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Photo credit: Luke Wright |
Officiating the event was former Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton in front of the reflection pond near WMDT's headquarters.
Afterwards wedding party, family and guests celebrated the couple at their reception at Headquarters Live.
1 – 200 of 282 Newer› Newest»Figures!
You have to wonder, will they shut down Main Street, (the Downtown Plaza) your your child's normal marriage, or is this just a gay thing?
It was your election to lose Salisbury. LMAO!
Salisbury = the new Rehoboth.
Makes me want to puke.
They should take there honeymoon to IRAN i here they love these type.
lets everyone be gay so we can wipeout the Human Race.
Such the sinners. Shame on them and shame on those who support such vulgarity and perversion. God has a special place in hell already set aside for these sinners and their sinner supporters. The Bible clearly and unequivocally states homosexuality is perverted, not normal and a sin. They can proclaim all day long they are christians but they are going to hell where they will burn for eternity. You don't get to pick and choose what parts of the word to listen to.
good picture of the pigeon toed brides maid!
Where's Molly?
Freak Show. It's one thing to hide your immoral ways but to blatantly show to the world that you have no morals and were raised by the worst of the worst is actually quite funny.
They love the muslims but wait till they realise rhe muslims want there type DEAD.
I am not sure why this is a public service announcement. Who cares? They now have had their 15 minutes of fame.
As a tax payer I would just like to know whether city resources (time or money) was spent on this. If so, that's a big problem.
This post is just wrong in so many ways and the comments are truly shameful. What purpose does it serve to attack, mock and besmirch someone because they are different than you are? You all are small human beings.
Oh, grow up people. It's 2017. Stop being such bigots. Hate will get you nowhere.
I threw up a little in my mouth looking at this! Can't handle this before my morning coffee!
10:37, "grow up", seriously? You want to ask normal people to grow up. Like a typical Liberal you then go on the attack calling those who disagree "bigots". Oh, by the way, there's a BIG difference between someone who DISAGREES verses HATE.
Your kind has every right to comment here as well but here's what I find funny, WHERE ARE YOU? Oh, that's right, the mass MAJORITY of Americans disagree with this crap.
I'm proud to be a deplorable.
1029 what's your problem? The actual article doesn't say anything derogatory. She's a city official so her marriage like John Cannon's last spring is news. You're a moron for even making such a stupid idiotic statement.
That's true, they did cover John Cannon's wedding at Headquarters Live when it happened. Why are people so f-ed up about the stupidest things? You read sh** in stuff that simply isn't there. Better get your glasses fixed 1037 you look like an idiot.
Seems to me 1037 and 1029 are more offended by the pictures than the actual written post. Quit lying to yourselves. You both look asinine.
Not a good image for the city of Salisbury. What your sexual preference is should not be displayed, I don't care. I don't agree with homosexuality and I hate it thrown in my face. It's ridiculous!
Joe was jim ireton on city time doing this ? if so he needs to be FIRED and i am a dem.
Dont push ur gay bs agenda on me as you are going to H E L L.
IN Iran doing gay work.
yup lol
1053 wake up from your drug induced haze and realize Ireton A) hasn't been mayor since 2015 and B) Saturday is NOT a work day. When have you ever known a government worker, much less a mayor, work outside the allotted time of bankers and courts? Funny you identified yourself as a Democrat because your haze is not as shocking!
this town is full of hateful people. Why do you care what everyone else does? Worry about yourself
1121 so it's okay to bust on John Cannon's wedding because he's a Republican but don't dare mention a Liberal City Administrator's wedding? You are insane. Absolutely insane.
Totally disgusting!
We have become a modern Sodom a and Gomorrah!
Just a reflection of how far this society has fallen.
May god have mercy on us all!
I couldn't care less about them getting married, in fact, more power to them! Congrats. My problem is with the special treatment people around here give local government officials when they don't do squat for this area to improve the economy.
Get over it. Ya'll want to be able to sneer and judge and name call, and you want it to be "o.k.". Well newsflash... it's not.
Not a single one of you can provide a valid reason why consenting adults can't do what they want to do. Not a single one of you can present a coherent valid argument against gays.
And, no... reciting what you declare your holy book says is NOT a valid argument. Last time I checked this isn't any sort of theocracy, and we are a secular republic... so you'll need better arguments. Your holy text says don't be gay, then YOU can follow it and not be gay. You don't get to saddle the rest of us with your brand of religiosity.
See, I think ya'll are so upset because you want to sneer, you want to judge, you want to belittle others, and you want to be able to high five each other about it... and you don't like it when you are identified as the horrible person you are acting like.
Tyranny indeed.
Looked like a nice Sunny day.
(well that was POSITIVE wasn't it????)
I saw this on their Facebook page in my stomach turn. Two women wearing a wedding dress? Just about one of the sickest thing I've ever seen.
There's a reflection pond near WMDT? Oh, they must mean the scum filled foot bath in front of the coffee shop!
1150 if this was disturbing, what if it were two men? Tuxedos and all?
