:D I guarantee you the "counter protests" I hear rumblings about won't touch that number. Rock on! #WeGoHigh 

Yup, I keep visiting the event to see that number grow. From 98 to 118. Can't wait til we hit the big 200. Y'all rock.
❤ #LoveConquersHate

98 going?? HELL YEAH!! Love it!!
Jacob Day Hi folks, I have every confidence it will be fine but please call my office at (410) 548-3100 and let staff know the details so we can have resources available to ensure safety.
<3 span="">3>
Lets see if the SPD enforce the snowflake law ? or will spd Chef duncan turn her back away from crime whilst she makes thug pizza.
Snowflakes and Thugs Amazing....Wait till they see the counter protests.
I do not agree with the protest but it is their right to do so. Did the republicans finally figure her out for the fraud that she is or did she run out of backs to stab?
What are they protesting exactly?
Go ahead morons and waste your time. They protest means squat in the big picture. But it will give you sillies something to do for the day. Good luck to ya!!
The name of the rally is
"No Ban No Wall No Registry Salisbury Rally"
Have no good words to describe this slumhole of a city it has become with democrat leadership,it will never be much more than that.
these people dont have a clue. thanks sjd
the election is over, put on your big girl pants and suck it up.
And Jackie was getting paid by Andy Harris campaign and she did Nothing! Eyes Ned to be opened to her!
i didnt know they were banning anyone from salisbury. and i dont see any
walls being built. oh well they dont have anything else to do. they could
volunteer their time to some charity, that would be worthwhile. thanks sjd
And Jackie was getting paid by Andy Harris campaign and she did Nothing! Eyes Ned to be opened to her!
Good call in the law, then how about showing us the permit you got to hold this. Ooops-these snowflakes only follow the laws that they like.
11:55 So, since there's no ban, and no wall has been built, and there's no registry, the protest is to get these things going?
Are there people going to be there fo counter them? I love President Trump! Please post here. Thanks
Lock in city protection? What a bunch of crap! Using my money to protect these unamerican f*ing crybabies? That should be illegal? What time is this supposed to happen?
They are protesting Democracy and freedom of speech and for more terror attacks. Fat ugly white girl.
Little Jake has degrees from Oxford, U MD, and Carnegie Mellon...and after his parents spent all that money on his education, his daddy had to give him a job.
Not smart.
Those people need to just grow up and get over themselves. If they want to protest, go to Washington and stop stirring up trouble here.
Doesn't she have something to do with Habitat ? Maybe we should protest there or stop donations.
That right there is the face of mental illness.
Who cares?
I have to work that day because that's what non protestors do they work what a bunch of pansies
Make sure you stop all donations to Habitat for humanity and stop buying from the store until they remove Jackie Wellfonder.
Redickules!!! I guess stupid is as stupid does.
Molly Likovich is a lifetime student living off tax payer dollars refusing to grow up and be responsible. She takes from the tax system she refuses to pay into so that our retiree's that paid into the system their whole lives can retire and live above the poverty level...PARENTING FAIL !
No doubt Ireton, Pagano and Pretl will be leading the loonies in the cuckooland that's Salisbury. Maybe Day, too.
Joe please repost this feb 17 and 18.
She is an admin III at Fulton hall at SU. It's about the lowest position there. She sells tickets. I can't believe people think she's some kind of political force; more like a lousy impostor.
If rapists belong in jail and not in the White House, Bill Clinton should have been among the first to go, along with his complicit wife. If this sign was meant to describe President Trump, show us the proofs.
She is white Trash.
yes we are arranging.
Her habitat https://www.facebook.com/wicomicohabitat/posts/706910022824265
The idiot mayor will give them a permit while he is at it he will probably be trying to sell downtown tax payer buildings to them for pennies on da dollar.
She is an admin III at Fulton hall at SU. It's about the lowest position there. She sells tickets. I can't believe people think she's some kind of political force; more like a lousy impostor.
Rapist ? Bill Clinton was the Rapist !
Let's go down and confront these racist morons Trump 2020 !
As if we needed another reason not to go downtown.
Another group proves to those out there who think the SBY is full of idiots!
these wankers should use their time more constructive.
What a complete idiot. Just goes to prove that stupid cannot be fixed.
we are.
She has the right to do this. I don't agree with it at all, but as long as it is non-violent and the protesters don't do any damage who cares? If you would like to protest the protest I am all for that as well. But don't attack the person for believing what she does. She has the right to do that and you have the right to not agree and protest as well.
