Can someone request a breakdown of the calls for each station from the 911 center to show the public how many and what type of calls these small town fire companies are responding on?
Now just which ones would you eliminate?
I assume the citizens of Powellville, Sharptown and Allen don't pay County taxes, and are to be considered as second class citizens of the County.
ANON 3:40
I am not sure if you have ever been in a accident where you needed to be extricated or knew someone but how long would you like to wait for someone to get there to you? Say salisbury and maybe Hebron were the only ones in the county with Rescue trucks and what if you had an accident in Pittsville, that would be at maximum 30 minutes for them to get to you if they were available at the time and couldn't respond immediately. Most of the time if you trapped in a vehicle then it was pretty serious accident and you may not have 30mins and 30mins is just the travel time to you not including the time it might take to remove you from your car. As far as command units are concerned not all fire departments have a "command" unit. Most are used so people can go back and forth to classes etc... and the count doesn't give money just for command units. Most volunteer departments work their butts off to just pay the bills and put gas in the firetrucks so they can come save your burning house, they ask for more money because there is sooooo much more than just paying the bills, there has to be new gear to help protect the people that protect you, tools have to be bought, service on trucks must be done, up keep on aging buildings have to be done, communications stuff has to be purchased (radios etc..) Do you want me to continue? The money the count gives fire departments is not a drop in the bucket compared to what they need, I am tax payer too and I want to know these fire departments can operate so in case me or my family ever need them I know they are on their way and have the necessary equipment to get the job done.
It is obvious that ANON 1028 is a paid firefighter. Explain to me how it would benefit the tax payers to eliminate fire departments and then bring in paid firefighters to do the job. So you take say 20 volunteers that work for nothing, and then bring in 20 paid firefighters at maybe $28,000 a year that is $560,000 a year most volunteer companies don't even have an annual budget of that much money, not to mention these paid firefighters would have to have the exact same equipment as a volunteer, that means more money. Yeah that would solve the tax payers problems, you must really be a Salisbury moron. As far the comment made about all fire departments should have the same standards for officers etc... That is a joke I know paid and volunteers alike that have take so many classes that it fills 5 and 6 sheets of paper but they get on a fire scene and act like a chicken with it's head cut off. Some people are book smart and some are street smart, I would rather have the officer that has been around for 25 years and 10 classes than the 5 year guy with 25 classes, the one with 25 years has probably seen almost every kind of situation and has the instinct and knowledge to wether it is safe or not, or what he or she needs to get the job done and be able to take everyone back home. Take all the classes you want you still have to prove you know what your doing.
Looked like the Wicomico Emergency Management Department was a cat covering up ****. They were spoted moving the generator you mentioned to a location off Bateman St this morning. Didn't hear of any hurricane coming to knock out power over there.
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