Don't Care who's marrying who. Care about street being shut down for a non public event to the inconvenience of many and cost to taxpayers.
Weird!! I don't see any men in the pictures ... (Ireton won't count).
11:43 AM YES !
Being repulsed by homosexuality is not silly or bigotry.
It has been a part of humanity for centuries.
No culture has ever condoned it, it has always been shunned for very obvious reasons.
It is not natural. It goes against the natural order.
However, Christians know that every single one of us are going to Heaven after we die.
Therefore, we treat each other with respect and are kind to each other.
It is sad that many in our present society no longer value the natural order - procreation.
Sex is for procreating. Yes, it is enjoyable - that is a gift of nature.
Not everything that feels good adds to the quality of life.
Taking drugs feels good.
Drinking alcohol excessively feels good - sometimes.
Smoking tobacco feels good.
Eating too much food feels good - sometimes.
Thank you
Isn't this near Kuhn's? Did they get permission from all the businesses to basically shut them down for the afternoon? I agree with 1158, it's rather inconsiderate considering many of those businesses are closed on Sundays. If this was on a Saturday, this is very rude.
Matthew 6 14-16 good luck to you
I'm just curious, does being a former mayor of a small town give that person the authority to marry others? I thought marriage was conducted by representatives of a church. I wasn't even aware that same sex marriage was legal in Maryland, did Hogan sign the bill making it legal, if he did, shame on him. If O'Malley signed it than that is what would be expected from the radicals on the left.
1229 I was thinking the same thing about the former mayor marrying them. Believe a judge can marry them, too. As for legal, yes it is legal now throughout the country for same-sex marriages. It is also recognized by all agencies like the IRS, etc. It's actually a very profitable venture for divorce lawyers because since the law took effect, many same-sex divorces have also happened even among those couples who have been together for decades. Just like traditional marriage in a lot of cases. Something about saying "I do" forever creeps people out regardless of sexual orientation. After going through a divorce, I have no desire to ever marry again. It's not like it's a deal breaker for me anymore. I'd rather be in a loving unmarried lifelong relationship. Legally cleaner that way.
Good luck girls.
I'm so glad they get to celebrate the love they have for each other. #loveislove #judgingisasin #weareallsinners #doyouevengotochurch?
Another demographic the court system can bilk for money. Grand!
The thrill of marriage leads to the defeat of divorce. Don't have any problem with same-sex marriage but I will say this, if I had it to do all over again, I would've never gotten married. Either time.
Marriage is obsolete. It was invented in the Stone Ages for people who lived long enough and were not be eaten by dinosaurs.
You are incorrect. There are plenty of cultures that have not demonized homosexuality, and plenty where it was just a part of society. It took no effort to look this up. Ancient Romans, Greeks, China, even Hebrews in Israel to name a small few societies/cultures that came up as soon as I did a search. There are many indian tribes around the world today where it is the norm.
You claimed that it is not natural or part of the natural order, yet it is found in not only the human animal species but other animal species as well... the very definition of naturally occurring. What exactly do you mean by "not normal", because I'm not sure you are communicating your idea well?
I'm not sure that you have spent time looking for facts or arguing from a knowledge stand point. You claim to know things you can't possibly demonstrate... please demonstrate your claims about Christianity and its heaven.
You claim that sex is for procreating only? Explain to me people who are born sterile. Why should they have sex, or get married?
Yet again.. the only arguments presented are that your religion says don't be gay, which is not an argument.
Shouldn't people be thankful they find someone they click with? These women are lucky to have found one another. What any of us think shouldn't matter. It was their day.
I feel so sorry for thrm. They are misguided and will pay for it.
Anyone who married is in this day and age, 1256, is misguided. Marriage is a myth propagated by Madison Avenue, Bridal Industry and Divorce Court. 😒😒😒😒😒😒
1250 is absolutely right. There's many cultures throughout history that embraced homosexuality. Julius Caesar had male lovers, so did Socrates and Aristotle. See, people don't know history so they have no point of reference on reality.
Isn't Christians imposing male/female marriage on everyone the same as Muslims pushing Islam down our throats with Sharia Law? Just a thought you all might want to think about. After all it's not our sin if same-sex marriage is a sin so why is it any of our business?
" Anonymous said...
This post is just wrong in so many ways and the comments are truly shameful. What purpose does it serve to attack, mock and besmirch someone because they are different than you are? You all are small human beings.
May 31, 2017 at 10:29 AM"
Because some of us are Christians and as Christians the Bible says to call out the sinners and those who have strayed. And now before you or any other fake Christian starts with the nonsense you were told in your fake churches about how God can only judge let me set you straight here and now. The Bible says to judge and condemn so long as you yourself are clean of the sin and are striving to live a Godly moral life. Flaunting pure perversion and dirtiness is not trying to change your sinning ways. it's a spit in the face of the Almighty. And NO it is NOT being a small human being it is being a caring human being who wants others to experience the joys of heaven.