So remember the Women's march in DC, what was the outcome of that? It was news headline for all of 3 days and now it is gone. It accomplished nothing. Trump is still President and is running the country the way he sees fit. What will be the outcome of this? Nothing. People will gather march, go home, and still have Donald Trump as their President. Running the country the way he promised to during his camping. If you didn't want that to happen the time to speak up is at the ballot box, not afterwards. So let them protest, it will be a waste of time.
laughable at best...
just another freakfest
I'm going with the red hat I got at the inauguration.
Take our country back and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Now that's something I can get behind. Protesting a rapist in the White House, Mr. Teflon himself.......Bill Clinton.
Thanks to Gillis giving them that big building, the SU-lib crowd now has a clubhouse on the downtown plaza.
Ah yes, suppress others rights to assemble but quiver in fear at the mention of gun control. That's some sound logic.
Not laughable if/when someone gets hurt. Protesters, bystanders, LEOs, or our young college students. Nothing good will come of this, hoping for bad weather that weekend.
Are those two from Salisbury that were part of DC protests behind this?
Wonder if Salisbury U will have protesters there.
If we are guilty because of what we think or say, 90% of us belong in jail. Anyone out there ever think of taking something that isn't yours? Discuss defrauding the IRS? etc.
While I do not agree with most that is printed on this blog I will defend the right of all to print it and read it.
She is another snowflake SU pos.
Me also.
More like Clueless brainwashed sitting in mommys basement till 26 SNOWWWWWWWWFLAKESSS
Gillis is a two faced p.s
Some good will come of it by putting these liberal Fascists in there place.
I assume that Molly, the idiot, is protesting Bill Clinton with her sign.
She looks like a real intellectual. ....NOT!
This is a big priority, not crime in Salisbury, city roads, closing of Main Street, Homeless beggars all over rt 13 which will be worse again this summer, panhandlers, who then hit the bars with their proceeds. Murders up in Salisbury, break-ins on the rise again, especially those with weapons to beat up on the homeowners. Slumlords with still 12 people or more in what are zoned single family homes. Back yards and front yards that clearly show they are now parking lots in the Bury. More than 1 electric meter etc on outside of houses and multiple mailboxes yet get some more illegals in here you fools---that is you Jake and Ireton.
This is so sad. Young adults who don't want to work and want free rides and welfare for all. I, for one, am tired of helping foot their bills. I'm a Democrat who voted for Trump. Maybe these "kids" need to figure out WHY Trump won. The only thing that should be scary to them about Trump is they have to get a real job!
Molly's Dad - who a lot of us know - must be so horrified by her actions.
Hey Dumba$$....as usual your understanding of liberty is completely out of whack. You DO have the right to assemble and speak freely. You DO NOT have an unalienable right to security. You wanna talk the talk....be ready to walk the walk nut job.
Sign the fascists up to fight in syria.
Well I tell you. I have refrained from comments about these two so called leaders because I am outside the town limits. But I can no longer hold back. Not caring for personal attacks I'll just say look at that pair grinning like a jackass eating briers. This tells you a lot, like looking at the failed presidential candidate HRC. If these turds are favoring such a protest of crap, thank goodness we have overwhelmingly supported Mr. Donald J.Trump for our president the next eight years. Yes I said eight because if these turds have any sense at all they will be supporting The Donald next time around. No, I won't be there to protest this group because they are not relevant or worth my time. F'N' losers. Happy New Year!
Better be prepared to drug test her and others.
some good is coming from it,but not on their part, not how they want it, as quoted on the invite page, she (Jackie) will go which ever way the wind blows. what ever will benefit her. all she is, a attention whooooe in front of a camera or how ever she can get it. Maybe now The Republicans will to wake up to her.
A Protest in downtown Salisbury??? What are they going to loot? The food places and Bridal Shops? There are no stores that sell T.V.'s or expensive tennis shoes down there....lmao
It's funny how they are asking for city protection. They are the ones that get violent and attack people with opposing views. smh
"Wonder if Salisbury U will have protesters there."
wonder if their liberal public radio station will be there? Defund NPR!
well we are watching a number grow to. The number of comments. Jackie:For somebody that is supposed to be so educated, you sure are a stupid uninformed dummy.
This is why I am not against abortion. Her parents should have aborted her. She serves no useful purpose to society plus she is so butt ugly it hurts to even just look at her.
