Wcdc is a filthy corrupt institution there is bed bugs, crabs, spiders, legionnaires disease. The medical staff tells inmates that the bed bug bites and spider bites are due to hard water and that it is just a rash. They are giving inmates antibiotic creams to clear up bites to cover up the problem. They have recently locked down female block to cover up the fact that there is crabs running rampant in that part of the jail. Medical is also denying people prescribed medications. The kitchen is under feeding inmates and not giving them other drinks that are listed to be given to inmates. Such as coffee to force them to buy commissary. Roberts controls the kitchen and the commissary. Therefore lining her pockets with money. There is so much corruption in that jail its not funny. I would not be surprised if funding is being embezzled. The corruption goes all the way to the top of the chain. There is no way the director does not know whats going on. To be a leader you must lead by example. Even if the director isn't involved. If they turn blind eyes to corruption it allows corruption to run a muck. Therefore all are to blame because no-one is doing anything to end the corruption. We need to rattle the cages and ask for wcdc to be investigated under a microscope. The inmates may have broken the law but are human beings and do not need to be treated like animals. These peoples rights are being violated. If we truly live in a country that prides itself on equal rights. Then we need to protect these peoples right even if they are inmates. Please take what I'm saying seriously and help raise awareness to what is really happening in that corrupt joke of jail. They do not follow institution standards and make up the rules as they go. There is a due process to follow and they are not following the standards in place to protect the populations rights. Again here my plea to raise awareness to this serious problem. For the pen is mightier than the sword. Thank you for your time and God bless you.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 23, 2017
A Viewer Writes: Wicomico County Detention Center, (WCDC)
Wcdc is a filthy corrupt institution there is bed bugs, crabs, spiders, legionnaires disease. The medical staff tells inmates that the bed bug bites and spider bites are due to hard water and that it is just a rash. They are giving inmates antibiotic creams to clear up bites to cover up the problem. They have recently locked down female block to cover up the fact that there is crabs running rampant in that part of the jail. Medical is also denying people prescribed medications. The kitchen is under feeding inmates and not giving them other drinks that are listed to be given to inmates. Such as coffee to force them to buy commissary. Roberts controls the kitchen and the commissary. Therefore lining her pockets with money. There is so much corruption in that jail its not funny. I would not be surprised if funding is being embezzled. The corruption goes all the way to the top of the chain. There is no way the director does not know whats going on. To be a leader you must lead by example. Even if the director isn't involved. If they turn blind eyes to corruption it allows corruption to run a muck. Therefore all are to blame because no-one is doing anything to end the corruption. We need to rattle the cages and ask for wcdc to be investigated under a microscope. The inmates may have broken the law but are human beings and do not need to be treated like animals. These peoples rights are being violated. If we truly live in a country that prides itself on equal rights. Then we need to protect these peoples right even if they are inmates. Please take what I'm saying seriously and help raise awareness to what is really happening in that corrupt joke of jail. They do not follow institution standards and make up the rules as they go. There is a due process to follow and they are not following the standards in place to protect the populations rights. Again here my plea to raise awareness to this serious problem. For the pen is mightier than the sword. Thank you for your time and God bless you.
Wcdc is a filthy corrupt institution there is bed bugs, crabs, spiders, legionnaires disease. The medical staff tells inmates that the bed bug bites and spider bites are due to hard water and that it is just a rash. They are giving inmates antibiotic creams to clear up bites to cover up the problem. They have recently locked down female block to cover up the fact that there is crabs running rampant in that part of the jail. Medical is also denying people prescribed medications. The kitchen is under feeding inmates and not giving them other drinks that are listed to be given to inmates. Such as coffee to force them to buy commissary. Roberts controls the kitchen and the commissary. Therefore lining her pockets with money. There is so much corruption in that jail its not funny. I would not be surprised if funding is being embezzled. The corruption goes all the way to the top of the chain. There is no way the director does not know whats going on. To be a leader you must lead by example. Even if the director isn't involved. If they turn blind eyes to corruption it allows corruption to run a muck. Therefore all are to blame because no-one is doing anything to end the corruption. We need to rattle the cages and ask for wcdc to be investigated under a microscope. The inmates may have broken the law but are human beings and do not need to be treated like animals. These peoples rights are being violated. If we truly live in a country that prides itself on equal rights. Then we need to protect these peoples right even if they are inmates. Please take what I'm saying seriously and help raise awareness to what is really happening in that corrupt joke of jail. They do not follow institution standards and make up the rules as they go. There is a due process to follow and they are not following the standards in place to protect the populations rights. Again here my plea to raise awareness to this serious problem. For the pen is mightier than the sword. Thank you for your time and God bless you.
