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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Muslims discovered America before Columbus, claims Turkey’s Erdogan

In a televised speech in Istanbul, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Muslims had discovered the Americas three centuries before the voyages of Christopher Columbus. He was addressing a summit of Muslim leaders from Latin America.

"Contacts between Latin America and Islam date back to the 12th century. Muslims discovered America in 1178, not Christopher Columbus," Erdogan said. "Muslim sailors arrived in America from 1178. Columbus mentioned the existence of a mosque on a hill on the Cuban coast."

Erdogan is not shy of making provocative statements, whether it's about his political rivals, ethnic minorities or social media Web sites. His latest remarks are, in comparison, less incendiary.



InvictusV said...

Erdogan should stick to being a repressive muslim extremist and leave history to someone else.

The Vikings were on North America around 1000 AD.

Leif Erikson Day is a United States observance occurring on October 9. It honors Leif Ericson, who brought the first Europeans known to have set foot on North American soil.

Anonymous said...

The native Americans discovered America. Anyone who disagrees is mental.

It reminds me of a Dave Chappelle episode. He talks about breaking into someone's car and if the police catch him he'd say he "discovered" it.

Anonymous said...

12:02, Amen!

All hail Leif, seriously. Those guys were kick-butt mariners!

Anonymous said...

Who knows how history books became so far away from the facts.
Cristopher Columbus discovering the Americas is like China just now landing on the moon and claiming they discovered it.

Anonymous said...

They also have 72 Virgins in Hell awaiting them...

Anonymous said...

Al Gore invented the internet so he probably also discovered America, too!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure his agenda is that we Americans should just say something like, "My bad" and hand over the Country to them.

Come and take it, little man!

You are a nothing.

Anonymous said...

Good grief. St. Brendan the Navigator beat them all!

Anonymous said...

7:19 PM:

Thank you!
And he and his Irish mates did it sometime between AD 512–530.

Anonymous said...

Turkey is a member of NATO and supposed to be our alli if we are attacked by isis do you suppose they will come to our aid?

Anonymous said...

Is'nt that what BC stands for anyway?