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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Readers Question

joe answer me this: what is going on at the old real estate building by leonards mill pond. tonight there was a bunch of fire truck up there again. this is the third time in about two weeks i've seen this. whats the scoop?

That building was purchased and is owned by Doug & Crystal Marshall of Marshall Auctions. GO HERE to see their Website.

I spoke with Doug a couple of weeks ago and he was telling me the Fire Department is doing some drywall testing there and training testing before they demo the building and completely renovate that location.

Doug is a great guy and Chrystal is just a sweetheart. It has been such a pleasure watching these guys grow and I see the next Mark Odachowski, (Royal Plus) in Doug. Be patient as I know great things are about to happen with that property.


Anonymous said...


Which "Fire Department" is that?

joe albero said...

I believe he told me it was Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

No that would be the Delmar Fire Deparmtent.. On a second note... Whats the deal with this story on WMDT's website... Is the parsonsburg fire company trying to follow the SFD's lead and steal money from the county taxpayers? Why would an unincorprated town need a special ops team? The county is already partially funding one team based in Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't the Pittsville FD need a new tanker? Lets fund that instead.

Anonymous said...

hey joe this marshall guy really came out of nowhere. but all of a sudden i see and hear his name everywhere

Anonymous said...

isn't that building brick? why would they demo it? are you suggesting a controlled burn?