This is not the first time Wicomico County has ferried school kids to Assateague Island as it was also done last week too. Even Worcester County does not provide this service. It makes one question as to just what is going on in our educational system.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 10, 2015
A Viewer Writes: Wicomico County School Buses Scene Ferrying School Kids to Assateague Island National Seashore Bus
The above photo was taken today showing Wicomico County charters private school buses to send school kids to Assateague Island National Seashore on our taxpayers dime.
This is not the first time Wicomico County has ferried school kids to Assateague Island as it was also done last week too. Even Worcester County does not provide this service. It makes one question as to just what is going on in our educational system.
This is not the first time Wicomico County has ferried school kids to Assateague Island as it was also done last week too. Even Worcester County does not provide this service. It makes one question as to just what is going on in our educational system.
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It is called a field trip. When I was in school, we went to Philadelphia on a school bus to see Independence Hall/Liberty Bell and a museum.
It is called a field trip. Would you rather they travel to Baltimore? Some people complain about everything.
OK? When I was in school we used school buses for most local field trips. Charters were only used to go on the long distance trips. All our sports trips were on school buses. What's the problem?
I don't see the problem. Assateague Island is an outdoor, hands on lesson in science.
As a student in the 60's and 70's in AA county we took field trips to Arlington Echo to experience their outdoor educational experience, Ft McHenry and many other historical sites in the area, Walters Art Gallery and the Baltimore Symphony orchestra, the Baltimore Zoo and many more field trips.
Tell me what is the problem w/students going to Assateague? I'm dumbfounded.
Did he SEE the buses or was he observing the SCENE?
Who is bitching and why? Some people complain about everything. My Gosh! We use to take charter buses if and ONLY if we traveled for more than an hour or so. Would you rather they take this so it would cost more and that's more for you to complain about? Shut up.
My children take those buses on field trips and I pay the taxes to make it happen. Not seeing the issue.......
Besides buses are "owned" by private parties and "contracted" to Wicomico County...They should be able to make additional revenue like any business.
Good grief get a life. Its called a field trip. Smh.
"scene"? That's all I need to put a value on your intelligence.
I'ts called a field trip. Does anyone believe no one but Wicomico County students take field trips? Just curious maybe you are just at Assateague 2 weeks in a row as a visitor or is it possible you are a federal employee wasting tax payer's money taking pictures and making stupid comments on the Salisbury Blog instead of doing your job!
Ok, one, the county does not own any buses, so they are all "chartered".
Two, most of the time, parents have to pay full price for the field trips. Last year when my then first grader went to AI, it was 5.00 per student. Parents had to drive separately. Occasionally you will have a contractor donate their time and bus, but this does NOT happen often.
This is perhaps the best school trip of the county. AI presents a very educational event for the area children. I bet they learn more today than they have in weeks at school.
Please get a life or at least the facts before making such asinine statements.
Guess what - Wicomico School system is sending even more kids today, they are down there again right now.
Beats me - I thought that purpose of the school system is to learn. Right now I see them huddled around picnic tables - and it looks as though they are eating lunch.
Let's face it - Wicomico officials cannot get a handle on the waste, fraud, and abuse that goes on within the school system. All they can do is fork over the hard earned taxpayers money.
It sounds more like racketeering to me.
Really? Does this viewer know this had been going on for years. There are some major differences between worcester and wicomico counties as far as what is allowed with bus transportation. So, I guess I am missing the issue...
This whiner must not have any kids, or is a terrorist.
they will learn more real information today than they have all week at school.
Dear Readers, shine a bit of light...
Teachers are required to attach exacting lesson plans to a trip like this in line with the state standards, which are reviewed by the Principal and the Director of Elementary education - that being said, they then figure costs and despite what most think, these are fixed costs based on fuel consumption and the driver's hourly. Once this is complete, the field trip slips are prepared to reflect the cost of the above mentioned pieces. Frankly, in 25 years as a teacher and Principal, the cost is certainly nominal (usually 5-10 dollars per student) - now that those logistics are covered, there is most definitely a curricula and focus for the day, most likely worked out by local docents or (in this case) park staff that focuses on the educational components in a educationally engaging manner. Frankly, these trips are providing worth far beyond a day out of school - environmental stewardship, conservation of resources, etc. To the poster at 1:16 - of course, they eat lunch there - AND they are indeed learning. Students, particularly elementary aged ones, learn by doing and focusing on activity based engagements and these students are exceptionally visually/activity based - that is indeed the point...and as for your comments on lunch - frankly, lighten up - it is a fun activity that engages students in the stewardship of our natural resources and their impact.
refection is a necessary vehicle of the change process...