I hope they throw bricks through every window there is downtown. nothing more appealing to a democrat than a good riot
I bet roadies or the brick house wont get touched.
Lets Protest Iretons blue house its only 5 min away ? who is with me ???????
I wonder which store front will be broken into or which building they will catch on fire. Burn up a police car and knock the windows out of cars in the parking lot. Just to get attention and for what? TRUMP IS PRESIDENT. Get it thru your heads get on the Trump Train or get run over.
She is real nervous about WELFARE us now starting drug testing.
I thought jims house was pink.
Does anyone have a box of pussyhats?
LOL "lock in some protection"? If they feel threatened at this point in time they should "lock" in some paid security and if need be (but it won't be needed) the PD steps in to help. They have plenty of time to do this. But no they won't. Typical of these lower class ill bred types they want everything for free. If Little Boy Day had an ounce of leadership in him he would tell them to get their own security. The PD isn't their private security force. Day needs to do a check of his drawers and see if he has any b**** in there because he really is the epitome of a sissy boy.
Just another reason to leave this crappy town. Too bad they are too stupid to ruin their own town.
Nice that our ignorant neighbors insist on making asses of themselves, screaming at NOBODY because no one cares. Salisbury just can't get worse. They don't even keep a check on their local so-called leaders and now they want to protest the president. Good luck with that. Let us know how it works out for ya. Morons.
Look I was a supporter of hillary clinton... But so far I don't see anything that is against what I believe such as security mainly in this country. He trying to bring jobs his way. I just don't see the need for the protests even though it's there right. What a waste of time.
If these liberal Salisbury U. professor's feel safe living in Salisbury we haven't done our job.
2:30 You seem to know what all the problems are in Salisbury. Have any solutions? Who would be in those homes if an investor didn't purchase them for $20-35K and put time and money into fixing them up? I doubt there are really 12 people living in a single family home, but if true, what have you done? Do you attend the City meetings? Joined or started a neighborhood watch? Compiled a list of houses that are potentially in violation and presented it to the proper city officials?
Is there a link to this event so we can compile a list of names attending.
Message to all of the President's supporters. Stay Away. These people are low class. They are crude and vulgar and violent. They are not worthy to be graced by our good presence so again Stay Away. We are above them. We are better people. We are good people. We are the just and the righteous. They are the rank and the foul-the dregs of society again not worthy of our time.
Looking at the list it's a bunch of misfits and screw up losers. I urge business owners to scan the people who are marked as going to see if you have employee's going to the March against America... It's you and your family who they want to destroy.
Why is it Liberal women are so damn ugly ?
Know better then the slumlords renting out a 3 bedroom house to college kids for 500$ dollars a room then there boyfriend or girlfriend move in with them then you have 5 to 7 living in one house
Check out there FB pages they both are feminists...LOL I thought that died in the 70's. What's funny is they are protesting for Muslims who believe women are property and have no rights...What a bunch of misguided people. It's really sad this is what SU is churning out.
We've told the SPD,MSP,and Sheriff's Dept to NOT GO to this event since they've promised it will be peaceful.
@ 5:04 Most leftwingers are violent but based on the attendees so for they are ugly feminists and limp wristed beta males.
5:12 Not a great starting point on the shore to begin with....
What is wrong with Republican Party in the Lower Shore?
Jackie has been controversial before. Julie Brewington was very profane on the Facebook. Matt Adams had a fake website, participated in distorting polls and embarrassed central committee members at meetings. Both were fired by Lollar too late to save his campaign.
Why are all 3 on central committees or in official Republican club positions?
What r u stupid idiots protesting he is president get over and go to work
Would love to see a counter protest and how our MSM would portray it. If it goes down it will be portrayed as a million man march. A counter march would outnumber the libtards would be a trump rally...therfore would not be covered
Why weren't they upset when Obama banned Muslim's ?
I heard from a couple of motorcycle-riding friends that I should stay away from this "EVENT". I think I will take that advice.
"Fat Bottomed Girls"
Oh you gonna take me home tonight
Oh down beside that red fire light
Oh you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round
She's typical deer in the headlights, no clue. The election is over, get over it people and let the man do his job. You left wing liberals get another chance in less than four years. Suck it up like we did.,
We are going to pee on the snowflakes.
Work more like Welfare
Feminists = Ugggggly old broads.
