DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 14, 2017
A Viewer Writes: Hebron Fire
The other night there was a so called controlled burn in the Hebron area. I rode to the site and all I saw were pick up trucks, no means to control the massive piles of burning timber if it got out of control. It is my understanding that the owner of the property is a worcester county resident that applied for an open air l burn permit from the div of forestry for agricultural purposes. The wicomico county health dept did not issue him a permit which is typically the norm for these practices. I live about five miles away from the burn site and the smoke was so extreme that we couldn't stand to be in the outside air. The smoke was so thick this morning that it looked like fog had covered the area. Ash had settled on our vehicles, five mile away? I couldn't imagine living in the town or surrounding area of the burn site. If anyone has concerns about the health and welfare issues you need to cont the health dept immediately.. I understand that the owner has another burn tonight. It would be a shame if his intentions were to plant melons for a year and then develop or even worse.. CHICKEN MANSIONS. on that parcel. These photos were taken early in the burn time frame. It got much worse.
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Really? Are you going to B!..H if your house catches fire and you have ash on your vehicle? Obviously, if they were given a permit there was nothing toxic being burnt. If you can't breathe stay inside as this was done overnight.
If its causing you and kind of health issues call the health department, they're not psychic
Please move back to the city. You all want to move to the country until the country is country. LMFAO!
I'll pick up some hot dogs and marshmallows today...
Do "you" eat chicken?
If the property owner followed all laws and regulations there is nothing you can do whether you like it or not.
Traveling home from the west on Tues night around 11 PM the smell of smoke was still thick in the air. I can not imagine having to smell that for days.
How is it legal for this control burn to effect a whole community and surrounding area?
Good ole boys.
That's land management, Mr. Anti-Farmer. It's how it's done, and it's all legal. The Health Department (get real!) has nothing to do with controlled burns. What kind of regulatory control do you think they have? Do you think they can regulate the amount of smoke from a controlled burn. That right there is crazy thinking. The health department will tell you to stay indoors until the fire burns out. Duh.
I was heading east on rt 50 just outside of Cambridge and could see the smoke. I think it's a shame that you have to beg the government to do anything. If the land is for agricultural use I don't think it is any of your business what he decides to grow or raise. If you don't like melons or chickens then move.
I bet you would keep your hillbilly grandkids away from it eh ? Hypocrite.
ha ha ha all you hostile pro chicken farm proponents are a joke. I cant wait for it to end up in your back yard. then lets see how much crap you are talking.
Right on 8:09am....the author of this is just another petty, small minded, whiner. We would all do better to simply ignore their ridiculous musings.
Exactly!! Well said.
'good ole boys'??
were they bullfighters?
i think you mean 'good ol boys'
I don't mind chicken houses as long as they despose of the dead chickens collected each day in a proper manner. I previously lived in rural Laurel DE and the neighbor across the road has seven chicken houses. The dead carcasses are collected and thrown under a large shelter where there are literally hundreds of feral cats living within the hay stacks on the property eating on the dead chickens. We adopted and spayed/neutered several of the catsthat strayed onto our property but they have been inbreeding for so long that they have health issues. SAD.....
Piggybacking on this comment
Just don't move to Florida or Georgia, there's a lot more smoke there at the moment
your a typical dumba..redneck.
Liberal moron butt wipe
Sad as that is, I bet you're a regular consumer of CHICKEN
There was a temperature inversion that trapped the smoke at ground level during the night, and the smoke was lingering in the morning, as a result. By the following morning, all was cleared out. It was a temporary situation, and nothing to get all ballistic and anti-farmer about.
If there were pick up trucks at the site, they were likely owned by the volunteer firefighters who participate in the control burns. They are the same people dispatched if your house catches on fire. Usually only a brush truck is needed for control burns just in case it gets out of control.
A prime example of the pussification of America! The wood cleared from your lot where your McMansion sits was most likely burned. This is the standard practice since taking it to the landfill would be cost prohibitive and you cannot dig a hole and bury it so the only option is BURN IT! I will give you some practical points though 1. Go inside shut your windows and do not run your heat or a/c. 2. Move to the other side of the Bay and enjoy the smells that are so pleasant there such as rotting bodies due to increases in homicides, air pollution and the overall stench of improperly disposed of garbage! I however will take a few hours of wood smoke.
Hey, red eyes. I hope you weren't expecting sympathy.
It's called the country....shouldn't need a damn burn permit anyway!!! Clear his land for whatever the land owner wants!!!
1;38 amen to that!
As much as we like chicken I assure you there's no chicken mansions going up thanks for all the support Delmar and controlled burn with permits means exactly that no laws were broken
My car sits in the driveway outside at night. I was wondering where all that black mess came from that was on the top surface. Wow, and I stays in New York
The property had been approved for 70+ homes, the developer went bankrupt and let the land go fallow for 15 years. New owner is removing tress to go back into farm land. All the cleared farm land on the Delmarva Peninsula was burned first. Owner has a stack of permits in hand and has not grown chickens on the other properties he owns. Nice to see land go back into production and help the local economy.
The pick up trucks were for the men that where there to operate the bulldozer, excavator and other fire fighting equipment if needed.
Grew up with 5 in my back yard before tunnel ventilation that keeps smells down nowadays. Today it seems everyone is offended by jokes, smells and anything else you can name, find some real causes to focus your energy on!
I think the same guy that did the controlled burn purchased two farms by his house to prevent poultry and fought to increase poultry setbacks in Worcester, Somerset and Accomack Counties to at least the DPI minimum required setbacks??
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