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Sunday, June 21, 2020


This kind of racism is what kicked off black civil rights movement

In another example of anti-white racism, the Black Lives Matter group forced allied white protesters to the back of the march during a rally in Seattle, Washington.

Reports from the protest on Friday reveal that the BLM organization created a “black-led march” to the Antifa-controlled Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in the heart of downtown Seattle.

One participant told The Gateway Pundit:

I attended today’s Black Lives Matter march in Seattle, which started downtown before making its way to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

As an early supporter of BLM I was saddened and disheartened to see that the organizers were requiring all Whites to go to the back of the march, with protest leaders shouting, screaming and shoving, militantly ordering “Whites to the back!” Later, I was told this had been published in advance on their website and any surprise on my part was my own fault. Upon checking, this turned out to be factual.

I truly felt this is inconsistent with the message of diversity, inclusion and equity of BLM and an afront to civil rights pioneers like Rosa Parks.

Sure enough, the Black Lives Matter Seattle chapter website explains the order to force whites to the back of the march.



Anonymous said...

Bwahahaha! Looks like trouble in paradise.

Anonymous said...

More appropriate would have been all stupid people to the back. Cause that what whites are who join in that situation. Stop butting in on blacks and their business. To them you look like phonys, and you are. You whites want to stick your nose in where it's not wanted. You should be in the back. You lessen their message with your dumbasses stuck out front.

Anonymous said...

All you soccer moms out helping the cause are now hit with the reality that BLM wants them All at the back of the bus. It’s time to send in the military and shut this circus down!

Anonymous said...

duh! idiots!

Anonymous said...

BLM is a joke. Trying to divide the country. Trying to create race wars. This is directly out of the Nazi play book. Also all money donated to BLM goes directly to the Democratic Party.

Anonymous said...

They don't equal rights. They want all rights and pay back.

Girdletree said...

6:01- I am now dumber for reading your comments.

Anonymous said...

You run with dogs you end up with fleas. You look for trouble you will get it. These minds of mush were always at the back of the class so that’s the place for them.

Anonymous said...

So racism is their answer hahaha

Anonymous said...

Proof here that the blm movement has nothing to do with racial equality. The only goal here is to create civil unrest and division within our citizenry.

Anonymous said...

So much for peaceful and United.

Anonymous said...

Soccer moms, and military. Go back to bed 650.

Anonymous said...

the military doesn't belong there. It's a democrat run city so the people deserve nothing good. They deserve to live in the chaos. Voting stupidly has consequences Even the business owners need to sit down and shut up opening a business in a democrat stronghold has consequences.

Anonymous said...

601 - thanks for dumbing it down for the majority. I wish you well in your hatred filled, know it all racial breakdown life.

Now you move aside and let the adults continue with their conversation.

Anonymous said...

While all this is going on a NYC judge just sentenced a 14 year old African American the brutality stabbed and killed a 19 year old white female college student to a whopping 18 months of confinement. I am waiting for all the BLM folks to protest the light sentencing (or maybe they don’t care).

Anonymous said...

If you support the actual BLM organization, you support billions in reparations and re-distributing land/property. That’s listed as what their ultimate demands are. Not talking about the movement/point of the protests, just the actual organization. You criticize it and you’re labeled a racist.

Anonymous said...

And still there are whites that actually support this nonsense. You tell me who is stupid? None of this mess is about racism, it's all about black power.

Anonymous said...

The BLM playbook is exactly what minorities have used since the early 60’s. Don’t be fooled. Their endgame Is to increase welfare. When the states under siege do that peace and calm will return to the streets.

Anonymous said...

The more we provide those with less - the more problems come out of it.

Kindness makes it worse - WOW

Believe the solution is clear, just need good implementation and move forward.

Anonymous said...

Those pansies should go to the back. That's where White's who allow themselves to be degraded and disrespected belong.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The BLM playbook is exactly what minorities have used since the early 60’s. Don’t be fooled. Their endgame Is to increase welfare. When the states under siege do that peace and calm will return to the streets.

June 16, 2020 at 9:22 AM
youre absolutely right. All of this is being funded by top Democrats and the DNC. Watch Nancy Pelosi's speech from last week, She pretty much said it in her speech. She wants the 16 trillion heroes act passed and said they won't stop until they get it. This is not about equality its about Democrats getting what they want. I would like to know exactly what is all in that bill. 16 trillion is a lot of money. Once they get what they want, the funding for these demonstrators will dry up and they will scatter like the cockroaches like they are, just as they have in the past. Top Democrats and their funders are behind all of this, if you don't see it then you are not watching and paying attention. If your'e gut can stand it watch Pelosi speech from last week.

Anonymous said...

Northwest Woodsman: I take this as a sign that blacks would like to return to segregation. I will support that 100% as diversity and inclusion has been a dismal failure. If integration worked, you would think that after fifty years racial relations would have improver. Have they? You be the judge!

Anonymous said...

Civil Ware just ahead!!!!

Anonymous said...

They forced whites? Or whites allowed it?

Anonymous said...

This is exactly what Democrats like Biden and Obama want. To place the blame at Trump's feet. I am 73 years old and I have seen alot of Black favoritism - BLM is not a concern of Blacks ( only illiterates demand BLM).

Anonymous said...

The businesses are boarded up. To prevent them being set on fire and destroyed, the spray paint blm and other graffiti on their own stores. Stores with out the mark are destroyed. From an article written by someone in chaz.

Anonymous said...

7:37 Couldn’t have said it better myself. You dropped a truth bomb that’s gonna upset some progressives🤣😂

Anonymous said...

Having watched many ot the protests on TV, I have to wonder what is the reason for all the lesbians marching with the black?

Anonymous said...

"I truly felt this is inconsistent with the message of diversity, inclusion and equity of BLM and an afront [sic] to civil rights pioneers like Rosa Parks."

Except it isn't inconsistent because BLM isn't about inclusion or equity andcertainly not about diversity.

lmclain said...

As Lindsey Graham once said, "...and you want POWER? God help us if you ever get it."

WHATEVER is done for them, it will never be enough. Never.
They have gladly taken over a TRILLION dollars in free everything and are worse of now than they were 40 years ago.
More free stuff and more pandering ace-kissing BS is going to change that culture???
Sorry. They are too far gone and too far down the road of "everyone not black owes us more and more."
They want everyone - the Chinese, the Indians, the Mexicans, you name it --- to PAY them money and to GIVE them more stuff.
How much more???

How much do you have??? It's not enough.

Buy guns and ammo. LOTS of ammo.

Or keep trying to impress them about how concerned you are and how much you care, and how guilty you feel about working so hard for what you have while they suffered. Just suffered. In too much sorrow and agony to work. Yeah, THAT'S the ticket.
They're taking YOUR things, too. No matter how many marches you joined or signs you held or boots you knelt and kissed for the cameras.
You're white? You're the enemy. Right now, however, get to the back and don't make them tell you twice.
Keep that crap away from me. Or else.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like REVERSE Discrimination to me !!!

Thank the Affirmative Action laws & the Racist NAACP !!!!

Anonymous said...

Guess we Whites go to the BACK of the bus in Ocean City too !!! LOL

Sounds like a familiar time in History in the south has been Reversed !!!

Will We get Affirmative Action Law Protections Now ???
WET ???
White-ish Show ???
White History Month ??? Will We be picking cotton ??? 2020 ???

Anonymous said...

I’d rather be walking behind them so I can keep an eye on them, I definitely don’t want that lot walking behind me.

Anonymous said...

That's impossible 601

Anonymous said...

Whites there were STUPID & they are Disrespecting their OWN Race !!!