As a City of Salisbury employee and I can't tell you how many times I
have been stabbed in the back by my co-workers who are trying to get
promoted. They have gone to extreme extents to do the best damage they
can do to ruin my reputation. Why? Because I am more trained and
educated than they are and I actually do work. Most of the other
employees are watching TV or playing games like Solitaire on the
computer. Most of the locals are ignorant and depend on the good ole boy
system to get promoted. They will do anything to jump over someone to
get to the top. The bad thing about it is the top management help them
do it and they get away with it. Every time there is an opportunity for a
promotion the criteria changes to fit the person that top management
wants promoted. I am confident this is happening in all departments in
the City of Salisbury and I would like to hear others comment on their
problems with City of Salisbury departments. They make the rules as they
go along. This is something that Jim Ireton has known even before he was
elected and he has yet to do anything about it.
I would like to see this posted as a letter to the editor and see the horror stories about employment with the City of Salisbury. I am confident people will speak out.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Comment Worthy Of A Post 2-20-14
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Brown nosers and butt kissers always seem to get ahead. The creams doesn't always rise to the top.
This happens ALOT in the private sector too, believe me, you are not alone!
Yeah well all the BS that Ireton spewed trying to get elected, the people he criticized the most are all now his chummy friends. It's true, politics make for strange bed fellows. Jimmy is now a professional butt kiss, he's among Salisbury's finest POS
Sounds just like working with State Employees...
How is this different than the rest of the world?? There is no such thing as "honor" any more, starting with the President and all the way down to the rabble. Lying & cheating are the NEW NORMAL.
No different at the Bd.of Ed
This is so true. I work for the department of corrections and felt every bit of envy, jealousy, back stabbing, under minding and every negativity one can think of more so from staff then inmates. These people are like crabs in a basket. The more you try to pull yourself out, the more the crabs try to pull you back in. Favoritism, nepotism, good ole boys and girls cronies, top with other ism's and bad management allows this behavior. Good people have left their place of employment to get away from such practices. The county system no doubts practice these bad behaviors, especially if you are not part of the "click'. It is shameful.
It happened to me at Delmarva Power in the early 90s. It is known as politics out of Wilmington. When an employee has to write his or her job description for the supervisor means the supervisor doesn't know the job you are doing.
This sounds like Hudson Health.
You must work for the police dept because that hits the nail on the head!
I work at the Salisbury Fire Department and it happens there all the time. Only the good ole boys get promoted there. I have been there long enough and met all the requirements and have been passed over several times. The Salisbury Fire Department is a joke and as soon as I get a chance I will be going to Ocean City.
Nice to see a thread with people with first hand knowledge of how things go in this city.
The Fish always rots from the head first.
If the second in command takes his vehicle to a bar, everyone else assumes the Mayor is totally indifferent to the entitlement mentality. The City government is a shameful mess..and both the City and County Councils are embarrassments.
Don't feel left out I work 4 Wicomico CO. I know what your talking about the same b s here 2.it all starts at the top. The Pillsbury dough boy Rick Pollitt, Wayne Strausburg oh don't 4 get double dippen Matt Creamer. They will all break it off in you. it would be nice if they used some k y jelly 2 ease the pain. Always remember bullshtt flows downhill. Not a better place in the world I'd rather work. The 3 stooges day will come it just the waiting game that sucks. Your Loving Employees.
If you are not happy then quit and start your own business or move to another area. You come heres are always complaining. Don't like it, get the blank out!
5:46, back stabbing is the name of the game from the people "from here".
5:46 at least you are probably on your own computer or wifi outlet --for once-- or are you on overtime?
5:06, you sound like employee of the month. All you people who complain about your coworkers should look in the mirror to find the problem. Maybe it begins with a piss poor attitude.
February 20, 2014 at 8:59 PM,
You must be the employee of the month cronies. Wicomico County is notorious with this type of behavior. This corrupt system goes all the way back to C. Dykes. And, today it is much bigger than YOU think. Corruption. This is why the economy is so bad. That Good Ole Boy system of things. And the only people making it in this system are your azz kisser, dic suckers, back stabbers, under minders, doing their dirty workers likes shorter poop motor cycling Armstrong, yessum man, family members, going to the same church as their boss man, the bosses pet man, errand boys, going out drinking with their boss man. So many boots who think they are greater than thou because they have eaten enough cheese that they can all sit back and say this person has an attitude problem. Those people are your best worker who are not willing to behave in such a way. These are the people who rather leave their place of employment with dignity then to get caught up in the mess your type keep creating. More "clicks" get fired then good employees. People of good faith, honor and worth would rather leave this type environment then hang out with wolves in sheep clothing such as the preacher man Stevenson.
What? A born here with a piss poor attitude? Never. They are perfect and know it all.
5:46 Probably got his job from daddy because he could not make it in this big bad world on their own.
8:59 I would if you weren't hogging the mirror.
Rick Pollitt is a good man! The Wicomico Public Works runs this way for sure! They all have so many hours of time off built up they run for council and other jobs and take off at lunch
Its funny how work related situations get turned into the born here vs come heres. Most born heres have some inborn "chip" that makes them hate anything not relating to the them or the area. Get over yourselves, the Delmarva Peninsula is so far from perfect. Had you ever left and came back you too would see the favoritism and how its widely accepted. Im a come here and see it daily. Where I moved from those things did happen, but not nearly as often. Many times the offenders were shunned, here they are rewarded with more favoritism. Ive met lots of come heres and I'd say at least half of them mention the good ol boy network in conversation. I'd love to leave this area. You local naive ppl can have the shore.
Article says person is trained and educated therefore cannot be a from here.
Article says person is trained and educated therefore cannot be a from here.
February 21, 2014 at 2:28 PM
and people wonder why people like you are not liked.
12:59 ever been down to the Wicomico river? the cream only rises to the top when dealing with milk. However when dealing with a cesspool like Salisbury you'll noticed that it's actually the scum that rises to the top!
5:46 obviously kissed enough butt in his job. He knows the system well and I bet he works at the fire department.
I have seen this first hand in the Salisbury Fire Department on numerous occasions.
I see favoritism to my neighbors, some who are favored by all city services. It just depends who you are in my neighborhood.
It's funny if you walk through the GOB, every floor, how little work is being done..
If they see someone coming they'll minimize their Solitare game or quickly put their cell phone down and make it look like they're doing work. LOL
The Salisbury Fire Department is loaded with butt kissers that get promoted.
Anonymous said...
It's funny if you walk through the GOB, every floor, how little work is being done..
If they see someone coming they'll minimize their Solitare game or quickly put their cell phone down and make it look like they're doing work. LOL
February 23, 2014 at 11:37 AM
LOL that happens at the fire department. My kids class took a tour of the fire station on Cypress Street and that is exactly what was happening.
12:45, just because you can't make it here, doesn't mean those of us who can are any of those things you said. Whine much?
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