JoeAlbero said...
7:32, Let me start with this. It was Salisbury News who paid off the breakfast/lunch debts for ALL 28 Wicomico County schools at Christmas. I say this because I believe we deserve the right to make the following statement.
I support those who say they are upset that it is we the taxpayers that pay for Welfare, WIC, Food Stamps etc. which includes 3 meals a day for these children.
Where is the accountability and again, why are WE paying for these free lunches when the children are not in school.
This is yet another snowflake program. Trust me, when I was a kid we could not afford three meals a day, period. As my waste line gets larger as I get older, I thank God I've been blessed with enough income to finally afford whatever and whenever meal I so choose to enjoy.
Being HUNGRY drove me to work my a$$ off, instead of standing in line for free meals. If you think my story is special, don't you ever forget the very people who grew up in the great depression.
If I needed a meal, I mowed a lawn or two in my neighborhood where I could afford something. There's plenty of elderly people and yes, especially renters in Salisbury who could use someone to mow their lawns for ten bucks.
There are not enough lawns. And the kid has to have a lawnmower.
The majority of these kids are K through 5th.
Oh, so not true, 8:28 AM, there are plenty of lawns that need to be mowed in Salisbury. Most of those lazy people who do not mow their lawns have a lawnmower sitting in a shed or a garage.
8:28, it was an example. OMG get a grip. There are tons of odd jobs to be done. I've been looking for somebody to do about 3 days of various jobs around my home....been looking and asking for 3 weeks.....and NO takers. I agree with Joe about this.
I was so mad about a month ago...was in Wawa before work, girl comes in in her Coors Light pajama bottoms and gets two Monster energy drinks and a box of 5 hr Energy drinks and it was $23.00....yep, paid for it with her EBT card...why are we still putting the same people in office. Terms limits need to happen.
There a LOT of us baby boomers who are retiring now and don't want to cut the grass anymore. I remember when I started at about 10 years old having to rent a mower from Ace Hardware and pushing it to all my lawns @ $1.75 a pop, then pushing it back to Ace to turn it back in. It was a proud day when I bought my first Jacobsen 18" mower and my own hand shears so I could keep all that rent money!
8:28, go suck on a snowflake!
WRONG answer 828am. Find a solution instead.
Where is the local lawn mower shop? Does he/she have any "extra" (wink wink) lawn mowers? Tell them WHY the need. How bout he/she "rent" a mower to a kid and take oh I don't know...1 percent of the profit. Then when the kid pays it back, he/she gives it back and says "use it for gas money". WIN/WIN for all.
SOLUTIONS people, not obstacles!
If retired people didn't have to work to afford supplemental insurance which is additional cost to insurance and taxes on there pention there would be quite a few starter jobs for young people. now getting them off the couch is something else
There have got to be larger issues to cry against than the feeding of hungry kids?
8:28, you're a quitter. There is plenty to do for money. Clean yards, wash cars, rake leaves, walk dogs and a hundred other things that could be done to earn a buck. The reason they don't do it is because people like you tell them not to.
OK, waist, sorry.
9:13, I'll tell you what. Why don't YOU start a Blog and YOU can control the topics every day.
It makes me wonder how many families are using this program. My guess is not many. The leftover funds could be used during school fot those who can't pay.
8:46, You see, this is the problem with these wet pants liberals today. There's always an excuse.
Look, if you are hungry you will do whatever it takes to get a meal. Instead, we now have adults standing on our street corners begging for money. Kids aren't hungry today because everything is handed to them, including Christmas gifts from WBOC, Salvation Army, Toys for Tots, Church's, Fire Departments, Police Stations, OMG, you name it, it's all free.
Get off your asses and that includes your able body kids and make a few bucks. Go to Wicomico Trash & Treasure and buy a used PUSH lawn mower.
My Grandson has been working full time since he's 14 years old. He's purchased his own truck by 16, completely paid for. He just had major back surgery where they completely rebuilt his spine 4 weeks ago. GUESS WHAT, he's going back to work TODAY. I know a TON of adults who would not only still by lying in bed, they'd milk the pain for years!
So frankly, I don't want to hear your bullsh!t excuses. I have XERO sympathy for others.
Funny how some of you sent in rejected comments crying these are young kids. Yes, there are some young kinds but interesting how those people avoided the fact that most of them are on assistance.
Amen Joe!!!
What would Jesus do?
I strongly agree and every time I pass our local beggars on the street corners I wish somebody would give them a lawn mower in the summertime or a snow shovel in the wintertime and tell them to go earn the $ they need. Sorry the way I see it if you can stand all day on the corner begging you are sure able to work so get a lawn mower and snow shovel and start earning instead of begging. But these fools would probably just pawn or sell it if you gave it to them as they would rather stand in the hot sun or cold weather all day than go to work. And no I have no sympathy for them because they do not look like they need any $ and just appear too lazy to work.
10:06 - probably get on down to City Hall and ring that little boy's neck who is making the city a haven for the undesirables and driving out those that want Salisbury to be something more than Section 8, adrift barges, failing infrastructure, and blown budgets.
An awful lot of judging going on here this morning. Really, we're talking about giving hungry kids a meal. Have we really become that cynical as a society? Are kids responsible for bad decisions of their parents?
Crap post. No excuse for children going hungry. Just an excuse for OP to toot their own horn as usual
10:06...according to an article posted today, regarding the Cardinal and his staff. Since they are living a "Godly life", the answer to your question of "what would Jesus do?" Is easily answered. It appears he would hold a drug fueled gay sex orgy in Vatican City using money donated by church members. Glad I could answer your question.
