He really hit his stride in the second 15-minute segment of the debate, when the questions turned to the issue of the debt and the federal deficit.
Asked about the deficit, President Barack Obama launched into a pseudo-rambling spiel attacking Romney on everything from Big Energy
subsidies, to refusing to raise taxes on the highest income earners, to tax breaks that go to companies moving jobs overseas.

But Romney was ready for all of it.
Asked to respond, Romney shook his head, "Well, he covered a lot of topics there."
Then he turned the energy subsidies attack right around, calling Obama out for clean-energy loan failures like Solyndra: "I have a friend who says, you don't pick winners and losers, you just pick losers."
And then came Romney's real coup, on Obama's claim that businesses get tax breaks for shipping
jobs overseas: "I've been in business for 25 years, and I have no idea what you're talking about."

Romney 1 Obama 0
The news media built Obama as some Greek god and now over 50 million people saw what he is.
An Incompetent boogie eater!
One candidate looked, sounded and is Presidential.
One candidate looked like a small time community organizer backed into a corner.
I think he said "uh, uh, uh, I, uh" more than 300 times.
And people wonder why the country is in the condition it is...
Good debate----Clears the air on some things Romney has been accused of---More to come in the next debate!
I definately feel more secure Romney can run this Country then Obama!
It was a loss for Obama but he will still win. Obama is for the middle class, that is clear as day. The middle class will have Obama win by a land slide.... Just like last time
Yes 5:20 Obama is for TAXING the snot out of the middle class. just wait til Obamacare kicks in. (if it does)
Fact checking was conducting on everything Romney said. Every thing that came out of that man's mouth was lies. The proof will be shown if and when he becomes president. Put your money under the mattress, guys. And, prepare to bury you seniors.
5:20, I hope you are wrong. I was middle class till Dems took over. Yeah, he didn't wreck our economy by himself, he had some help, in the form of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. They are certainly not for the middle class...there is no middle class without jobs. Their hardcore supporters are like the Obamaphone lady. Or those with govt. jobs. It ain't gonna be a landslide even if he does win...and if he does then I'll be lookin' for my free phone and bennies until the govt. money runs out....(or no one will lend us anymore)
Obama is NOT for the middle class as evidenced by the 23 new taxes in Obamacare. It will hurt them the most. The lower income welfare people will not have to pay them and they will be pocket change to the wealthy 5:20. The Medicare payroll tax hike is going to be a disaster for small businesses esp those than employee 3 or 4 employees. Since July there has been a 10% tax on tanning salons and that isn't bringing in the money (surprise surprise) Obama had planned but is hurting the business (most owned by the middle class) because people don't want to pay the extra. The tax on medical devices implimented is going to hurt the middle class with higher premiums because the insurance companies aren't going to take the loss and will pass it on to the consumer.
Every single one of Obama's plans have hurt the middle class. Cash for Clunkers took 1000's of good cars off the road that the middle class would have purchased. Now the demand is high and supply is low so they are costing more.
To say Obama is for the middle class is an out and out fallacy. It defies logic and the facts.
Could Obama lower the gas prices with the swipe of a pen? Yes. G Bush did. This is hurting the middle class badly.
I could go on and on. Obama is for big banks (like Romney said Obama's wall street "reform" was a gift to big banks and corporations. He gave billions to fly by night companies that have since declared bankrupcy but the principals are now flush and rolling in money. Their wifes are driving Mercedes and Jags while the middle class wives are driving Chevy's and the death trap electric cars. None of Obama's economics or his proposed economics will ever help the middle class.
541-Obama is doing his best to bury Granny. Remember, he cut over 700 million from Medicare.
LOL-5:41. Now how about telling all what those lies were? I bet we don't hear from you again?
Romney may not be perfect but he does not lie. He is a good decent man unlike Obama who the lies roll off of his tongue. They did last night. Remember the lie about how Rommey was going to lower taxes for the rich? Romney shoved that back at the Liar in Chief. Remember the Liar in Chief accusing Romney of taking business overseas to avoid taxes? And remember Romney setting the Liar in Chief straight and telling him there is no such animal to avoid paying US taxes and he knows because he has been in business for many many years. Remember the Liar in Chief saying (and this was the biggest laugh of the night) that Obamacare was identical to Obamacare. No where near the truth.
