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Friday, February 15, 2008

Daily Times True to Form Again

Wanting to sow additional seeds of discord among First District Republicans, the Daily Times stretched the truth a bit today. While I can certainly understand the disappointment and even transient bitterness of Rep. Wayne Gilchrest's staff and supporters, the Daily Times published an article where readers are left to believe that Maryland Sen. Andy Harris failed to acknowledge Gilchrest's service in Congress, to his country, and to the people of Maryland's First District.

There's just one problem for reporter Joe Gidjunis and his employers at the Daily Times, it's simply not true. WBOC ran video of Andy Harris thanking Gilchrest for his service. While the video is no longer available on WBOC's web site, someone did post it on YouTube. You can view it here (if your browser does not properly play the embedded player, click HERE):

What's the point of the article? While I'm sure that the editors of the Daily Times will protest, the inference is that they want to continue poking sticks at Gilchrest's supporters in the hope that they will vote for Frank Kratovil in the fall.
cross posted at Salisbury News
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Anonymous said...

Guess what Mr. Kratovils profession is? LAWYER. Guess what lawyers hate more than anything? DOCTORS. Guess what lawyers are scared of? TORT REFORM on frivolous medical malpractice suits. Guess why Duvall wants Kratovil. LAWYERS hate DOCTORS.

Anonymous said...

All this griping form Gilchrest supporters about now we will "lose the Chesapeake Bay" Well I haven't seen any significant improvement in the Bay for the last 35 years, in fact it has deteriorated more and more every year. So exactly what has Wayne done for the last 18 years for the Bays health? Something tells me that all of the private interests groups that have been benefiting the taxpayers money ala Wayne are running scared that the gravy train is over, cause that's all they really care about, MONEY.

Anonymous said...

"Wanting to sow additional seeds of discord" is a powerful phrase which assumes the blogger knows for certain the motivation of the Daily Times. All of us need to be careful when we ascribe intentions to other people that may or may not be accurate. Perhaps we would be on more solid ground to talk about the tone and content of the article, its merits and even its probable results without adding what a publication "wants" to do.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Gilchrest's behavior is shocking and completely unbecoming an 18 years incumbent in the U.S. Congress. It seems that Mr. Gilchrest has very little respect to the American electoral process & protocol.

He refuses to concede & congratulate a fellow American who won the election in an open & democratic manner, YET Mr. Gilchrest have no problem going half a world away to shake hands & talk to our enemies in Iran & Syria.

He arrogantly states that he didn't call Senator Harris, because he didn't want to reward unbecoming behavior??? What kind of behavior is he rewarding over in Iran?


Anonymous said...

anonymous 11:01

The publication's own title & written words are sufficient evidence of their agenda.

Throughout this campaign any comment or letters to the editors in favor of Senator Harris, never appeared in the DT. Voters in the last few days of the campaign were treated by a barrage of editorials & letters that ONLY favored Wayne Gilchrest.

The Daily Times have failed to deliver for Mr. Gilchrest, and it apears they are just as bitter as the candidate.


Anonymous said...

The point the Daily Dissapointment is not so subtle at making is that the Bassettman has struck a deal with the Kratovil machine.
You keep my wife on the payroll and I will insure the DD always gives you positive and Harris negative press.

G. A. Harrison said...

Not really Erick. I do commentary. I'm very careful to have evidence for any claim of fact. Since it's impossible to precisely know what's in someone's head (the very reason I oppose hate crime legislation) history and experience provide grounds for an inference.

I don't claim to be a neutral observer. I proudly display my views and prejudices. That's the difference between what I write and what's written in a paper like the "Daily Times". I don't infer things and then claim that it's not fair to suppose what I meant. I simply come out and say them.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Gilchrest did absolutely nothing but have Tony Califuria(sp) send emails to anyone complaining about the WWTP dumping raw sewage into the Wicomico ultimately ending up in the Chesapeake.

Anonymous said...

"Guess what Mr. Kratovils profession is? LAWYER. Guess what lawyers hate more than anything? DOCTORS. Guess what lawyers are scared of? TORT REFORM on frivolous medical malpractice suits. Guess why Duvall wants Kratovil. LAWYERS hate DOCTORS."

Frank has been a State's Attorney (i.e. criminal prosecutor) his whole career. He's never tried or been involved in any sort of malpractice suit. And I'm not really sure where you get the whole "Lawyers hate Doctors" thing. Maybe the other way around, but hey, everyone hates lawyers.

none said...

The Daily Times article on the February 15th front page references what they feel was a slight by Harris' campaign manager Chris Meekins in a Congressional Quarterly interview, not by Andy Harris in his victory speech. The Harris campaign did behave in a way that makes it difficult to reconcile the results with a gracious concession. Harris claims to espouse the values of Ronald Reagan, but his negative campaign against Gilchrest make that a difficult standard to believe.

Anonymous said...

G.A. Says...
....the Daily Times stretched the truth a bit today.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:56AM
Yes, it is fitting to wonder why Gilchrest has not cleaned up the Bay. Under a Republican administration with a Republican Congress for most of the last eight years, the environment has certainly been a top priority. How could Wayne not follow the example of the strong environmentalist, George Bush?