"Anonymous said...
this town is full of hateful people. Why do you care what everyone else does? Worry about yourself
May 31, 2017 at 11:21 AM"
You are warped. Calling out what the Bible describes as perverted is NOT hateful! We are doing you a favor whether you realize it or not because engaging and supporting such perversions will guarantee your one way ticket to hell.
Some of the biggest hypocrites I've ever met were so called Christians. What about adultery? I remember back in the 80s a minister at Bethesda slept with a woman from the choir. Both were married and both heavily involved in the church obviously.
Bible thumping hillbillies. If money is the root of all evil, why do they ask for it every Sunday in church?
" Anonymous said...
I'm just curious, does being a former mayor of a small town give that person the authority to marry others? I thought marriage was conducted by representatives of a church. I wasn't even aware that same sex marriage was legal in Maryland, did Hogan sign the bill making it legal, if he did, shame on him. If O'Malley signed it than that is what would be expected from the radicals on the left.
May 31, 2017 at 12:29 PM"
Those who have the authority are licensed officiants and the clerk of the court. So long as the officiant is licensed the marriage is legally recognized by the government. Just about anyone can obtain the license. We were married by a judge (a mentor and friend of ours) who aren't usually licensed but he did us a favor and applied for and received a license just to marry us.
119 Tiding is in the Bible, you moron.
The bible also says to take up serpents. Come on over to my place and I'll introduce you to a copperhead to play with.
You can get ordained over the internet. Joey did it in the show Friends when he married Monica and Chandler. Yes know it's a tv show but that's based on reality. You can get ordained to perform marriages.
Those two women are better off with each other then most of the men around here that can't stay sober long enough to keep a full time job or support a family.
1:17 Yes adultery and homosexual sex are both perversions and lust. Just because a pastor and choir member were sinful doesn't mean that gay sex is ok. Both are very wrong. I hope the pastor is not a pastor anymore.
125: Judge not for lest be judged. Ring a bell?
LOL 12:50 your BS won't work around here. No tools around here who swallow the BS you like to ram down people's throats. FYI Einstein there are NOT plenty of cultures that didn't demonize homosexuality. You can lie about it, try and spin it anyway you want but the fact stands what you are referring to are ancient cultures that had yet to morph into civilized human beings. They had no concept between right or wrong, moral or immoral just like the democrat party of today. When people became civilized and came to under stand the natural order of things homosexuality was demonized and homosexuals called out.
125 they're married! You assume they have sex? How many married couples do you know who still have sex? Really? 😣
does Lindsay have a last name?
Or is she ashamed to share it?
I see Ireton in the picture trying for another 15 minutes of attention.
Lindsey's last name is Glanz. Gotta problem with that? Tell it your priest.
12:50. You want someone to demonstrate "claims" about Chrisitianity and heaven in the comments section ....lol. BTW your "facts" are opinions. It will never be normal.
"Anonymous said...
125: Judge not for lest be judged. Ring a bell?
May 31, 2017 at 1:29 PM"
LOL I knew this was coming. I sure did. While I know it won't ring a bell with the immoral like you the Bible actually says to call out the sinners and try and lead them back to the flock of righteousness. If you completely dumbed down losers didn't have such low IQ levels you would know you have to read both before and after any Bible passage to get the full meaning. Kind of like you have to do with local, county, state and federal laws the same applies to Biblical law. Simply just cherry picking a passage only proves you are nothing but an ignoramus.
1:29. You can't judge others salvation but you can call out sinful behavior. Yes gay sex is sinful as is adultery. Go and sin no more ring a bell?
136 'ignoramus' how mature of you and a real powerful way to pose a winnable argument. IQ levels nice, but I don't believe in shadow puppets in the sky or blindly follow some minister or priest just because someone at some theology school gave me a degree or certificate. You're lazy. You can't think for yourself and worse, you are suffer from moral narcissism, which makes you no different nor better than a f-ing liberal.
140 we are all born of sin, doll. and here's another clue. all sex done except for procreation is a sin. suck on your lollipop, pop tart. choke on that koolaid for all i care. I'll come to your funeral wearing a red suit.
145 don't pay 140/136 any mind. They probably belong to that Hillsborough Church. They hate everyone.
"Anonymous said...
125: Judge not for lest be judged. Ring a bell?
May 31, 2017 at 1:29 PM"
Yes it does ring a bell. Read further into it and what it says is if you are guilty of the same sin you too will be judged. There are many references in the bible clearly saying it is not only a christians duty but the christian will be guilty of sin if they do not confront a brother/sister who is actively engaging in a sin so long as you are not doing the same thing.
LMAO @ these hateful comments about homosexuality being thrown in their face. If you're that afraid of having your bubble popped stay in the house and avoid the media!🙄
The Koran says: If a man lays with anther man, as he would lay with a woman, they both are to be beheaded, and cut into 4 pieces, than scattered to the four winds, and all their property burned. Chp. 23.29
Sounds like the right thing to do with these degenerates! Muslims have the right idea on this problem!
150 when you hate someone can they really be your brother or sister? I mean after all we're living in the Dark Ages here so shouldn't we just put them up on a cross and crucify them?
