By Thornton Crowe
Losing a job is never easy and sometimes, it can be a very embarrassing experience when made public.
Many of you know, former FBI Director James Comey now has a personal memo circulating DC about a private meeting he had with President Trump where he alleges some impropriety was afoot. While it looks dubious that this memo comes forth now that he's been fired, he is grasping at desperate straws as if to tell the world he was wrongfully terminated from his position, regardless of his ridiculous behavior during the election and negligent handling of the Clinton investigations during his tenure.
Whatever happened to leaving with grace; dignity intact?
This very situation seems to be unfolding in our own micro-government and it's a trend that really needs to stop!
Last Friday, we learned of Bob Culver's firing of former County Finance Director, Leslie Lewis. We learned the scant details through a post here -- how he asked for her resignation and when she was refused, she was promptly terminated and an announcement was made to the public about her removal. Since the posting, someone (or persons) has attempted to post derogatory comments smearing other employees and threatening a lawsuit against the county.
Really? Is this at all necessary or a sign of maturity?
Like a petulant ex-spouse, ex-employees in today's working climate seem to be fraught with turmoil and conflict. These types of behaviors are not isolated to Comey or Lewis, it seems many forget they work at the pleasure of their bosses or business owners. When they fail to perform to standards or liking, they become aggressive if they are let go.
I hate to break it to the disgruntled, but being bitter about termination or forced resignation does nothing to the former boss or employees. Instead it makes one look petty, thus losing any remaining stature left after such an event. Doesn't this say a lot about what we call the snowflakes?
All too often in today's society, we're told we have rights to things we don't and yet, we believe the hype. We believe those social justice warriors who say that not only can we be prima ballerinas but it's also an inalienable right. The fact is, when you work a job, it's good to remember you live in a right to work state and your position is not a guarantee but a gift -- government positions are no exception!
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Leslie Lewis Former Finance Director of Wicomico |
Like a messy divorce, lawsuits have a way of ginning up more courtroom angst and are often treated by others treat like the plague. Sure, at first, your friends and family are sympathetic and will often encourage some off-the-cuff action because they feel it's their duty to support the wounded; however, long about the third day of complaining, sob stories, crying, yelling and negativity, most will run not walk to the nearest exit when they see you in the food market or on the street. Why? Because, they get sick of hearing about your plight and dealing with you just brings them down.
While being fired is always a bitter pill to swallow, it's a part of life. Things just didn't work out and you, in essence, were asked to sever ties. Nobody likes it but it is what it is and no amount of complaining or legal action is going to restore happiness.
In truth, there's really no vindication unless you've been physically assaulted by your former supervisor, so why bother? Granted, there are attorneys whom specialize in wrongful termination but that's because, in most cases, it means billable hours. However, in reality for the former employee, it always ends up as a big loss - even if they win their case. Not only do they lose their savings (and settlement money) in legal fees, they lose their dignity and possibly future employment prospects.
With everything else in the world, do we really need more drama?
Now I won't pretend to know one iota about the bad blood between Culver and Lewis. However I can say, I really don't care either. I'm probably not alone. Whatever really happened was between them and frankly, none of our business. The whole escapade on comments just looks like a huge soap opera minus the sappy background music.
My father always says, "When the fruit is gone, it's time to move on." Hopefully, Ms. Lewis and Mr. Comey will heed those words without further incident. Something tells me, neither is that terribly bright. Guess time will tell!
Unfortunately some people just can't let go.
It's sad that I can't share ALL of the reasons why Lewis was fired, because if you knew what I know and you watched that PAC 14 video again you'd be saying to yourself, self, Bob did the right thing in so many different ways. Not that it wasn't completely evident Lewis had no clue what she was/is doing.
As for comments, wow! We rejected so many off topic personal attacks, lies it isn't funny. Bitter, to say the least. Funny how very few people had ever heard the name Lewis. Funny how this person had never been mentioned on SBYNews, yet HUNDREDS of comments came in as if she was Mike Lewis in popularity. No, this was one person sending in hundreds of comments, extremely obsessed and disgruntled and I'm pretty confident each and every one of you know who she is. LOL
Albero/Crowe - this is one of the best post ever. You have hit the 'nail-on-the-head'. Excellent reporting!. Much better breadth and depth than any of the other MSMs.
