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Sunday, November 23, 2014

'Amnesty Is Leaving Broken System As Is': Hear Obama's Immigration Plan

President Barack Obama tonight addressed actions he will take on immigration, while also urging Congress to pass a comprehensive reform bill.

Read the full transcript of his remarks below.

My fellow Americans, tonight, I’d like to talk with you about immigration.

For more than 200 years, our tradition of welcoming immigrants from around the world has given us a tremendous advantage over other nations. It’s kept us youthful, dynamic, and entrepreneurial. It has shaped our character as a people with limitless possibilities – people not trapped by our past, but able to remake ourselves as we choose.

But today, our immigration system is broken, and everybody knows it.

Families who enter our country the right way and play by the rules watch others flout the rules. Business owners who offer their workers good wages and benefits see the competition exploit undocumented immigrants by paying them far less. All of us take offense to anyone who reaps the rewards of living in America without taking on the responsibilities of living in America. And undocumented immigrants who desperately want to embrace those responsibilities see little option but to remain in the shadows, or risk their families being torn apart.



Anonymous said...

I hate him and I hate the pathetically ignorant people who voted for this garbage even more for being so stupid. Democrat Jonathan Gruber was so right-democrat voters are stupid.

He is nothing more than a slave boy to big business something his supporters are too stupid to understand. Big business says jump and he jumps being the good slave that he is. This is nothing more than getting a steady stream of workers onboard willingly to work for low wages.
It has nothing to do with anything else. He once again can fool his stupid ignorant supporters but not me. He never has and he never will.

Anonymous said...

Duh! It's not 200 years ago. We will never progress as a nation with imbeciles like Obama around. When and until every single abled bodies citizen is working a good paying job then we can think about letting more people in again. I wish Obama would just drop dead. He serves no useful purpose to anyone on earth. His own family would be better off if the liar just dropped dead as he is a piss poor excuse for a father. Keep smoking those cigarettes Obama.

Anonymous said...

Yep, that is what this is all about-keeping wages low for the large corporations.
If Mary Ashanti had a functioning brain and she was educated this would be what she would be concerning herself with, because this effects the honest hard working black folks more than anyone.
Instead being the bottom feeder that she is, she's making asinine statements about useless black criminals who deserve to be in prison. With "friends" like her, the black community needs no enemies.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I hate him and I hate the pathetically ignorant people who voted for this garbage even more for being so stupid. Democrat Jonathan Gruber was so right-democrat voters are stupid.

He is nothing more than a slave boy to big business something his supporters are too stupid to understand. Big business says jump and he jumps being the good slave that he is. This is nothing more than getting a steady stream of workers onboard willingly to work for low wages.
It has nothing to do with anything else. He once again can fool his stupid ignorant supporters but not me. He never has and he never will.

November 20, 2014 at 9:16 PM


Anonymous said...

Notice how he mentioned God several times at the end. That pig should have been struck down for using God's name in vain.

Anonymous said...

When the Hell is he going to be arrested as a traitor?

Anonymous said...

He said the system (immigration) was broken. It's not broken at all. The only thing about it broken is the fact that he refused to enforce the laws that were in place and allowed illegals to enter the country with no consequences.
It is a shame that we have become a nation of such stupid voters.
I am so pleased that democrat Jonathan Gruber the author of obamacare told over and over how stupid the Obama voters were. It was something a lot of us already knew but to have a democrat confirm it is the greatest.

Anonymous said...

This fraud defends illegal lawbreakers because he's one himself.

Everything that comes out of this dictator's mouth is a lie! And to think there are people still stupid enough to be fooled by this traitor's deceitful actions.

I just read that while the masses have been distracted by this immigration speech he has had 5 more GITMO prisoners released. He is really setting us up good. His communist agenda is being carried out to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

9:55 God will pay him back. God hates evil liars and especially ones who are fake Christians like him and will strike him with cancer like He did Obama's whoring mother.
All the Obama supporters who claim to be Christians need to change their wicked ways as well in pretending to be a Christian or God will strike them too. You can not be a Christian and support a liar like him.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Mary Ashanti, this affects the law breakers too, you know the ones who've been herded into the concentration camps.
None of them are skilled workers and are the ones who need the unskilled labor jobs when they get released from the concentration camps. This guarantees the pay is to remain low.
She talks a good game about slavery and whatever but nothing of any substance does she say. She's the slave. She's the good obeying slave to the democrat party and won't dare open her mouth about how wrong this is and how blacks will feel it mostly especially the ones in the concentration camps she pretends to be so concerned about. She doesn't dare speak out against her master Obama. She doesn't dare. She was well trained and obeys at all costs.
What a fake and a phony she is, good at running her mouth and not a thing else.

Anonymous said...

This will turn into a big mess. Everything he's ever done has turned to crap. He could mess up a 2 car funeral.

Anonymous said...

How 'bout throwing a little of that amnesty toward the millions of Americans that got into a bit of a tax bind during the 2008 recession? Many of them would be better off being illegal aliens today.

Anonymous said...

10:42-Or a soup sandwich.

Anonymous said...

It would pay to give up citizenship!
He just gave Hillary 5 million more votes. Smart move on his part.
Lets see if we are stupid enough to let it happen.

Anonymous said...

This will hurt those who do work the low paying jobs in the chicken plants and places like Walmart. It's all about giving 5 million current illegals work visas and nothing more. Obama fell to the big corporations who don't want to raise wages for workers. As stated above, the Obama voters are too stupid to see what's going on.

JoeAlbero said...

Here's where I feel it will get een worse. These illegals will not only take jobs away, they will then send the majority of their money back to family members in their country. Do you have ANY idea how bad that will destroy our economy on top of all the job losses?????