Reading these comments, Radical Islam and Christianity in America have a lot more in common than I thought. Sad. Such hate in the world. smh
@1:25 & 1:30
The original reply was to the assertion that no cultures accepted homosexuality which is false, so it was corrected.
You keep making assertions that it is not normal and it is perversion. Unless you can substantiate as to why then your assertions can be dismissed. You can't claim it as immoral unless you can demonstrate it to be.
Until you do, you are just plain wrong.
To the Xians here: just remember you're an infidel in the eyes of Islam and have no right to life. Better watch your 6. Your heads will roll just like the rest of us. Pun intended.
Damn! Ma & Pa be triggered now!
" Anonymous said...
Reading these comments, Radical Islam and Christianity in America have a lot more in common than I thought. Sad. Such hate in the world. smh
May 31, 2017 at 1:53 PM"
This is the problem with you dumbed down losers. Everytime you hear something you hate to hear because like in this case you know deep down what they are doing is nasty and perverted you have to blame any criticism on hate. Parents chastise and call their children out all the time and that does not mean the parent hates the child. Start using your head. It's a shame how low you have allowed yourself to sink in the sea of sheer and utter stupidity. It would benefit you immensely if you really did stop and think before commenting.
Stealing is also a sin but you're sitting at work, typing on a blog instead of doing your job. You know the one you're being paid to do. That is by definition stealing. Go forth, Xian sinner.
2:02, Unless you are PAID as an employee for the City specifically to counter these articles like Jake Day is doing.
201 you are not anyone's parent that you are chastising. You're being a judgmental prick who feels their way is the only way to be. You don't see the comparison between your christian beliefs and radical islam which makes you scary. You call people ignorant and stupid when your comments let the world know you think you're better than everyone else. You quote the Bible on your boss's dime and then sit there with some superiority complex. You're a cruel person to anyone who doesn't think, believe or see the world as you do. You are a sad person, 201. I'm glad I don't walk this world in your shoes. By the way, I'm straight, not gay at all. I just don't like hypocrites.
I say move this post and the one about Day to the top. That will really frost their arses.
1:45 Looks like I struck a nerve. Ignoramus, not mature and lazy.....you've resorted to name calling. Stop with the self inflated intelligence.
234 the only thing you struck with me is I'm glad I'm not a close-minded idiot who thinks they have some morality when in reality, you look like the dumbest kid on the block. Organized religion will do this to people. Followers.
I'm surprised the businesses there were okay with shutting down or inconveniencing customers. I know there's not a lot of them in Downtown but being they do this stuff, probably a good thing they don't.
Why would Julia Glanz want to be married downtown? There's much prettier places in Salisbury. The bandstand would've made a beautiful wedding spot or the beach.
1:58 How about its just plain disgusting? Only a man that HATES himself would degrade another man in that way. You don't need historical facts or a spread sheet to see the truth.
Cannon got married at Headquarters Live I think.
@12:17 PM
No culture has embraced or accepted it huh? How about present day The United States of America where it is illegal to discriminate against gays, and where same sex marriage is legal, and there are no enforceable laws against homosexuality?
Even some Christian sects accept and embrace gays...
What are you even talking about?
Congratulations Julia & Lindsey. Happy for you both!!!! Love Wins!
These two women are brave people! Look at the BS they have to put up with from small-minded morons. What would Christians have them do? Marry a man they weren't interested in, have dysfunctional kids and then commit suicide at 40 because they never got to live the life they wanted? Yeah that's so much better. I agree with 248. Congratulations to both of them.
"Oh, grow up people. It's 2017. Stop being such bigots. Hate will get you nowhere."
Can you explain what is meant by it's 2017? What does the year have to do with the defense of this subject?
You are making me think maybe in 2027 it may be okay for a human to marry a animal, perhaps a small donkey will be satisfying? Because it is ten years from now will make it okay. Please explain, I don't get it.
It's so wonderful to see this , what a fitting place to have this , Salisbury.
Salisbury , the city without crime or morals , without values or religion , without sin . This entire post has made me puke . Don't it make you proud , ain't it great to see this crap , wow what a country that obama has made in 8 years of turmoil. Lock and Load people , get ready , it's a coming .
The commentators bashing Christians are all prime examples of why society in general has degraded. We are just like the Roman's before Rome fell to ashes. I firmly believe marriage is between a man and a woman. Have a commitment ceremony but marriage was created for the purpose of family. Gay marriage just cheapens the whole purpose of marriage. Might as well not get married period. gay marriage ruins the purpose of straight marriage.
What's worse 310, is more people are upset about this wedding than Kathy Griffin hold a severed head covered in blood that resembles our president. That's a damnation of what our world has come to at this point in history. Now THAT IS SAD!
Good thing you are proud to be deplorable. Are you also proud to be the biggest crybaby I have ever seen? My goodness it's always something you're bitching about. Don't like it? DON'T ATTEND PROBLEM SOLVED. You're the one giving these issues publicity you moron
1:58 they didn't know it was uncivilized and immoral at that point in time. It was only until people started to become civilized that they realized homosexuality was unnatural and nasty. Cannibalism was also accepted in a lot these ancient cultures and again as soon as people started evolving into civilized human beings they saw just how unnatural and nasty that was too.