I am middle class and voting Romney
Obama is a left-leaning if not commie community organizer supported by the likes of O'Malley Pollitt, Pretl and Ireton.
I am middle class and I'm voting for Obama in 2012
actually the fact checkers were correct! romney was dishonest about at least ten critical items from last nights debate and yes there is a tax break for jobs shipped overseas! obama did the smart thing.....stand back and let romney run his mouth and look like a fool after the fact!so 6:06..really romneys an honest man with a verry long nose!!!! and he has no chance to be elected president amen!!!!
7:01 Maybe... if Axelrod was the fact checker!LOL...
You communists are all alike.
We do not believe your spin and propaganda anymore.
Your Guy Obama showed us exactly what he is last night.
A puppet Neophyte politician. A Jr. senator that scammed his way through the system his whole life with the backing of communists and racists and Islamists mentors.
Hardly presidential uh uh uh uh....
Check away, fact checkers ..
For every "Fact Check" article, there is a study or article to refute it, so no offense if we don't buy your "Fact Check" nonsense.
I'm middle class voting Romney and AGAINST Obama.
Factcheck.org is skewed and they mislead and if you are sharp (like me!) you can find out where they are wrong and bias to the left. For instance they are saying Romney was incorrect on the middle income being lower by $4300. They give figures from the census saying median income has fallen in the $2000 range and that Romney was wrong. They are wrong. Romney explicitly said MIDDLE income. The census figure lumps all income levels (low middle and high) and averages. The fact is---the income level for those in the middle income bracket has fallen an average of $4300.
Give me a little bit of time and I'll prove where they skewed and mislead on their other so called "facts."
7:01 what is this tax break for companies moving overseas? According to the tax experts the only tax break associated with moving a company overseas or anywhere for that matter is a deduction for the costs associated with the move.
If you get right down to it, it isn't really even a break because the cost of moving far exceeds the deduction.
"and yes there is a tax break for jobs shipped overseas"
No there isn't. You get a one time tax deduction if you move your business overseas or just down the street. This is the same deduction any business gets for any expense incurred not just moving.
How come Obama didn't answer the question about the deficit?
"Asked about the deficit, President Barack Obama launched into a pseudo-rambling spiel attacking Romney on everything from Big Energy subsidies, to refusing to raise taxes on the highest income earners, to tax breaks that go to companies moving jobs overseas."
Somehow Obama turned Romney's pledge to not raise taxes on big oil companies into "Big Energy subsidies." Obama wants to raise taxes on them. Who will this hurt the most? The consumer which is us. It will come out of our pockets. Obama has no business even talking subsidies after the 1/2 a billion dollar Solyndra fiasco.
No disrespect intended but 7:01 is like the 47%. They do not understand how business works. They hear "tax break" and run with it thinking some company is screwing the govenment out of tons of money on a yearly basis and it is simply untrue. This so called "tax break" is a deduction and yes all businesses can deduction most expenses incurred. This includes supplies such as pens or equipment such as computers. It's not a sinister plan by businesses to pay less money by any stretch of the imagination. And yes always the costs of the expenses far exceeds the deductions themselves.
I recently had an Obama lover throw in my face that with my business, I don't pay taxes. Yes I have a small business and yes, I have lots of expenses that I incur along the way. But I also work 12 plus hour days (and even weekends) in my business and sometimes go without a paycheck just to keep afloat. In the meantime, the Obama lover (by the way he is a so called millionaire, retired from a big time government contract job with all his medical bills covered and HUGE retirement coming in each month) and belittled me because I am voting for Romney. LOSERS!!!!!!
They don't understand at all
7:13. I have a friend whose business is open from 9-5, M-F. She is there at 7 and on most days doesn't leave until after 6. She is there all day on Saturday and likes to take off on Sundays but that doesn't always happen.
She has 2 employees and would love to hire another one but due to business being down she can't. The different fees and taxes are eating these small businesses alive.
It is not unusual for a business owner to make less money per hour than an employee alot of weeks out of the year.
When business dropped off there went the window washing contract and the weekly cleaning crew. This adds to the trickle effect of what causes a poor economy.
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