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Monday, September 17, 2012


The U.S. State Department is currently in negotiations with the Egyptian government for the transfer of custody of Omar Abdel-Rahman, also known as “the Blind Sheikh,” for humanitarian and health reasons, a source close to the the Obama administration told TheBlaze.
Glenn Beck revealed the controversial news on his show Monday.
The negotiations are allegedly part of the ongoing discussions with the Egyptian government to resolve the crisis plaguing the Middle East, the source told TheBlaze. Calls to the State Department for comment referred us to the Department of Justice, and nothing has been confirmed.


Anonymous said...

Yes we don't want to be inhumane to these murderers. Is there anything else this administration can do to slap us in the face?

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just drag him through the streets of Washington like Libia did to ambassador Stephens. Flat out and simple. Obama is a Muslim! And, doe's anyone remember why he is in custody? Wake up America, and wake up before it' to late.

Anonymous said...

I think we should cut his hearing nerves.

Anonymous said...

Just shoot him 30 seconds before the handover! HAHAHAHAHA! YOU clean it up, bozos!

Anonymous said...

Obama just keeps shoving this crap right down our throats - enough already!! Everyone please remember all this when it's time to vote.

Anonymous said...

wow really? this guy actually did something unlike a couple of the men enjoying the US Government's hospitality in Gitmo

Anonymous said...

Is that they same blind sheikh that was behind for the first world trade center bombings?

Anonymous said...

858-Yes, the blind sheik was convicted of planning the first WTC bombing.

BTW, for those that didn't hear it from the lamestream media. The new Egyptian President called for the blind sheiks release in his inaugural address. Obama is a complete and utter failure.

Anonymous said...

Good! get rid of it. It's probably living in white house.

lmclain said...

If the blind sheik is returned to Egypt, then we might as well raise the muslim flag over this nation. ONLY his inept stupidity prevented the success of HIS bombing attempt. The Lockerbie killer was deathly and terminally ill and he was sent back (to show the West's humanitarian side, lol) to Libya to a HERO'S welcome. What kind of reception (and inspiration!) would this guy get? What American President could even THINK of releasing this preacher and practitioner of death and mayhem?