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How do we 'here' your plea? Do you mean 'hear'?
Jail is not a vacation motel like most criminals think. Do the crime and spend the time. I do not feel sorry for this at all , if it's true , maybe fake news also. Who really cares ?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How do we 'here' your plea? Do you mean 'hear'?
July 18, 2017 at 9:08 AM
I bet you were waiting all morning for someone to misspell a word
ahh not the hilton? jail shouldn't be! make it bad enough the fools don't want to ever go back!
no sympathy here!
Grammar and spelling aside, the comments here are accurate. The problem is not just here in Wicomico County but across the state prison system including JCI, MCIH, and ECI. Basic dietary and health conditions are deplorable, and conditions for inmates are often worse than what most people would accept for their dogs. I completely understand the argument that inmates should not be pampered, but I would argue that treating them as less than human results in a failure to provide them with the skills necessary to be successful upon their release. If the purpose of incarceration is to rehabilitate, then our society is failing miserably. If the purpose is to punish and prevent any hope of a future, then we are succeeding brilliantly.
9:08. I hate when commenters correct grammar and spelling. So rude.
Stay out of WCDC and it won't be a problem. Similar to don't break the law and DUI checkpoints are no big deal.
If you can't do the time.....don't do the crime!!! How about the rights of the people you punks and thugs violated????? Here's a quarter call someone who might give a damn!!!!
This jail has always been corrupt. They used to have a program that was called RSAT for drug offenders. It was headed up by a person named Wendy Roberts. They lost funding for the program because it was so corrupt due to her leadership or lack thereof. I don't know if this is the same Roberts that now runs the kitchen but if it is, someone should probably do an audit. Even criminals should be treated humanly, not like caged animals.
It always amazes me that some people that have no opinions or facts can only comment on spelling and grammar.
10:25...they get treated just like they act!!! NO PITY PARTY HERE!!!!
Whether we like it or not, most of the people who are incarcerated will complete their sentences and return to our neighborhoods and places of employment, If they are not prepared to handle the outside, they will be forced to return to their illicit ways. How is society better off with so many people, especially our men, locked up? Who is providing for their families? Even if you believe that anyone who commits any illegal act should be locked up for life, are you willing to pay for a lifetime of incarceration for the offender and years of support for his innocent children? Why not think about this from a different perspective, Wouldn't you rather your tax dollars be spent on something that will benefit everyone while former inmates are gainfully employed and supporting their own families? Since no one of us is perfect and every one of us has made mistakes at some point in life, we need to decide as a society if we believe that we can learn from our mistakes. If so, then let's reexamine our "correctional system" and have it function to correct behavior, not destroy any hope of redemption.
It's being run by ECI rejects. If you do your job by enforcing the rules, the command staff says you're a problem. If you just allow things to slide by all the time, you get to work day shift. If you are there to fill your need to help people, you're going to have a bad time.
Seeing "trustees" getting away with all sorts of stuff is very disheartening. Their favorites get away with extra blankets, food, and passing contraband through the facility.
There's so much wrong there that a microscope is not needed. Inmate property is misplaced and phone calls really serve no purpose to people who don't memorize their contact information. You will not be able to make a call unless you know the number. IF it is saved in your contacts on your phone, that will not do you any good since you will not have access to your property.
It is a jail and people (officers & inmates) should not expect to have such creature comforts such as tv, radios, or gourmet meals, but they should at least be afforded the essentials of clean water, edible portions of nourishing food, prescribed medicines, general HVAC, and the ability to maintain good hygiene.
A simple investigation will reveal relationships between Aramark and staff that are beyond inappropriate. Irish whiskey and medical staff have crossed the lines way too often even though he is a good guy in general. He's just a good ole boy that is overly friendly with the ladies.
I'll not call anyone out on what's up, but there's a bit more to all of this than anyone could "bare" to imagine. I don't believe that this will ever be cleared up by the local governments. There are too many people that have tried to make changes there only to be cast aside and forced out. If the jail was really about the inmates, shouldn't the cameras be facing towards the inmates instead of the officers? Why is the "store room" on the loading dock not covered by cameras when that is where most of the commissary thefts take place and wasn't that where the inmates gave one of the kitchen ladies an STD? How is is it that the inmate "trustee" kitchen workers are escorted through the facility to the kitchen by officers and then turned over to the Aramark staff that are not certified or regularly trained in self-defense or have cuffs or radios in order to get help if they need assistance? A call-key only works on call-boxes if they can even get to one if an emergency such as an inmate fight breaks out. What will happen to them if they are attacked? Will she tell them to stop attacking her long enough to go through the doors to get to a call-box? How are these Aramark workers allowed to escort these inmates through the building as if they are officers?