So just a question why CAN'T you tell
us what the other information is?!!! You do not need to disclose the source but how are you any different than the media outlets you criticize for not reporting the facts as they know them? The news should not decide what facts should be reported or not. You are suppose to report the facts without bias.
Is it any different than a school playground or cafeteria. Shows some just don't mature past grade school. Silly gossip and writing on bathroom walls. Really adult, ain't it?
Very good article and oh so true. It happened - maybe they should have taken care of their jobs just a little better and perhaps it would not have happened. A lesson learned for everyone out there employed - do your job to the best of your ability, don't lie, cheat or steal and chances are you'll remain employed.
I wonder if we'd be hearing the same sentiments if it had been Obama who fired Comey when Comey went public with the Hillary investigation?
There is a matter of the fired party hearing nasty insinuations about themselves SUBSEQUENT TO their firing.A LOT of nasty insinuations that they did not expect.No self respecting person just sits still and takes that abuse without firing back.Will a future potential employer have any respect for someone who opted not to defend him or her self?
857 the only reason some are upset about Comey is because Trump did it. There's such Trump-hate in this country! They are obsessed with him.
8:45, NO, but nice try. However, I cannot wait to cover the court case, since you anonymously claim you're going to sue. When and If that ever comes about, then I'll explain what I know, (and you already know).
Lying under anonymous, making statements to defame people just because you are pissed off doesn't cut it with me. I have saved ALL of your comments and under oath YOU will have to testify as to if YOU made those comments. IF you are an honorable person you are going to have to own up to them and your case will get thrown right into the toilet, as it should anyway.
Let me add this as well Ladies & Gentlemen, the picture on my original post is typical of many women today who put out pictures on line of them many years ago in their prime. She does NOT look anything like that today, FACT.
8:59, says you. Obviously you've never been married or divorced. IMHO, the person fired is on here 24/7 writing very nasty and anonymous comments about other people. In all the years I've been doing this, NO ONE has ever been this disgruntled. Now I could see if this was a really popular person and thousands of people were coming to their defense but that is not the case here. It's very evident who the commenter is hiding behind anonymous and like I said earlier, it will come out in the end and it will NOT be good for that person. Who knows, maybe now they'll realize just how bad ALL of the things they said will hurt them and they'll finally give us a break in comments and they'll shut up.
As a small business owner in the community, I wouldn't hire anyone who publicly flogged a past employer or protested in marches. I don't need the drama in my little shop. Thanks but no thanks!
Potential employers also read Facebook and Twitter.
Playing out some office drama on the internet is so tacky. Not too classy.
Do you mind explaining what you all are talking about
Joe you “broke” this non news item. Why do you feel it was “Breaking News” to be kept in the lime light? I see it as Ms Lewis was “let go” by Bob Culver. He is boss and free to hire and fire as needed for the good of the County. IMO, SBYNews is making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Joe, you sound like a first grader taunting ,” ya ya ya I know something you don’t know” saying “I can't SHARE all of the reasons why Lewis was fired”. What do you mean when you say “I can’t SHARE? Why and by whom were you given ALL the reasons. If it is public information you CAN share, if not, why are you privy to the information. Unless you are working on a daily basis in the County offices how can you judge if a person “had no clue what she was/is doing?” Yes I know you have SOURCES (yes I noted you said with an “s”) Perhaps Bob should be checking out these SOURCES that are freely telling you County business. Perhaps these SOURCES could tell the Daily Times “all the reasons” because the paper said County Office would not comment. Wonder if the DT should demand they be given “all the reasons” since the SOURCES had loose lips with you.