Bc they know we aint gonna take it on the shore look at tha pro trump rally last year in berlin we where in the snowflakes faces.
5:23 You seen that happen? Are you peeking in the windows? Let me guess, you lived there for 35-40 years and finally paid off the mortgage if you didn't refi in 2005 when you should have sold. Now you are stuck in a home you can't sell for what you think it is worth and hate the fact that people sold out or walked away. Investors came in and bought the homes up for 1/3 of what you would sell for and it is their fault not yours.
How much is the city paying protesters?
does anybody know as somebody commented earlier if this is the same Molly that is over the Habitat for humanity? if so then should she be involved in this? if so is she doing this on her time? is Jackie doing this on her time? she works at SU so she gets paid by the state, so she is working on our dime, get your no good butt off of social media and do your job! if so then both Needs to be fired!
joe please update this next fri.as a reMinder.
1X part time Jake Day.
Who can spot the most hyprocritical messages in this picture/post?
1. Same people asking for police protection -are the ones that calling the police Pigs.
2. You could protect yourself if you believed in the 2nd amendment
3. The only rapist ever in the white house was Bill Clinton.
4. Women's rights do matter that is why you should stand against radical Islam.
5. Gay rights matter, refer back to hypocritcal item number four.
6. Black Lives do Matter which is why you should stand against the murder of innocent black babies by the millions paid for by Planned Parenthood.
7. Equal pay will never be achieved when your too busy coloring posters.
8. How many trees had to be destroyed because of your whining?
Finally, tolerence is something you obviously have no right to preach about.
How does the City of Salisbury have the $$ to provide extra security? Absolutely absurd. If this was a rally by Trump supporters and Republicans, I guarantee you little Mr. Day would not be offering to protect these fools.
Thank you, 8:47, but we are Democrats and so-called "Liberals", which now means that all our issues can be contradictive, lies, and totally against anything about the Constitution. Since we still have the right to free speech before we axe the Constitution that gives this to us, we want to use it to freely trash anyone for any stupid reason whatsoever. Is that clear?
Any children happen to see this it is a criminal offense, and can get them arrested along with being put on the sex offender list. The crime is "Exposure", and is just as bad as a flasher doing his thing on a school playground.
5:12 pm. Ginger or Maryann? Tomi Lahren or Rachel Maddow? Nicki Haley/Sarah Palen or Elizabeth Warren? Yeah, no contest.
Exactly. They like to cherry pick which amendments they want to follow. Screw the first amendment but God forbid anyone suggest any new laws about guns and they all start crying.
Confident the bike lanes will just be jammed heading to and from this event!
On a different note: 'Molly' confusion on earlier posts. The one tied to this 'event' is unknown to me but her last name is familiar. Molly who heads Habitat is a mature woman with a different last name. Let's not injure a worthwhile organization; do your homework before hitting the keyboard.
So keeping families in need out of homes is what you think will help? You're worse than her
Stopping her from helping people in need just to please your political ego is helpful! If only she knew how to protest like you!
thats why the question was asked about Molly so nobody gets it confused. But we know Jackie is involved! she has a page listed that somebody posted.
I am sure that the professors from our local university that don't live in the real world will be there!
that girl holding the rape sign better be careful about falsely accusing people of rape. she might end up on the wrong side of a defamation of character lawsuit. seems the Trumps do sue people. look at the blogger that's going to have pay money out to Melania Trump for their indiscretion. young people have no boundaries and that's part of the big problem.
I agree with the girl with the sign, that's why I voted for Trump. Who wants Bill Clinton back in the WH said nobody.
Tell us Jackie how many have you and your ilk taken in and fed and clothed and housed, how many in your little apt Jackie or Molly how many with you in moments basement? You want them, let's arrange to have more taken out of your pay check to pay for their upkeep
Regarding the upcoming #NoBanNoWall rally:
We are a group of concerned Americans from all different walks of life who are coming together in the spirit of peace to stand up against hateful rhetoric and unjust discrimination. Our speakers and performers are bringing messages of respect, hope, positivity, and unity, and American values like helping others when we see they're in trouble. And we believe everyone deserves to be safe.
This is NOT an anti-Trump protest.
Just wanted to make that clear.
Have a nice day.
Dear *B*
Your statement is what all liberals "say". Then you riot an destroy other people's property. I don't believe your lies.
"We are a group of concerned Americans from all different walks of life who are coming together in the spirit of peace to stand up against hateful rhetoric and unjust discrimination."
