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Monday, July 14, 2014

Let's Impeach Her


Anonymous said...

Strongly disagree with slant of this cartoon!!

We're ALL descended from immigrants, even Fauxahontas!

Immigrants are welcome, and there are long standing, but imperfect policies and procedures for seeking physical admission to the USA.

The real issue is large numbers of people breaking our laws by physically entering without permission. Most lack any skill except as menial labor, where they can be exploited. Others are members of foreign criminal gangs who merely slaughter their opponents or anyone who gets in their way.

The current regime has been encouraging this uncontrolled rush to our borders. And does not plan to send them back anytime soon. Our current regime is effectively plotting against our country.

Needs to stop now! Send them all back! Let them visit the embassy and get in line for a visa. Then they will be welcomed.

Anonymous said...

1:37 --

Sorry, but the truth hurts.