You certainly were aware that your readers would have a “hay day” making personal attacks against Ms Lewis. Being nasty is always what your viewers do best. What is "haha funny" is you again, make a statement saying you received HUNDREDS of comments, (that you didn't post), made by one person (that you didn’t name), and we know who SHE is. First you give no proof, Second you say "SHE" without giving proof, and Third what Does Mike Lewis have to do with this firing by Bob Culver.
One last item – you wrote “Funny how very few people had ever heard the name Lewis. Funny how this person had never been mentioned on SBYNews”
I have to say “funny that you make this statement" – causing me to wonder if other “facts” are less than true.
Saturday, September 24, 2016 Our new Finance Director, Leslie Lewis,
Friday, May 06, 2016 said Leslie Lewis, Finance Director.
Sunday, March 08, 2015 finance director for the county. Leslie Lewis had the
I don't know what the standards for hiring are anymore , it was very simple when I was working . I would tell anyone I hired what my expectations were and expect them to do exactly that . As I recall democracy does not exist in the work place. Have a nice day , good post as usual.
What bothers me about the Comey thing is that we don't know if he ever wrote a memo and, if he did, what it says. All of this story, and many others, is based on rumor and anonymous sources. Half of this stuff is probably made up out of thin air. I could call a reporter and say that I saw Donald Trump having sex with a giraffe and he/she could legitimately say they have reports of Trump doing this.
Anon 10:35AM: The same is said about the Russian story as well. All the intelligence community has flatly stated there's been no collusion but Media and liberals continue to forward the non-story as if there's something there. You can't prove a negative. It's impossible. Therefore, it's more like wishful thinking than anything else. It was clear, like the rest of us, Comey's actions in July foiled his attempt to appear apolitical. Instead, he looked partisan because he let a criminal go for something many have gone to jail for - in fact, some for far less.
As for the memorandum, I seriously doubt he wrote one on the day of or soon after. It reeks of an after firing thought. A desperate man, realizing he has trashed his reputation beyond repair, whose trying to regain some semblance of pride. It didn't work as no one is concerned with what he did or didn't know. Now, all that's important is all the cases he signed off - namely the Clinton Investigations (there were many) - be reopened and justice be finally served.
Also to a personal commenter, thanks for the heads up. I write very early in the morning usually and sometimes, things slip by. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. I need a proofreader: you want the job?
Thanks for your comment -- and thanks to all for commenting!
What's being talked about here is someone managing YOUR (the taxpayer) finances. Mr Culver did the right thing if this lady was not capable of meeting HIS metrics.
Ree: Listen, everyone in government takes on a certain risk that some in the community are going to be derogatory, but it doesn't mean they have to rebut. People with character don't really care what others say about them. It comes with the territorial and mature people understand this before taking on an publicly held position. Everyone has an opinion just like they have an ass. Being able to rise above those comments and not wallowing in mud is a better course. Some here are quick to criticize Trump for bashing back but seldom realize you do the very same thing when in the same circumstance. Interesting how hypocrisy works that way, isn't it?
Ree, You have every right to your opinion.
Let me make something very clear to all of you. SBYNews is a couple days away from reaching 50,000,000 hits. If you people think we are losing viewers, get a grip. We are the biggest news source on the entire Eastern Shore, period.
We are the ONLY ones out there delivering news and information that EDUCATES the voting public on the Shore.
Take this story, for example. Have you seen it in ANY of the rest of the media here?
How about Hartley Hall?
How about all of the rapes in Salisbury?
I could go on and on but let me assure you, we grow each and every day and nothing is "dwindling" here.
Was there a gun to your head forcing you to come here, NO. Threats of that nature is something we laugh at, (respectfully) because we see the daily traffic. Just like the people who claim they never come here but if you listen to them for five minutes they start reciting stories that were only told on SBYNews, they're liars. You don't reach the volume of traffic we do from a simple hand full of people.
I would think Lewis would be glad to alleviate herself of a position where she clearly wasn't the office's Marcia Brady. Why want to be some place where people don't think you're the bomb? If I were her, I'd just move on with my life knowing that when door shuts another better door will open.