"Anonymous said...
150 when you hate someone can they really be your brother or sister? I mean after all we're living in the Dark Ages here so shouldn't we just put them up on a cross and crucify them?
May 31, 2017 at 1:52 PM"
You are confused. Love the sinner hate the sin. When someone cares enough to call you out on your sins that is the deepest love one will ever experience.
Well Hell doesn't exist so I think we're all safe there.
Congratulations and best wishes.
12:29 - Gay marriage has been legal in Maryland since 2013.
And Ireton is likely an ordained minister. Many people choose to become ordained online nowadays.
Also, you don't have to be ordained to perform a wedding, as many judges, ships captains, and justices of the piece have performed weddings for centuries.
I have several friends who are nurses and police officers who chose to get ordained online in order to officiate at weddings. In addition, it gives them the ability to perform last rites for dying patients.
Gays because most are democrats are nothing more then drains on society. The only reason and they say it themselves they want to be married is for the 'benefits.' They just like the rest of the losers in the democrat party are always running around with their hands out looking for something for free.
I really don't believe that most liberals are expecting what's inevitable to happen , as a matter of fact maybe even the right wing doesn't either. It's a coming soon folks , this carp has to go back in the closet . Men in my company died so these idiots could mock our nation. By your ammo now , you will need plenty of it , get your damn head out of the sand .
10:42. You're normal??🤣🤣🤣
Looks like it was a lovely wedding. Best of luck to them as they continue their lives together! 🎊
11:50 Then stairs off their FB page!!!
The minister was Jim Ireton the former mayor not Jake Day. Congratulations Lindsey & Julia! Very happy for you both! 👰🏻👰🏼
Looks ridiculous not "lovely" at all. I don't think they own a mirror. They do make appropriate gowns for full figures you know.
"Anonymous said...
11:50 Then stairs off their FB page!!!
May 31, 2017 at 3:25 PM"
"stairs" off? Got em so riled up their hitting the bottle early today!
Damn that is cold! 329 you certainly don't mind letting people know your feelings no matter how grostesque they are when read. Wow the hate is spewing here. 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
10:55. Nobody forced you to read the article. That's on you 🙄
1:22. Pretty sure it's called TITHING!!!
3:21, had to laugh at your post. "Justices of the Piece". Piece of what? or did you mean Peace??? LOL!!
That is FREAKING NASTY!! Lock them all up!
So gross. Even worse with former mayor rainbow.
Mental cases!!
Where are the men?? Were any men in attendance?
Are there any conservatives on the City Council?
Does everyone on the City Council think this is Ok??
I thought Muir Boda was a conservative?
Anonymous said...
As a tax payer I would just like to know whether city resources (time or money) was spent on this. If so, that's a big problem.
May 31, 2017 at 10:27 AM
WTH do you think closed the streets down??
Money is NOT the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
Blogger JoeAlbero said...
Your kind has every right to comment here as well but here's what I find funny, WHERE ARE YOU? Oh, that's right, the mass MAJORITY of Americans disagree with this crap.
May 31, 2017 at 10:42 AM
But they are too cowardly to speak up and they allowed this to happen!
Maybe it was supposed to Reese Pieces.
It's called Public Display. The gays love that sh1t.
Here's what I find interesting about the Liberals coming on here pro gay marriage. It is now 3:44 PM and as I mentioned earlier, they have every right to their opinion and they are being posted. HOWEVER, let me prove to you it is one, (or less then a hand full) person making all the comments. At 3:44 PM there is not ONE single LIKE on this article. It just goes to show you how the Boy Mayor and his friends are trolling this Site, once again. 124 comments and no likes. I believe they've been Blogged!
I'm a conservative, and wait for it...gay. Trump is the most pro-gay president yet. Obama flip flopped on the issue. It's not a liberal vs. conservative issue.
See I can relate. The problem with these gays is that they are all uptight all the time. I myself used to be a sinner. I was a glutton, drank too much, gambled, was promiscuous and it burned me up when someone called me out on my sinning ways. That is the problem with these gays. They know what they are doing is a sin and is only going to get them a one way ticket to hell but they like all sinners don't want to hear it. This leads to their uptightness and why they get all defensive all the time and act up like they do all the time. They are on the same level as as addict who too gets defensive when called out. So many gays do hit rock bottom whether it's with HIV or the many who do drink too much and then it's too late.
Anonymous said...
Don't Care who's marrying who. Care about street being shut down for a non public event to the inconvenience of many and cost to taxpayers.
May 31, 2017 at 11:58 AM
Those of you who keep saying you don't care about Homo's marrying each other is part of the problem!
Anonymous said...
Those two women are better off with each other then most of the men around here that can't stay sober long enough to keep a full time job or support a family.