I could go on and on for the decade of time that I've been there, but I'll stop here just to say that it feels good to respond to a post that will not ever change anything, but I do hope to add a nod in the concerned posters direction that there is a need to take a look at this institution. Admittedly, my cathartic writings merely benefit myself, but I truly do hope something is done about it by an outside agency since the good ole boy system is alive and well in all county positions.
first commenter get out of your double wide and get a life
What this person wrote is positively, absolutely correct. It is one filthy place. A very thorough investigation needs to take place there. I stil say let them grow the food they eat, let them take care of a garden, chickens, lcows, whatever. They will be doing something productive, get outside once in a while, which does not happen there, and maybe be learning a life long vocation for themselves. For all of you naysayers, I truly really hope you never have a loved one that ends up in this nasty place.
Give the inmates cleaning supplies and what is needed to clean the dump up. It is their home if they want it clean then let them clean it. They should be doing something other than watching cable t.v. and chewing the fat.
As for the crooked C.O.s Lewis should do something he is the county Sheriff right. When he is not tapping another deputies wife or riding his new toy or teaching racial profiling somewhere.
10:53 Lives in dream land! I'd bet half of the inmates commit a crime within the first 24 hours they are released. Most of these "men" are not supporting their families anyway. Or are you not aware of the statistics on single parenthood and deadbeat dads?
"Who is providing for their families?"
Sadly, the same agencies that is providing for families before incarceration is providing for the same families during incarceration and providing for those same families when the the men become un-incarcerated.
I say take part of wicomico county sheriff's officer's use some of the surplus vehicles sitting out at 411 Naylor mill rd get several hundred feet of chains and leg shackles and put them ALL out on county roads work details. Enough of the so called rights you think you have while incarcerated, start making the penalties enough to deter repeat offenders, make it a little one hell for them
You people are a bunch of fun**** clowns!! Its jail people what the hell did you expect. You obviously didn't think about the rights of those you violated that put your dumb asses in there. The kicker is I've had the misfortune of being a guest at the mike lewis bed and breakfast and its amazing how hard and had these sissies are out on the streets and a bunch of whining crying babies behind bars. Do the crime do the time its meant to be as miserable as possible to hopefully get through to your ignorant ass to make better choices
I had a friend who worked the in office of this place years ago. She TRIED to expose the corruption and they 'ran her out'...she was let go and never to be heard of again. Whistleblower laws weren't in effect then.
The corruption continues. Those 'in charge' take food from the trucks and have the food they are stealing placed in their vehicles to take home. Steaks, roasts, chops and any other food they want. Rampant sex, drugs and so much more. YES, this facility MUST be thoroughly investigated and must drain the swamp. Clean up and make it what it's supposed to be.
I am NOT a disgruntled employee. This is a true story.
Why is it filthy when they could/should be making the INMATES clean every day. And since when is coffee a necessity? I don't think people should be treated poorly, but please remember that being sent to the detention center is PUNISHMENT.
I'm sorry its a filthy place and management is lacking, at the same time its JAIL.
Break the law for WHATEVER reason, you go there and pay your penalty. Don't break the law, then you have NO worries at all!
Some people comment on here not realizing how corrupt is our government not just on the federal level, but on the local level as well. Do the crime, do the time . . . so on.
Do you even understand the meaning of Statutory Law?
Are you aware Statutory Law is un-Constitutional?
Do you realize there are innocent people convicted of crimes every day in American prisons?
Are you aware the vast majority of "offenders" committed victim-less crimes? There was no victim! Get it? These are statutory laws.
Educate yourselves and stop defending a totally corrupt tyrannical government.
It shouldn't be an excuse to steal from the tax payer either. They are being funded to provide these items. If they have deemed it no longer nessasary the funds should be returned to the public.
Amen to that!
12:44 Please go explain that to the politicians and legal experts....LOL!
PLEASE their ALL innocent just ask them!!
From a jailhouse wall:
"Don't do no good to stand on the seat,
'cause the crabs in here
can jump six feet."