What hateful rhetoric besides the stuff coming from the leftists ? And what discrimination except the attacks on Trump supporters in the street ?
No one should show up to listen to them. No news stations, no one. That's exactly what they want. 15 minutes of fame and then go home and watch themselves on television and have a big laugh about it. They will not accomplish a damn thing. What a bunch of cry babies. But I bet those certain people will be there to cause trouble. Break windows and set fire to cars. Better not have your car anywhere near this. If no one shows up it will let them know, no one cares about that they have to say.
Dear "B" or is it Molly or Jackie? which one is it? Exactly who do you think your are fooling? so show us the unjust discrimination? where is it? i dont see a wall, i dont see a registery, and i dont see any Muslim bans? so again show us the discrimination. So who exactly are you helping when you see them in trouble? give us some names. and you think everyone deserves to be safe? then why plan a protest with lefties that are known to be violent and rioters and looters? and attack innocent Trump supporters? and you think they dont have the rights to show up to a rally in peace to hear a speech but you have the rights to have a protest and demand protection? From exactly who do you demand protections from? your own kind? Because thats who will be doing the law breaking. and by the way make sure you take your trash home with you when you leave. Its not for the tax payers to have to pay to clean your garbage up behind you. if You or anybody leaves garbage behind then you should be fined for each and every scrap of paper etc left behind and made to pay for any damages done to any property! will you be personally held accountable as a concerned American? and we just want to be clear on that, will you personally take the responsibility? and you have a nice day.
I'm shocked at all the ruthless comments coming from everyone! I'm quite impressed that this young lady Likovich is using her leadership skills to organize a rally for such a noble cause- to put an end to the racist and unacceptable rhetoric of Mr Trump. Don't forget that all of you are descendants of immigrants and need to stand up for what is right!!
Hate to break the news to you but Muslim women have the highest status of all women. They don't need to prance around naked to get Respect..They have dignity and honor. We are the ones who oppress women- we have reduced their value to their bodies only. Why don't men walk around in speedos for a mr America pageant? Exactly!! Shame on us!
The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” U.S. Const. Amend.
Muslim women are property and you are trying to sell to women that they should be subservient to men and give up your freedom and identity. Any women that shows up is a sell out.
The culture of fear and intimidation that Molly and Jackie are recruiting for has no place in America.
You keep calling Trump racist but never offer proof, What has he ever said that was racist ?
Jackie is out for Jackie always has been this should be no surprise to anyone who knows her. I will say that any Republican or Conservative that has her on the payroll should reconsider. Her ideology reflects on them as well. She can say this isn't an Anti Trump rally all she wants but the night of the election her page was burning up over shock Trump was winning and weeks after posted homage to Obama and his policy...That's not a Republican that's not a libertarian that's a lib.. Which she has always been her heart of hearts she just likes to be considered the GOP whisperer. I for one am glad she has openly left the party not stop telling us what to do and taking our money I call for a boycott of the Wellfonder Group!
she is constantly posting on the Welfonder group page all day long, Not to mention FB and other social media. Does SU pay her to run her site all day? she should be fired for running her page etc while sucking a pay check from a State entity. Somebody needs to make some calls about this, for those that know who to call.
Ummm... bc he never banned muslims
Typo.. Muslim women have had the right to OWN property for more than 1400 years.. our women were just given this right in the mid 1800's
Hey Molly you and your diaper pin wearing side kicks better no trash downtown Salisbury the way you did downtown DC. Bunch of dirty pigs. Who do you think has to clean that mess up.
Take your lies elsewhere. Muslim women do not get an inheritance. Some can adopt children others can't. If they do adopt them they are not treated as their own children. They must obey their husband or they can be beat to that they mind what their husband has told them to do. It's all in your books no sense telling ties to us. We have already read it.
Jackie Wellfonder can be found grazing anywhere there is food. Food someone else paid for. She was grazing at the Trump headquarters when they opened. Grazing at the crab feast, who gave her the ticket? Grazing at Tawes. Who gave her that ticket? She is now right where she belongs with the rest of the free loaders.
The 9th circuit court blocked the vetting system so what's there to protest ?...LOL
Lol! Please post substance/proof with your statements as they are false.
1- Muslim women have a share in inheritance "There is a share for men and a share for women from what is left by parents and those nearest related, whether the property is small or large, an obligatory share."
2- Muslim men are not allowed to beat or physically or verbally harm their wives.