May 31, 2017 at 1:24 PM
Then ≠ than
Speaking of keeping a full time job? Julie Glanz should have never been hired by the city in the first place. She was hired because she is a gay friend of a gay mare. She had absolutely no experience and never held a real job and was hired as an assistant city administrator. Then the next gay mare comes in and hires her as the city administrator with no real job experience. That speaks volumes about the lack of leadership in this city.
I agree 3:48 it's not a political issue. Unfortunately the democrats took it out of religions hands and turned homosexuality political. So now that it's such a hot button political issue the gays have no choice but to shut up and sit down and suck up any criticism that comes their way. They grew it now again they have no other choice but to suck it up. They want to act up and show off and try to make themselves relevant then backlash will be forthcoming. It's unfortunate they are so pathetic and weak that they can't handle the results of what they and they alone crated.
Which one is the man?
Technically, people of the same sex cannot "Marry".
You can call it civil union, partnership, contract, agreement, but they cannot "Marry"
You need complimentary parts to "Marry" not the same parts.
Anonymous said...
You are incorrect. There are plenty of cultures that have not demonized homosexuality, and plenty where it was just a part of society. It took no effort to look this up. Ancient Romans, Greeks, China, even Hebrews in Israel to name a small few societies/cultures that came up as soon as I did a search. There are many indian tribes around the world today where it is the norm.
You claimed that it is not natural or part of the natural order, yet it is found in not only the human animal species but other animal species as well... the very definition of naturally occurring. What exactly do you mean by "not normal", because I'm not sure you are communicating your idea well?
I'm not sure that you have spent time looking for facts or arguing from a knowledge stand point. You claim to know things you can't possibly demonstrate... please demonstrate your claims about Christianity and its heaven.
You claim that sex is for procreating only? Explain to me people who are born sterile. Why should they have sex, or get married?
Yet again.. the only arguments presented are that your religion says don't be gay, which is not an argument.
May 31, 2017 at 12:50 PM
This is the same person making the majority of the pro Homo comments. If it is so proud then why isn't it signing it's name?
Anonymous said...
Being repulsed by homosexuality is not silly or bigotry.
It has been a part of humanity for centuries.
No culture has ever condoned it, it has always been shunned for very obvious reasons.
It is not natural. It goes against the natural order.
However, Christians know that every single one of us are going to Heaven after we die.
Therefore, we treat each other with respect and are kind to each other.
It is sad that many in our present society no longer value the natural order - procreation.
Sex is for procreating. Yes, it is enjoyable - that is a gift of nature.
Not everything that feels good adds to the quality of life.
Taking drugs feels good.
Drinking alcohol excessively feels good - sometimes.
Smoking tobacco feels good.
Eating too much food feels good - sometimes.
Thank you
May 31, 2017 at 12:17 PM
Should there gay honeymoon be in IRAN ?
joe i nwver knew you had so many gay viewers.
LOOK at me i am gay and kissing my gay wife or husband now we will try and spread our gayness in a muslim country bc they live dems ?
Now this is perversion at its finest. Trying to think the last time I seen to female dogs pleasuring each other or two male dogs plugging each other. Humans are so f'd up! Bring it on. Hopefully these disgusting possessed individuals will enjoy eternity in hell!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
" Anonymous said...
I'm just curious, does being a former mayor of a small town give that person the authority to marry others? I thought marriage was conducted by representatives of a church. I wasn't even aware that same sex marriage was legal in Maryland, did Hogan sign the bill making it legal, if he did, shame on him. If O'Malley signed it than that is what would be expected from the radicals on the left.
May 31, 2017 at 12:29 PM"
Those who have the authority are licensed officiants and the clerk of the court. So long as the officiant is licensed the marriage is legally recognized by the government. Just about anyone can obtain the license. We were married by a judge (a mentor and friend of ours) who aren't usually licensed but he did us a favor and applied for and received a license just to marry us.
May 31, 2017 at 1:20 PM
Didn't Mike Lewis officiate the marriage for John Cannon?
You don't get pick the part you listen to. "Love thy neighbor"
So pretty much the only thing that gets more hits than the ongoing fire department feud, by locals with nothing important in their lives, is two women getting married. You can't make the stuff up!
The eastern shore deserves every bit of shade it receives.
Anonymous said...
Those two women are better off with each other then most of the men around here that can't stay sober long enough to keep a full time job or support a family.
May 31, 2017 at 1:24 PM
Didn't you say this already??
Anonymous said...
Reading these comments, Radical Islam and Christianity in America have a lot more in common than I thought. Sad. Such hate in the world. smh
May 31, 2017 at 1:53 PM
What an idiot comment!!
This country has been indoctrinated by liberals for a long time now and they are going to pay dearly for it.
Anonymous said...
Lindsey's last name is Glanz. Gotta problem with that? Tell it your priest.
May 31, 2017 at 1:33 PM
What a weird comment??
Why do I have a feeling Jim Ireton wrote this since he bailed out of the Catholic Church a long time ago and there are a lot of religions around Salisbury!! Connecting the dots!
Wish I had a like button for your reply.
Anonymous said...