How dare they be allowed to eat lunch. On bright side, it's not cafeteria food. Or they might be examining different types of plants or looking a guide of things to look for will exploring the beach and dunes. What did your mommy not let you go on a field trip at some point and you a scarred for life?
@1:16 - EATING LUNCH??!! HOW DARE THEY! These kids are out of hand these days, when I was a kid we didn't need to eat lunch or go on field trips to learn. What a waste.. (End sarcasm) "Scene" haha you mo-ron.
Get a life.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ok, one, the county does not own any buses, so they are all "chartered".
May 7, 2015 at 1:12 PM
Joe I am posting a link to your own article that dispels the above dumb dumbs comment that says "the county does now own any school buses."
Please tell your know-it-all commenter to know the truth before they comment.
Here is your article that proves the know-it-all a liar.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Wicomico County Board Of Education GONE WILD!!!
Yesterday's article about not allowing certain children into the Pre-K Program into Schools is just the tip of the iceberg.
Were you aware that Wicomico County donated $600,000.00 of your taxes ABOVE AND BEYOND the maintenance of effort this year?
Do you know what the Wicomico County Board of Education did with those funds ALREADY?
They have gone into the School Bus business. They purchased five brand new buses and I'm sure you'll agree with me, this is just the beginning of the end for independent bus owners/drivers.
Ladies & Gentlemen, IT IS TIME YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND VOTE! It's time you get rid of the leadership in Salisbury and Wicomico County. Enough is Enough!
at 8/25/2013 08:00:00 AM
There you have it! Your know-it-all commenter isn't to bright after all. Please do us a favor and correct them.
Thanks very much!
I think everyone else pretty much said what I was going to say.
Not sure your point the author's point is. Field trips happen every day. Not sure what 2:07's point is either. nowhere in here does it prove that the county does or doesn't own buses. And really...who cares? Tax dollars do not pay for the bus trips. The parents do!
I'll bet some of the kids wouldn't have a chance to go to Assateague otherwise. I think it's a great idea, and I hope they got to see some ponies.
I took it last year its part of the science technology engineering mathematics , state requirements
Write in when you scene the BOE taking a bus out bar hopping with their gift cards... Crap, I gave them a new idea.
OP, this is the most ridiculous post I have seen here, and that is saying something.
I am quite certain that reading, writing, and arithmetic are being taught while the kids are out on the Assateague beach.
Just who do does the BOE think they are fooling. The kids should be in classroom being taught - especially since we already had more than the ordinary in make-up snow days.
Field trips count as a classroom day since there is a lesson plan and exercises based on the trip. It's not like they went to Kings Dominion. It's clear who the fool is.
They are probably learning about global warming and how the ocean will soon cover the island.
At least they only went as far as Assateague. The field trips to farther away places use more gas and cost more for students. The kids get to learn about their local area which I'm sure most parents do not teach them. They probably were even told how to clean up after their lunch and not leave any food for the ponies or trash to blow away. Sounds like a good lesson.
Buses are owned not by the county. They fulfill their contracts and make more money when they can. Helps the owners and drivers. However buses shouldn't be privately owned. They need to do away with that. County owned buses. That's what we need.
I see our buses run all night. How is that safe? Up so early and out late leaves no room for sleep for some drivers. Very unsafe for our kids. Linda lambrosse is the worst for that in my area. Her buses come in after 10p.m. most nights. And she totes a gun with her on the bus. County buses are needed. More regulated.
Nothing surprises me anymore in this County. Between the paid for taxpayers lunches coming from as faraway as Tin Buc To - to Rita's Ice cream purchased in OC. The BOE is a renegade cult but on backs of us taxpayers.
I've got an idea 6:50. Let's do away with all buses and you can deliver and retrieve your offspring from school everyday. As a taxpayer with no children in the school system, I'm tired off paying for a service that is not safe or regulated.