Yeah, you Obama supporters are absolutely CLUELESS as to how much damage this will cause. WHY, because very few of you are business people and hold government jobs and or are on government assistance.

Anonymous said...

I used to work as a manager in one of the chicken plants here on the shore.

You are dead on.

My employees from Central and South America were/are very hard and dedicated workers. They rarely complained and seemed to relish the long hours. That confused me so I did some digging.

Upon speaking with a few of them, they said almost every cent made here was wired using Western Union back to their home countries and converted to their local currency to the tune of $5 - $6.00 for every American dollar.

Some of my hourly workers had multiple homes, cars, real estate, etc. They lived like kings back home.

This continues today.

Anonymous said...

It's not about immigration but an attack on the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

If we didn't have all this foreign labour who are willing able and ready to work long hard hours for a pittance, companies would be forced to raise wages. They would also have to be competitive with other companies hiring and offer incentives like benefits. This action from Obama really is another example of him "taking advantage of the stupidity of the American voter" which I would like to amend to the stupidity of the Obama voter because I can see right through this action and it's consequences.
The only people hurt by this are the low wage earners. It's the democrats way of keeping them in chains because they are still dependent on their masters, the government to exist.

Anonymous said...

This amnesty will directly result in the lower shore's decline, Sby most specifically because of the agriculture nature of the area.
More workers willing to take the low paying jobs, will cause more blight.
Joe and all are right. Obama supporters are clueless. I'm from a different county than Wic., but I've watch Sby city council meetings and one thing is without a doubt certain, Ireton, Day, Shields, Mitchell, can not strike anyone as being even remotely intelligent and from what I understand all are very big supporters of Obama and the democrat party.

Anonymous said...

While it is an attack on the Constitution 9:38, it's all about Big Business needing people willing to work for low wages.
Look how many people are unemployed or aren't even looking for work anymore in this country and Obama does this? He's giving 5 million people currently here illegally, the privilege to now work in this country, legally.
Where are the unions on this? Where is the NAACP on this because blacks have the highest unemployment rate AND are the lowest wage earners in the country?
The gap between the rich and the poor is able to widen more and at an exponential rate.

Anonymous said...

Obama's made it out to sound like these illegals are working like a side job thing for a lot less money. This isn't true. The illegals are not dumb. If they know a legitimate licensed house painter is getting 30 bucks an hour, they charge the same rate. Same with for plumbing, mechanic, electric. You might be able to get an illegal to rake leaves or wash windows for 10 bucks an hour but not much less and if at all. My friend went through this will a cleaner. Girl got 25 and hour and wouldn't work for any less money or less than 4 hours in a home. She knew how much legal workers got so she demanded the same or moved on to next customer. It's only the ones who work the legal jobs with companies who are getting the low pay.

Anonymous said...

It's not an attack on the Constitution people, take some constitutional law or at least read up on it before you ignorantly comment on something like that.

It's prosecutorial discretion-Congress enacted immigration laws but necessarily (due to our constitutional system) left the discretion for enforcing those laws up to the executive branch. Furthermore, they simply don't budget for the executive to fully enforce these immigration laws. Thus, he's left with only a fraction of the money to enforce a fraction of the law, and he's just telling us which fraction he's going to enforce (deporting dangerous criminals instead of family members of people born here, people getting citizenship, etc)

Seriously, for just a second it would be nice if you guys weren't brainwashed by Fox News so you could think critically about this.

Anonymous said...

WRONG 11:16! This most certainly is, without a doubt, "an attack on the Constitution" person.
"Seriously, for just a second it would be nice if you" knew what you were talking about.

Obama suspended deportations of illegal aliens and when he imposed his own conditions on those suspensions, he effectively has rewriting the law, which violates his oath to uphold the law as written.
The president becoming the lawmaker is the Constitutional issue, not the discretion in what laws to enforce.
You must be a democrat-Must enact the order, before we know what's in it, type of thing going on with you.

Anonymous said...

11:16's not very convincing. First, the president did not merely exercise discretion by saying he was refusing to deport. Instead he also changed the status of illegal immigrants by issuing work permits, etc. That in no way is just prosecutorial discretion, but the direct conferring of a benefit to millions of illegals as a class. 11:16's attempt to defend this is not very good.

Anonymous said...

An act of "prosecutorial discretion" involves the decision not to prosecute and enforce the law. (Actually it involves not prosecuting those already charged, but whatever). Obama has already pulled off that trick as the southwest has learned. But here he not only is not deporting/prosecuting, but he also, on a massive scale, making them temporary legal with a pathway to full legalization. You have to have smoked some serious crack to think this is simply just "prosecutorial discretion."

Anonymous said...

It's not "prosecutorial discretion." It's an illegal suspension of the law for anyone who crosses the border illegally and then manages to stay in the country long enough (and have kids while doing so).

Obama’s decision has been assailed as a violation of the rule of law, which is not surprising given that he himself once admitted it would be illegal for him to do, and the legality of what he just did was once questioned by his Justice Department’s own Office of Legal Counsel. Even newspapers sympathetic to amnesty have expressed concern about the legality and propriety of his action, including the staunchly pro-immigration Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post, which supports amnesty legislation, and is so liberal that it has not endorsed a Republican for President since 1952. (The Post called Obama’s action “overreaching” at odds with “constitutional lawmaking.” At another Washington Post blog, a lawyer, Jennifer Rubin, further questioned the legality of the President’s action).

Anonymous said...

11:16, You are without a doubt, one of the "stupid American voters" so eloquently described by your fellow democrat Jonathan Gruber.
Through a lack of transparency which is propagated by the MSM, people like you are preyed upon, due to your own ignorance.
First thing I suggest is that you read this executive order.
It goes way beyond "prosecutorial discretion" as stated above, Einstein.
Now get busy reading it, before you "ignorantly comment" again.