3- marriage is a partnership built upon love and respect. In the prophets farewell sermon, he said
"O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you." and "Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers."
What's funny is she creates a Facebook page and is created with organizational skills...LOL Slacker generation.
Remember who the food vendors are so they can be boycotted for their anti American stance.
Friday morning, a gruesome video emerged of a woman in Indonesia being publicly beating with a cane for allegedly violating Sharia law. The newly-surfaced video, which is said to be from December of 2015, shows a man repeatedly whipping the woman to the sound of mass applause from the ravenous crowd until she becomes unconscious. This is who Molly and Jackie want to import.
Bikers for Trump are now attending.
Maybe the Wicomico Republican Club and local T-party will get off their collective butts and turn out in force to squelch the anti-Trump losers.
But don't count on that happening.
Voting with your wallet is a very effective way of making change. Don't try to make it something negative. It's another form of free speech.
Im going l...with a large supply of water ballons.
Gillis is absolutely a negative element in this community.
Well good for you 10:15....just another snowflake exercising their 1st amendment rights.
love the picture, haven't seen the 3 stooges in a long time, they're very comical
Truth Prevails - that is the most racist comment on here. Not everyone commenting came from immigrants and to say so is racist. My ancestors were settlers to North America. You should learn the difference and not lump all people here into one category.
My ancestors were LEGAL. Is that a distinction you understand?
Because rage distorts your facial features. They all have permanent snit wrinkles.
You are lying. Muslim women are property and Islam permits their beating, divorcing without cause, and being forced to submit to their husband for any kind of sex any time he demands it even if it's on the saddle of his camel. You're ignorant or stupid or deceitful or all three. Christ brought true respect for women . Islam undid much of that.
Since the rich elitists cant have their way with climate change and the like they are using pawns to try to bring down America or at least create fear and strife in the world because they are heavily invested in gold and stand to make billions.
"true dat"? Is Jackie W a speaker of Ebonics? I don't get what she's protesting.
Tump bashers and bad losers with no manners and low morals.
Will be there in old 80,s USMC fatigues with my liberal S%&* eating dog.
I wonder how the N.G. 2 bar captain will respond to a real soldier.
Why do some refer to Day as a part-time loser? If you check the kid is full-time. It would be difficult to do all the damage he is doing as a part-timer.
On another note, EVERYONE should chill (both sides). Everything is going to be fine. As of January 20th we have a great new sheriff in town. I say this because President Donald J. Trump will be leading us in a new and better direction for eight years if not more. If not more, meaning by the end of that time dumb ass democrats and everyone else will be begging this great country to change things. There will probably be term limits (short)on all politicians except the good president. The stench that recently stole our WH wanted this, but wasn't smart enough to succeed in doing so. I'm in my later years and never been more encouraged. Thank you neighbors and friends for rejecting the fat nasty loser that ran against our new sheriff, President Trump. MAN, that sounds good. :) Happy New Year!!
Is Molly that girl from scooby doo ? Zelma
Slavery is legal under Sharia no wonder Liberals are so pro Islam.
Hahahaha did you really just spell "ridiculous" like that and then call someone ELSE stupid? Pot, meet Kettle.
You folks need to lighten up. I love to watch these progressives make complete fools of themselves. Every 'rally' like this just further underscores how achingly stupid these people really are.
Susan Olsen and Jackie Finch will be there.....both are habitual liars and Olsen was a teacher in the prison system
7:43 Or old cat ladies.
Snowflakes!! Oh Snowflakes!! Trump is our President, get the hell over it!! Stop wasting peoples tax money to protect your sorry asses! Clinton was the only rapist to serve as President!!Give us proof Trump raped anyone!!CAN"T!! When asked why the snowflakes protest, they can't even give you a answer!!UMMMMMMM
Snowflake = BRAINDEAD.
Whaaaaa....Mommy, he said something mean....whaaaaaaa......quotes from Salisbury University students....AKA Snowflakes.
rapists do belong in prison and not the White House. That is why WE didn't want Hillary in there. Bill The Rapist would have occupied the People's House once again. Oh, but you don't know about that you little spoon-fed propagandist snowflake. Or just plain "flake".
She looks like a fry short of a happy meal, well really a burger, drink, fry and toy too.
As a matter of fact, moron...a person's right to their own safety and security is a most fundamental and inalienable right...one which we have the right to defend. And we will.
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