Actually know nothings Worcester county schools do the same people make me laugh.....idiots pointing fingers about idiots.....
You are fool of crap. Linda is a great driver and is a huge supporter of Mardea and Northwestern Schools. She may be out late but meets all of the compliance checks with driving hours and rest per CDL requirements. Get a life!
I agree. You shouldn't have to pay if you have no kids in the system. And I drive my kids. No way in hell I'd let my kids ride on a rolling ghetto driven by these bus drivers. Hell one girl has had several accidents in the last five years. School when roads are crappy. Narrow roads with deep ditches and idiot drivers not giving room for buses. So many reasons to drive my child.
he is a sad point has a school outside the county taken a field trip here lol NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nothing to see but empty store and boarded houses. Maybe they could take a look at all our herion addicted street people lol
The author of this article needs to get a life and leave people alone. The author is this article needs to mind their own business. The author of this article either has a personal problem or is desperately looking for attention.
Anonymous said...
Field trips count as a classroom day since there is a lesson plan and exercises based on the trip. It's not like they went to Kings Dominion. It's clear who the fool is.
May 7, 2015 at 6:00 PM
Oh, they go there also.
To all the old farts who don't want to pay taxes to help educate children in our community... fine, if you don't pay for education, I shouldn't have to pay your social security.. after all, I'm not getting any of it.
7:25, That's just plain stupid.
Social Security is something each "old fart" already paid into and your liberal partners STOLE from us.
Have another cup of coffee, you need it.
8 out of 10 SS recipients have been paid more than double what they contributed. Stick with facts.
8:36, Dear Liberal West Virginia Step Child,
When many of the people who participated in SS way back when INVESTED their money in SS, people didn't live as long and MOST never saw a penny of what they had invested.
On the other hand, it was just that, an investment. The idea was not to match penny for penny and the government knew people didn't live as long back then, so the funding was in the governments favor.
It wasn't until Liberals started stealing from SS and taking funds they never should have that the problems began.
I know that when the government mandates I invest into this fund, I expect a return on my investment much greater then what I put into it. After all, they've had MY MONEY for a good 40+ years and I only get minimal payments each month in return.
As for being paid back double, well, I would expect at least that but I think you are full of crap on that matter.
You Liberals conveniently think on the small scale lever. You think it's OK to take from our generation because America is loaded with political LIARS on both sides. You want US to be accountable for THEFT but not representatives in government. It's all about how much money the government can take from us. It's all about growing government for special interests and making the very people who actually BUILT America FEEL like they are TAKING whenever someone gets a SS check, rather than feeling GOOD that we participated in a SOLID investment.
People like you SUCK and are destroying everything GOOD about what was supposed to be a safe and secure thing.
Anonymous said...
I see our buses run all night. How is that safe? Up so early and out late leaves no room for sleep for some drivers. Very unsafe for our kids. Linda lambrosse is the worst for that in my area. Her buses come in after 10p.m. most nights. And she totes a gun with her on the bus. County buses are needed. More regulated.
May 7, 2015 at 6:50 PM
GET A LIFE 6:50 PM..... Linda Lambrose and Tucker are the two safest and most dedicated bus drivers in Wicomico County. They may come in late but have you even thought that is because they are transporting the kids to sporting events as far away as Kent County. How do you know they are not sleeping between the morning bus run and afternoon run? Are you spying in their windows??????
Wait, are you being sarcastic or is this a real statement? Can you explain to me what the big deal is that kids are eating their lunch at picnic tables? And why wouldn't kids be going on field trips, it's the end of the year that's what they do... you don't have to be in the classroom to learn. this comment just trips me out. I have absolutely no idea where you're coming from.
Thank you, and I appreciate you taking the time for spreading a little common sense knowledge....we all know it is still a waste of time because these people are stuck in a mindset that there is no one who can really say or do anything to change their thinking. However, its nice to read some reasonable comment sans anything about: Liberals or Dr Fredrickson or Dr Oz or any WCPS staff or the Mayor (insert all other usual suspects) ruining everything, including my kids room after they play with their toys.
To 4:38 Poster - COME ON NOW!!!
You can't tell me after this past winter with all of the snow days that were declared - that the students time wouldn't be better spent in the classroom - verses out on the BEACH!