Steaks, chops...must have the wrong facility. Not on the inmate menu
I'm sorry but who cares? These people are CRIMINALS! Maybe they will have more respect for things when they are released!
Publuc lice and bedbugs don't appear spontaneously. They are carried in by.....inmates. Junkies and burnouts who live in filth carry it in. Blame the right ones!
Maybe Col Thomas Kimball shouldn't be making the kitchen trustees make
dinners for his private usage (church dinners and such)Having an Aramark employee supervise inmate trustees to make dinner for his church to sell. This is a clear abuse of power and has been done on several occasions. This is with Director George Kaloroumakis' approval.
It's time to put the Jail back under the control of the Wicomico County Sheriff.
And if we have to let the sheriff run the jail and start a county wide police department where there is a county police chief answering to the county council. The sheriff's office can be responsible for the jails, courts and tax sales.
Reduce the size of the sheriff's office and put those positions under the County Police force. The Deputies can then apply for a county police job or hope for the remaining deputies positions.
Our jails are to nice and inmates treated to easy. They should be worked 10 hours a day and fed very little.
They are underpaid there. So us the taxpayers just funded almost a half million dollars in salary adjustments. With that kind of money infused there critter getters should be on staff 24/7.
My son was in there for 4 months. He was there for 2 days before he even got to take a shower. I had to call the detention center before any one did anything. I have a list of what it cost for him to be in there. Money had to be put on a card for him to be able to call us. And money had to be put on a card soi he could by food and snack from the commissary. It add up to over $1200.
Bahaha!!! He likes his ladies blonde with a "chest", if ya get what I am laying down!
That's why it's called the Wicomico County Sheriffs office, it is a "COUNTY WIDE" police force, the sheriff answers to the council in a sense and his budget is approved by the county. The deputies are already employees of the county who get paychecks from Wicomico County. Most of what you said makes no sense, however having the WICOMICO sheriff's office take over the jail isn't a bad idea.
Maybe this will make people think twice before committing a crime. Apparently the thought of jail hasn't done it, maybe bugs will do the trick!
Personally i think families should support their own family memebers who are jailed and not the tax payers...its what they do in other countries we shouldn't be any different....
You're stupid 9:08. You can't figure out what they meant? IDIOT!
Well calls and commissary aren't free ya know. I'm sure that wasn't his first rodeo. It's your son so you take care of him
All the people on here need to really listen...corruption and filth has nothing to do with justice......I had to spend 90 days in wcdc. Yes I broke the law and was willing to do what I had to....2st my charge was driving My car to Work on a suspended licence ( which was taken for child support ) no other charges just that. So now I'm a criminal according to most these comments and deserve the worst....when I was there I took showers in black mold covered stalls.had bugs and mildew all over the cell because the Windows had not been resealed forever the caulk and mortar joints were deteriorating...the food is not only the serving size for a small child but the kitchen has rats and roaches all in it eating the food they cook in advance and leave for the next day. I've seen them order people to brush off rat turds from the "corn bread" do they can serve it for breakfast...the work release and detail bunks are so over ran with roaches we had to sleep with toilet paper in our ears so they couldn't crawl in (recommended by nursing staff there)...I also seen 95% if eligible work release people forced to Work on a free county detail which is forced free labor... So many many other things I could go on about....I really wish the ones who investigates the corrupt were not the same corrupt people themselves....wicomico county justice system I'd nothing but a financial whale for this county just add the hospital and the college and anything negative or injust will never be brought to light unless we the PEOPLE demand action everyday all day.
12:17 pm Who was the "She" who TRIED to expose the corruption? The "She's" of WCDC were always the problem from day one from the opening of WCDC. Your statement is laughable because the root of the problem with WCDC started at the ole downtown jail and will continue until the end of days. Remember, Sue Morgan?
As for the ECI rejects, they ain't got poop over the GOOD "OLE BOYS System and the 'Ole Croonies with their puppets from the old downtown jail. The things that they did and participated in at the old downtown jail was filtered, carried over and implemented into today's WCDC. If anyone of you have something to say about WCDC, you need to shut the hell up. You know nothing about the horrors of WCDC. What the writers is speaking of today is nothing compared to what was going on at WCDC in the 70's and 80's Back in the 70's and 80's, it was hell in that jail closely resembling Sodom and Gormorrah. The youngster today living and working in WCDC have no ideal what it really was like and how bad it could have been if it haven't been for the "Rejects". Count your blessing for today's WCDC because "The Devils" W and D use to be in charge of WCDC. Dante's Inferno should have been WCDC real name meaning extremely corruptible and unstoppable. And, most family members of a law breaker either can't and won't take care of their own. Count your blessing.
