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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Wal-Mart: Huffington Post Story 'Riddled With Inaccuracies,' 'One-Sided Rhetoric'

Wal-Mart says it is cutting off communications with The Huffington Post -- again* -- after the website reported that the retail chain plans to halt health insurance benefits for newly hired part-time workers.

In an email to POLITICO, Wal-Mart spokesperson Randy Hargrove said HuffPo's story was "riddled with inaccuracies" and "reinforces our company’s decision to no longer participate in the Huffington Post’s one-sided rhetoric."

The article, by Alice Hines, reports that Wal-Mart "plans to begin denying health insurance to newly hired employees who work fewer than 30 hours a week, according to a copy of the company’s policy obtained by The Huffington Post."


Anonymous said...

Well, Wal-Mart, all you have to do is hire new employees at 28 hours a week, and THERE! All of a sudden facts are facts! No, I'm no fan of Huffington either, they seem to "Huff" a lot of things that are unprovable or on the edge of truth.

But still.

lmclain said...

Notice--- Wal-Mart didn't DENY the report, just vaguely (but vociferously) criticized some "inaccuracies". Which, in the world of corporate/political doublespeak, means "hell yeah, we're doing just that". The Wal-Mart family together are worth about 150-200 BILLION dollars. But its not enough, apparently. And if some Americans have to be on welfare at the same time they work, well, the taxpayers will have to pick up the tab. oh well. The Waltons biggest worry is whether they should buy another Lear jet or that 30 room mansion in Hawaii, but its NEVER been any concern for their workers. Yes. There IS such a thing as too much money and Wal-Mart is a good example. Insatiable greed and selfish disregard may not have its reward here on Earth, but bet your life (and they are) it DOES somewhere else, and not just in the halls of Congress. You know what I'm sayin'.....

Anonymous said...

I thought for sure the American dream was to work hard and be smart. The Walton's did just that. If you don't like how they treat their employees, don't shop there. If you want a job with benefits, go find one or get your own insurance. Seems pretty simple to me.

Jim said...

No company has to pay or offer part time workers health insurance. Its why Home Depot went to mostly part timers years ago and Sears has always been 90% part time. Get a full time job if you want heath insurance. Its that simple.

Anonymous said...

9:47 PM

No kidding. If truth be told, employers don't have to offer anything other than a wage.

lmclain said...

"get another job" WOULD be a beautiful alternative. How many full time jobs are being offered out there? I'm sure the railroads said the same thing (if you don't like it, get another job) to the millions of Chinese workers who they abused, overworked, and often KILLED. Get real. It's true --- employers DON'T have to offer anything other than a wage, but health benefits USED to be an incentive to work for a company. Once a few companies decided the bottom line was much more important than the people that worked for them, well, competition started the ball rolling. Now, how many companies don't offer anything like that? Or make it so prohibitively expensive that its not even a valid offer? GREED. Spin it any way you like, but that is cold-hearted greed.