Who in the heck do you think you are fooling. This BOE has been out of control for so long - that even you (teacher) are being suckered in. Why aren't there any other school buses from other school districts being reported down there.
Calm down. As others have said, this is a science-related field trip. The kids are not sunning on the beach. My kids have been on this trip. They learn about marine life, the environment of the island, the history of the ponies, etc. While there is a lot to complain about with Wicomico schools, this is one activity to be praised.
Kids going to Assateague, what about the high paid teachers & Administrators. What is going on here? When one factors-in the missed snow days, Administrators, Teachers and other support staff required for these luxury tours, what ever happened to the term 'EDUCATION'.
Thank you SBYNEWS, it is refreshing to see we still have a Free Press to expose these types of shenanigans.
It is a normal part of school to take occasional field trips. I did it over 40 years ago in Worcester Co. My children had field trips in Wicomico Co. Parents pay for field trips. Heaven forbid someone should eat a picnic lunch that came packed from home. There is much waste in the school systems agreed, but this ain't it. The poster of this story is just trying to get a rise out of people. So I guess you succeeded with that. It's just difficult for me to believe that a spring field trip to assateague is what any normal person would complain about. And yes there are children from all over the shore that take field trips to the Salisbury Zoo.
Bull. Her bus is seen at goose creek almost every night filling up. And as messed up as those schools are with the good old boy system in that side of the county, its easy to believe. She supports the schools. So what. That's what money does. Gets you free passes to do as you want. And who does compliance checks? When's the last time DOT was seen with a bus pulled over? And I've seen her carrying a silver .380. 6:50 is 100% correct.
No. Their bus is seen throughout the day. And if not they're working the farm. Maybe they get there rest in the winter time.
It was reported to me by a school bus contractor friend - that Wicomico County had employed the services for the past 3 weeks and that these buses were being deployed almost on a daily basis headed from Wicomico County to Assateague Island. Does anyone know what is going on internally at the BOE?
All I have to say is that Wicomico County must be one of the wealthiest counties in the entire State. With the way they spend taxpayers money, the residents must be very well off.
9:07 You must not have ever chaperoned a school field trip before, if you think it's a "luxury tour".
Being jammed on a smelly, noisy, uncomfortable school bus elbow to elbow with 50+ other people, mostly smaller and noisier, reeking of sweat, baloney sandwiches, pee, stinking feet and sneakers, dollar store perfume, farts, rotten food, burning engine oil, vomit and worse, with little to no air conditioning, lurching around on hard straight backed seats hardly qualifies as a luxury tour.
As long as the trip is tailored to a specific lesson plan, not just a free for all picnic in the park, then who cares? Most lifelong learning is not done in the classroom anyway.
1:57 or the poorest that they complain about everything. Don't like it, please feel free to move. There are school districts within several hours drive that every student is issued an apple computer. How dare they waste money like that??
Thank you Joe for exposing this fraud and waste. So glad I voted Culver. No field trips Bob that's why we elected you to stop such waste and abuse.
6:50 An Apple computer? Big fat hairy deal.
My child goes to Wi middle. This was a free trip for all students. And they take it every year. My son didn't want to attend for a third year in a row. But would have had to complete extra school work if he did not go. So he went.
Who pays for the free trips?
Maybe whoever posted this should go back to school and take a class instead of spending so much time bitching about children taking a field trip. Seriously! There are so many other bigger issues for you to complain about! Parents pay for these field trips. Not taxpayers. Get a life!
I am so tired of people whining that they should not have to pay taxes if they do not have children in school? If I don't visit a state run park, should I get a tax break? What if I don't drive down a certain road? If you want to whine, whine about paying taxes so welfare recipients can live rent free, receive food stamps, free school lunch everyday for 3 to 5 kids, all while dressed to the nines and driving brand new cars.
To 10:35 AM Poster
By the tone of your writing I can tell you are most likely on welfare, in Section 8 subsidized housing, in receipt of an Obama phone, and on Medicare to boot. You're probably also receiving an earned income credit to boot.
Now that just made me chuckled. The face that this is even on here...seriously there is so much more to be worried about than some kids getting to go to Assateague on a school bus. Wow!
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