You folks and the writer need to get over yourself on behalf of their locked up family member with this pity party woe as me placing blame on everybody else except yourselves. Everyday, someone have to get out of their bed, get dressed, say good bye to their children and significant other, enter that place and babysit a bunch of grown azz adults who really don't give a poop about life in the real world. Staff members have to abide by laws that give inmates from all walks of life from the gutter or high rises more rights to eat, sleep, poop and cause havoc. And, this is every single day, twenty hours in a day and seven days a week. Why? Because there are only three places a law breaker can go; the streets, the grave or WCDC. If I had to go to jail, I would happily go to WCDC. If anyone of you don't want a family member to go to WCDC; take care of each other, stay out of trouble, do the right thing and don't break the law. It's that simple. WCDC is today version of; staying alive, staying healthy and staying alive. "Life."
To The Staff of Wicomico County Department of Corrections; keep on trucking, thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your service.
WCDC has a ton of people who have not been tried or convicted of a crime yet. Many are waiting for their day in court. It's not ethical to treat the accused as if they're already guilty. Besides, state prisons are much better for living conditions so there's a flagrant disparity in the conditions.
So you're saying it's uncomfortable living in prison? Huh, I wasn't under the impression it was supposed to be a Disney cruise. Remind me, why do people end up in prison? Oh right, because they have committeed crimes against society. Well now, seems to me that maybe the time in prison should not necessarily be ideal living conditions.
There are tons of innocent people there. That's a false statement.
I don't believe for one second you got 90 days for driving on a suspended license. That is total crap.
808 the Detention Center is NOT PRISON! Prison and jail is where CONVICTED go to serve their time. Detention Centers are for people who couldn't make bail or were denied bail by the courts but are not convicted. Learn how the food chain works, my friend. It will serve you well.
Here is a thought. Maybe, just maybe your son should stop committing criminal acts. I'm certain that's the only way you end up there. Maybe focus on that issue Jacka##.
12:17 you are a liar
They deserve clean conditions
The detention center is not a prison. The ones being held there are either there until they have their day in court and did not have bail money or granted bail and are entitled to their due process. or they have had their day in court and have been convicted but to short sentences. This is not a prison for hardened convicted criminals. Once they are convicted they are sent else where. short term sentences or people that have not gone to court are held here. Some are very much innocent. These people should be treated humanely. Issues at this jail have been there for years. There were complaints about the spider bites several years ago. Bed bugs and cockroaches and head lice are not easy critters to deal with. but spiders can be dangerous to the detainees and the ones working at the jail and needs to be addressed! Some of you commenting really do need to get a clue. You do know that you can be accused of something and they come get you and lock you up and you have done nothing wrong, but until you get a lawyer, if you can afford one and get a hearing for bail, if you can afford it will sit in the jail until your court date comes up. Its up to you to prove your innocence in todays world, It's Not of how the Constitution and your rights was intended. Trumped up charges along with trumped up circumstantial evidence. Think about that. Toto you are NOT in Kansas anymore! Yes it can even happen to you!
LONG OVERDUE > Fire those ECI rejects Kimble / Kalourmakis
and Cauffman
Never should have been Hired in the first place > ask any
and > Many ex ECI Officers who will CONCUR !!!!
Plenty of Proof on all of them > come on County Admin !!!
Send the Health Dept in that will disgrace them enough to get it cleaned up! And after it is known all over the county and word to other prisons, send it to Fox Network News they'll do a story on it.
Sounds like some prisoners and guards need to clean up after themselves. As for the corruption, that's nothing new in a Government institution, especially law enforcement but hey, even the libraries are vermin, bug and mold infested as well as contaminated with poison that has been sprayed under a monthly contract for 30 or more years! (not to mention corrupt.)
Its a jail, not the Holiday Inn. Stay out of trouble, and you'll stay out of jail. Don't get arrested and expect to be taken to the Hilton. Instead of accusing your jailers of corruption, why don't YOU try not breaking the laws that put you there?
A bunch of complaining ass grown women and men who continue to go back and forth in the county jail. For the majority of them, it's their second home and for some their first home because their own families have turned their back on them. That place is saving lives Everyday because when they aren't in jail they are dying from overdoses. no one deserves to live in such conditions if the allegations are true, but it's better than living in the woods.
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