There's a big difference between defending yourself and smearing former co-workers to grind your axe. This is the very behavior that leads other employers to see you as a liability; hence, they will not hire you. If self-preservation in Salisbury or any other place where this blog reaches is your concern, then just stop the nonsense.
Ree, let me add, should I look you up on Facebook or Linkedin. My guess is your picture, (if available, odds are) it is from 10 years ago. I'm sorry if my stating the truth bothers some women so much.
Joe, people need to develop a thicker skin including women. We're all judged by our looks. Look at how I have commented on Luke Rommel on here. When I say he's a face guy, that doesn't mean he's just a pretty face and stupider than a stone. It merely means, his looks helps him with female juries. I'm sure he doesn't take it as a slight because if anything it's a compliment. Toughen up, Ree, your comment makes you look like a schmuck.
10:59, Great comment.
Ree, I was just informed the Daily Rag did do an article on this matter. Now I'll ask YOU, did you ask them WHY they didn't state why Culver fired her? They said, "Culver would not elaborate on the reason for Lewis' termination because it is a confidential personnel matter". I'll await your response.
Oh, that's right. The Daily Rag doesn't have any SOURCES any more so I guess we should give them a bye. Hence their delivering a 4 page newspaper on a daily basis.
I really don't understand why this isn't common sense with most people. Why do they sue when bosses have the right to fire people for not doing their jobs? Lawsuits make people look so petty, unoriginal and boring. Their lives must not be all that gripping if they have to generate self-inflicted drama. Maybe if she put more energy into finding a new job instead of threatening to sue, she won't be out of work for long.
Frank Perdue was notorious for firing people on his walk throughs at the office but you didn't see employees going to local watering holes, bitching about his ruthless management style. Good thing Lewis didn't work for him. Frank would have sued her in a heartbeat and probably would have won!
10:23 BOOM 💥
The daily rag does have a source , it's this blog.
Love this article, love this site. Mr Crowe's Sunday morning posts are something I very much look forward to. A person much more "seasoned" than myself,and much, much wiser than any other editorial writer I've read. I always keep Salisbury News on an open screen and I check in several times a day. Best news source as far as I can tell. Keep it up and thanks!
Sometimes people know why they're fired but in order to save face with friends, they act like they've been wronged. Probably what happened with Lewis.
Repeat from first article said:
"Why would anyone be concerned "why" the removal. I never heard of her until this post, best wishes to the lady."
I sure haven't read these comments either because I don't know the subject, therefore have no interest in stuff not concerning me. Sounds like a personnel issue
About people's appearances, it's true because it's human nature to make some judgements on a person's looks. Its nothing to be ashamed of because we all do it. We are a shallow society, brainwashed into thinking looks are more important than what's inside or at least we have to be attracted to the outside before we give the inside a chance. Its also natural for women and men to put their best pictures on FB so I don't understand what Ree's problem is. Sounds like someone who is more concerned about a snap comment instead of the actual article's message is a bit shallow too. Too bad for the commenter because they missed the point and looked immediately for the negative which is exactly what the article was about in the first place.
You sorry assed people have nothing better to do than celebrate people's failures or misfortunes. To make fun of someone's appearance is another great pastime of the locals yet it is hard to find a good looking local or one with an appropriate BMI.
432 sounds like you've got some personality problem. Don't take your venom out on people here just because when you look in the mirror you hear who let the dogs out. Not our problem. Get a life.
Tee seems very angry. I'm glad you broke the story, and because it's public money that she oversaw, it is a story. Much has been wrong and has been swept under the rug pertaining to Wicomico and Salisbury finances. The DT has their untouchable political favorites and is more of an opinion circular than a newspaper.
Those who don't exit with dignity have issues. The issues being among other things a false inflated sense of importance, lack of self esteem and insecurity. In their delusions they think they are irreplaceable and fail to understand there is a butt for every seat including the one they previously sat at.
855 in my half century on this earth, I've learned: no one is irreplaceable. No one! Glad to see this termination happen because we need competent people in our local government just as much as we need it in our state and federal.
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