LMAO @ these hateful comments about homosexuality being thrown in their face. If you're that afraid of having your bubble popped stay in the house and avoid the media!🙄
May 31, 2017 at 1:51 PM
The same few queers posting the same pro gay comments on here. Get a life Cup Cake!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Koran says: If a man lays with anther man, as he would lay with a woman, they both are to be beheaded, and cut into 4 pieces, than scattered to the four winds, and all their property burned. Chp. 23.29
Sounds like the right thing to do with these degenerates! Muslims have the right idea on this problem!
May 31, 2017 at 1:51 PM
I have to agree with you!
Anonymous said...
@12:17 PM
No culture has embraced or accepted it huh? How about present day The United States of America where it is illegal to discriminate against gays, and where same sex marriage is legal, and there are no enforceable laws against homosexuality?
Even some Christian sects accept and embrace gays...
What are you even talking about?
May 31, 2017 at 2:45 PM
If you want to call Libtard Morons a culture, feel free to do so.
By the way the Supreme Court made Fag marriages legal in America which is illegal. The last time I checked only the Legislative Branch can make laws. In case you were asleep in middle school that would be Congress.
My question is where was mayor Jake Day during all of this? Good old Jake plays both sides against the middle. He's all for this agenda while smiling for rge cameras and trying earn voters support but where is he in Sunday mornings?? He's out in Hebron attending a church that is dead set against this type of agenda and if you sit in on their services you can't help but wonder whats in the water out there.
Anonymous said...
These two women are brave people! Look at the BS they have to put up with from small-minded morons. What would Christians have them do? Marry a man they weren't interested in, have dysfunctional kids and then commit suicide at 40 because they never got to live the life they wanted? Yeah that's so much better. I agree with 248. Congratulations to both of them.
May 31, 2017 at 2:52 PM
Ummm.... Are you assuming that women marry men because they are Christians and they have to get married whether they like it or not?? No Moron, normal people wait until they find the right person of the opposite sex. They are still out there. By the way the divorce rate is much higher with gays than normal people.
Anonymous said...
It's so wonderful to see this , what a fitting place to have this , Salisbury.
Salisbury , the city without crime or morals , without values or religion , without sin . This entire post has made me puke . Don't it make you proud , ain't it great to see this crap , wow what a country that obama has made in 8 years of turmoil. Lock and Load people , get ready , it's a coming .
May 31, 2017 at 3:10 PM
BAMMMM!! Right on the money Folks!
Anonymous said...
What's worse 310, is more people are upset about this wedding than Kathy Griffin hold a severed head covered in blood that resembles our president. That's a damnation of what our world has come to at this point in history. Now THAT IS SAD!
May 31, 2017 at 3:14 PM
Another idiotic comment trying to spin this homo thing.
Kathy Griffin is another topic you dumb Moron!!
Anonymous said...
Good thing you are proud to be deplorable. Are you also proud to be the biggest crybaby I have ever seen? My goodness it's always something you're bitching about. Don't like it? DON'T ATTEND PROBLEM SOLVED. You're the one giving these issues publicity you moron
May 31, 2017 at 3:16 PM
WTF are you talking about?
" Anonymous said...
You don't get pick the part you listen to. "Love thy neighbor"
May 31, 2017 at 4:22 PM"
What's the matter with you people! I realize you have been so dumbed down that to actually think is foreign to you. Now do yourself a favor and go back and reread all comments-slowly. Nowhere does anyone say they hate anyone. It's the sin that is hated and NOT the sinner. You ignoramuses never stop proving just how dumbed down you have allowed yourself to become. If you had a brain that worked you would be ashamed of yourself. Disgusting just what followers you all are. Just shells of humans going around repeating nonsense.
Anonymous said...
Gays because most are democrats are nothing more then drains on society. The only reason and they say it themselves they want to be married is for the 'benefits.' They just like the rest of the losers in the democrat party are always running around with their hands out looking for something for free.
May 31, 2017 at 3:21 PM
So True!
Anonymous said...
I'm a conservative, and wait for it...gay. Trump is the most pro-gay president yet. Obama flip flopped on the issue. It's not a liberal vs. conservative issue.
May 31, 2017 at 3:48 PM
When someone starts a conversation with something like "I am a conservative..." you know it's a lie!
Anonymous said...
So pretty much the only thing that gets more hits than the ongoing fire department feud, by locals with nothing important in their lives, is two women getting married. You can't make the stuff up!
The eastern shore deserves every bit of shade it receives.
May 31, 2017 at 4:23 PM
If you don't like the Eastern Shore then you are free to leave.
Please do you moronic Dork!
Why do they think they have a right to do what they do, but think WE have NO right to dislike like what they do?
Per the agreement of the Headquarters property sale, wasn't it to be used solely as an arts and entertainment/performance venue? Do private wedding parties magically fall under this category?
I bet if you called and asked about their wedding reception rates they would likely say that they can't do it. I guess it is all about who you know, right? Devreco is slowly wiggling out of that contract.
Why do you care about these comments? Take your own advice. Worry about yourself.
