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Thursday, January 04, 2007

DON'T Let Anyone Fool You! Some Of The Graffiti IS Gang Related!

Although I'm starting to believe "some" of what G®@pHïX is telling everyone, some of it is NOT accurate.

If you'll notice the recent photo of grafitti that went up over the Holiday Weekend, notice the crown in the bottom left corner of their markings. It's a four point crown, which is Gang related and somewhat serious.

Although Officials may want everyone to believe much of what was done was "Taggers" and not Gangs, this is absolutely not true. There were Gang related territorial markings placed all over Downtown.

Granted, I'll be the very first to admit I'm no expert at all when it comes to Gangs. However, I am learning and I am "listening" to what I'm being told by "experts." There is plenty of reason and evidence to be alarmed Folks.


joe albero said...

Welcome aboard Barrie.

Anonymous said...

Okay the crown could be ripped of from the La Raza gang, which isn't hard to imagine since la raza is an east coast gang. I think they originated in Gerogia. and that would be news because they have not been identified as a gang in this area.

G®@pHiX said...

Please review to my comment to nancynurse in your "Pinehurst Elementary School Gets Hit With Graffiti Too" posting. There I mention my belief in the existence of gang related graffiti. I just don't think that the downtown markings are the same.

First of all the "Trees" image. It uses the symbology of a halo and light reflecting down to the ground. In graffiti culture, any hit located on a wall above a building or on a bridge are called "Heavens". This very definition is explained on the front page of a 2 page article about the recent graffiti explosion. This article was published by The Daily Times way back on November 12, 2006. This article is the reason I don't believe that the Daily Times is "covering up" the graffiti issue. An issue that only yesterday you claimed that "if it wasn't for Joseph Gidjunis, you would never heard about "any" of this". Seems Joe Carmean somehow missed the article in his own paper when he claimed "he couldn't believe it was that serious around town."

That same article also gives me reason to believe that the downtown hits are being influenced (or "taught") to local kids by recent attention in local medias. Even with the interenet, I am surprised that a LOCAL kid would know to use "heavens" related symbology within their art in the correct manner. But then it was only two months after such termanology was displayed in "front page" fashion of a Sunday issue of the local paper.

I'm not pretending to KNOW the meaning of the any symbolism used in the downtown graffiti. I'm only going by my personal experience from actually BEING a juvenile delinquent. 20 years ago, in a distant city, I not only participated in both gang & graffiti activities, but initiated actual graffiti squads.

Even though I have a background, I'm no expert. Then again, most "experts" I've known, have never actually participated in both sides of the vandal & victim point of view. It's truly hard to say who could be considered an actual expert on graffiti. Eventually all statistics boil down to an opinionated prediction and even then could be proven incorrect.

Regardless, online or in print, (for obvious reasons) I WILL NOT provide any details as to just HOW I could hit public walls at front entrances of public properties without being detected. But I will say that EVEN WITH POLICE PRESENCE, it could be done.

I will agree with anyone that thinks that the authorities should visually maintain active involvement in protecting stability, but I think the community should not merely wait for their them to do so. Without ACTIVE participation, the downtown could very well turn into a vulnerable state. From my viewing, I understand that this particular blog is in many ways attempting to point out that such a state of vulnerability already breathing into the lungs of downtown streets. I don't think that it's too late to recover though. When I first moved to the shore, the downtown area was a ghostland as the Salisbury Mall was full of life. Now the roles are reversed. I believe that Downtown still has much hope.

G®@pHiX said...

Joe posted:
"notice the crown in the bottom left corner of their markings. It's a four point crown, which is Gang related and somewhat serious."

Actually I counted 6 points if it is even a crown representing a local gang. The authorities would be the least of the taggers concerns since an upside-down gang symbol would be taken as disrespect.

G®@pHiX said...

O'My Goodness! The Gangs Are Now in FRUITLAND!!!

If Joe IS correct! My profile provides a photo of a "Gang" symbol I found on a building in Fruitland, MD.