9:03 AM I don't understand the point of your wink wink crap but the lawnmower shop doesn't need the liability of renting out his mowers to irresponsible kids, wink wink
But I also know that kids are asking for $20 just to mow my small front yard, so I will do it myself until I can't anymore. I would hire them if they were reasonable but I can get an insured legit company to do the whole thing for $30 including trim and clean up, so why would I pay a kid $20 to do 1/2 a yard, and they do not trim the edges or sidewalks.
Funny how some of you sent in rejected comments crying these are young kids. Yes, there are some young kinds but interesting how those people avoided the fact that most of them are on assistance. July 6, 2017 at 9:27 AM
Exactly! Yes.
That's Jesus Christ, sir.
1117, SOLUTIONS not OBSTACLES. Phrases like "I don't understand"; "liability"; then to top it off "irresponsible kids".
You don't get it at all and that is truly sad.
Thanks for contributing!
You are spot on!
ok just what would Jesus do? How about no work no eat! yup that's right look it up. Joe you are absolutely right. Most of these kids that are going hungry, the family gets food supplements. If that family is getting Gov't help, I.E free food that the tax payers are paying for then why are those kids going to school hungry or being at home hungry? Its the responsibility of those parents to feed their kids. If you can't afford food then go get another job. I know many of us work 2 jobs to make it and feed our kids. You lazy bums can to. I get tired of working my behind off to take care of my family and yours to. Stop spending your money on drugs, liquor, tatoos, smokes and caffeine products or other garbage that you don't need or can do without and go Get another job!
I like 10:59's answer better!!
This is a tough issue. The person that said most were K-5 was correct. How can a 2nd grader even know how to go about earning money? Most of the kids being fed are living in circumstances that most of us can't imagine. Trust me when I say that I am not a snowflake liberal. But, I am a grandmother. And it's hard to think about a young child going hungry because the parents used up all the food stamp money for what they wanted - or traded it for cash for drugs. I honestly wish there was a good answer. I'm just not willing for a young child to go hungry be a solution. Sometimes I think we are just too far gone for real solutions. I do know answers aren't going to be found in battles with the media and stupid tweeting.
8:34 whey should they spend their food stamps on food? Why should they be responsible for what they are given when number 1 they have paid nothing for and number 2 they know they can go buy drugs or what ever with those given food stamps because they know that they can still get their kids fed and still not have to worry about where that kid is getting their meal...responsible? why should they be when they know they can sucker people like you more. and yes the sad part is...the kids are the ones to suffer. but those same people know how to work the system and people like you and they DO! Always for the sake of the children! spoken like a true liberal, even terrorists use the "children" to hide behind... so give me a break! Every state should include work requirements...even if its volunteer services. Make em go work in a homeless shelter or with some truly disabled and let them see just how good they have it!
I agree with Joe on all the points. I too do not think it is right to fund lunches for the children in the summer. It should fall on the parents or grand parents to provide for them in the summer, some of you may say well they can't afford it I say look closer they afford all the things the parents want nice cars, clothes and most of their wants. I was fortunate enough that my parents took care of our needs, but at 14 I started working because I wanted to, and I continued to work for 47 years. That is why I also don't like panhandlers on the roads because if you offer them a sandwich instead of money they refuse it. They are just lazy and do not want to work, and any offer of work will be refused try it.
It actually is like the depression, if you want work badly enough you will take what you can get till you find a better job. During the depression parents encouraged their teenagers and even children to do some kind of work. If you do not do this than YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR FUTURE.
Let me try to understand something.
How can our youth be both hungry and obese? I passed a billboard put up by the State of Maryland referring to the ill effects of childhood obesity. Followed just minutes later by a radio ad saying children in our state are going hungry?
Need to start a program to take food from these fat kids and turn it over to these skinny kids
To all of you who don't want to feed hungry should be ashamed...some of you even mention Jesus. It is fine for the Donald Trumps' of the world to waste millions of dollars in their comings and goings to play golf and vacation on my taxpayer money, yet you have a problem for a child to eat for 4 or 5 dollars a day. Let's get something straight...if you know Jesus, you know he was poor in material things, but rich in spiritual things. Jesus had his followers pay for his taxes, clothes, shelter and meals. His followers were grateful to be able to give to him, because he gave to them so much more. I want my taxpayer money to go to the hungry child, not the greedy adult. If everyone gave what they could to the needy person in their community, then the government wouldn't have to be involved and we could slash the salaries of the Senate, President and Congress at least 1/3, since they won't have much to do, because everybody would be doing what Jesus would do.
Baloney. Nobody's telling anyone not to get off the couch and earn a few honest bucks. I hired a couple of neighborhood teen kids, a girl and a boy, a few weeks ago to do some raking and sweeping in my yard and sidewalks. They showed up two hours late, spent 20 minutes working, 40 minutes texting, then dropped the rakes and broom in the yard and disappeared without a word, actually leaving more of a mess than was there before they started. I ended up doing the work myself.
When I was I high school I would walk home every single day. When I was home early afternoon I remember the only thing I had to eat in the house was a ketchup sandwich. That's right I would put ketchup on a slice of bread and eat it because I was hungry. There were times I would make a sandwich out of a slice of bread and butter and sprinkle a little bit of sugar on it. I started drinking a cup of coffee when I was in high school because there was always a pot of coffee. I would pour a cup of coffee and dump several teaspoons of sugar in it just so I could drink it. There weren't any snacks to eat or any real sandwiches to make, I had to wait for dinner and I ate what my mother cooked or we would go hungry. I didn't get 3 free meals a day and snacks in between. I weighed 125 lbs with a size 28 waist when I graduated from high school. Does anyone else remember being this hungry as a white male kid? So much for your "White Privilege!"
Let's add the Obamas to those golfing millionaires, shall we?
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