Now, Mike and I may have our differences but there's never been any doubt in my mind that Mike would make a great Delegate for the Eastern Shore. Ernie would make a great Sheriff and the Eastern Shore would actually be in a better position IF these two do what is rumored they might do.
Time will tell.
Both are good men! I would have to agree!The county needs CLEANED up thats for sure! People are leaving because of the crime and the taxes!
what has ML done that he campaigned he would? not much that is reported, that is for sure.
he is knee deep in the politics with his buddies from the Board
Mr. Lewis has yet to prove he's not a redneck imbecile.
He can barely speak coherently at press conferences now. I mean, he's done ok considering his background, but he's certainly not a gifted academic! LOL!
I can not imagine him in politics speaking off the cuff.
His weaknesses will certainly come to light.
Why do we keep endorsing Mike Lewis like he can run anything? Please just let this mans term run out and him just fade into obscurity.
I haven't seen success at the management level yet.
My guess is that Michael James will run for this seat too and Mike doesn't have a chance against Michael. Everyone knows Ernie will run for Sheriff and Mike will lose in that race too. Someone should have kept their job at the hospital.
I hope Mike does run for Delegate. I think he will do our area a lot of good. Like get out of the Sheriff's Office and let a professional in there who can bring the morale back up and serve the citizens the way they deserve to be served.
I didn't know Mike worked at the hospital?
He can make more money teaching classes on how to violate constitutional rights and how to commit perjury than he can as a politician.
When Mike Lewis lost the support of his deputies he lost everything. Leatherbury is ready to go and has the full support of the local democrats. He has stepped down as the president of the Central committee in order to run.
Wonder if they have paid ...... their taxes?
Mike Lewis would be better than many of the clowns in Annapolis. He's got my vote!
I don't think the Delegates job pays what Mike's current job does. That could be a factor. Leatherbury will whip his behind if he runs.
Ernie knows this too. He is confident that the Sheriff's Office can be run better than it is. The deputies are behind Ernie. They want Lewis gone.
Sorry but what you are saying about the deputy's is wrong. The majority of them would support Mike.
Please! Mike and Ernie are life-long friends. If any of this is true, it has all been coordinated.
Seriously, you people comment as though you know these people. Milke Lewis, Ernie Leatherbury, and Willie Benton are the Three Amigos. From going to academy together to being promoted, to raising families. I don't have any interest pro or con, but shut up with your comments because you dont know these men. They are public figures but each would burn you to the ground if you tried to hurt either of the others.
Ernie should run and will win, and will do a better job. Lewis is an idiot. He needs to leave anything to do with leadership. Would like to see him move out of state, even the country. Maybe a forner Nazi district in Germany would be more to his liking. He would love a police state mentality.
Say all you want about Lewis but he does dress sharp-check out the crease in his slacks!
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