Simply unbelievable!! What more can I say. And then you add Ireton to the mix - right smack in the middle - and it's happening in Salisbury alright. What-a-shame.
Where is your valid argument FOR gays? Sounds like you are belittling others also. Practice what you preach.
What has happened to our Country? For goodness sakes . . .why couldn't they keep it hid in the closet!!
These morons are GROOOSSS!!
bayman said...
Where is your valid argument FOR gays? Sounds like you are belittling others also. Practice what you preach.
May 31, 2017 at 5:09 PM
Who are you referring to?
Thanks Stacey, I just spammed you for sending in multiple comments. Bye
3:21 Do some research. Home values are hight in gay neighborhoods than comparable homes in other neighborhoods. Gay couples also have a higher median income and higher net worth than most heterosexual couples. You are only parroting the biasses that you have heard. I'm a straight, republican married male that just happens to have an education and the ability to see beyond a person's skin color, religion or sexual preference.
It is a shame that so many in this area can't be as tolerant as those of us that put up with you.
We used to be a - CORNPONE - City/County. What has happened?
Thank you. This is why I'm gay and your kinda of a loser? Sorry not be harsh but I do make more money then you and probably smell better. I guarantee my home is better decorated then yours. Cheers thanks for the support.
"bayman said...
Why do they think they have a right to do what they do, but think WE have NO right to dislike like what they do?
May 31, 2017 at 5:00 PM"
Because they are the epitome of intolerance. If you don't accept or agree with them they cry hate, bigot and so on. One of their many difficulties is they have allowed themselves to be reduced to mere shells of human beings. The ability to actual think has been lost to them due to propaganda and being dumbed down. Like you said they should practice what they preach like we do. You don't see us running around lusting after the same sex and engaging in perverse sexual acts.
Love is love, it isn't hurting you.
11:44 no kidding we are a secular republic. The problem is you are very very ignorant. A secular republic means you ignoramus that the state shall make no religion or church-it does NOT mean people can not express their displeasure with someone's actions that goes against their faith's teaching. You really need to be embarrassed and ashamed at just how ignorant and dumbed down you are. It's pathetic and disgusting how low you have allowed yourself to sink. You are wallowing in the sea of stupidity and don't even know it. Do yourself a favor and keep quiet in public so as to not make a fool out of yourself.
They literally said it, two consenting adults are allowed to love each other. The Bible is a book written by people remember? They used what they learned from Jesus to write and interpret his teachings, however many cultural ideals from the time were thrown in and do not apply today. All people are god's children and are meant to love one another. I know I cannot convince you in just this small blurb, but try to be loving towards these people. Why would they go through this hatred if they could choose to be gay?
I enjoy watching women make out. Thanks.
543 your wife hates you.
lolol smell better ?
hellooooo frisco nothing better than smelling gay stank.
My goodness. Look at everyone so sound in their convictions all the while not having the balls to type your name. . Want people to take you seriously? Own your words. You obviously don't know these ladies. How about you worry about your salvation as you sit on your throne judging others (last time I checked that was a No-No) and let them live their lives.
Mmmmmmm a smelly millinial cupcake.
That's exactly the point, according to the Bible, only one person has ever been without sin...
Ding, ding, ding
He that is without sing amoung you, let him first cast a stone...
The whole point is that none of us are free from sin.
543 are you okay that it's against my religion and I can't condone it?
Wow! In the Bible, it says that this was coming! It says that people would denounce God and do all of the things that people are doing now. Makes me a stronger believer everyday! How much do you want to bet that most of the sickos comments on here are from DEMONcrats?
Absoloutely gross. Why would the City glorify this?
Wow... This is a hateful group of people.
1. Plenty of STRAIGHT people get married on the plaza. Businesses don't care because it creates foot traffic!
2. If you don't like reading about a beautiful wedding - keep scrolling. Let them live their lives. They have done nothing to disrupt you or your lives. How many of you would cry if people spoke about you and your life choices in this way?
3. Love is love is love is love is love.
Former mayor rainbow? You sound like a bigoted 12 year old.
From the event it is quite obvious that Salisbury has taken 'panty licking' to a new level. But to be so extroverted so as to profile this out in public is simply not acceptable in my book. In fact I find it downright repulsive.
Even if you disagree with everything in this post, why would you attack someone who did nothing to you? What in the world is wrong with you?
4:30 😉
3:51. Are you 12 years old???
Not everyone commenting here is saying nasty things. There are people here who are wishing the newlyweds well and good luck along with congratulations. I'm one of them. I really wish people on the facebook post would quit lumping every commenter on here with the bible thumpers who preach hell and damnation because we don't all feel this way about their marriage. Just shows how small minds cuts both ways.
Yeah I know what you mean 851. I've said congratulations, too but when I saw all the nasty comments on Facebook I wanted to take it back. Seems like the brides have some nasty friends who think they're better than everyone else. Very tacky.
Why do Xians always feel like they have to tell everyone else how to live? It doesn't make any sense because no one told them how to believe and what to do or how to be. It's really rude to impose your lifestyle on other people. Just not very Xian from what they preach in church.
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