Yesterday 40,371 people visited Salisbury News. By 7:00 this morning more than 5,940 people had already been to Salisbury News and the day hadn't even kicked in yet.
WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times cannot tell you the same. Salisbury News has outgrown the local Main Stream Media and guess what, NO ONE can compete with our advertising rates. Oh, sure, WBOC calls all of our advertisers telling them they can get an ad on their DelmarvaLife portion of their Site, (who goes there anyway) but NONE of them are going to place your ad on the Home Page like Salisbury News does for only $100.00 a month.
Go ahead, spend all that money on the Metropolitan and elsewhere. Just know that those people who advertise here on Salisbury News actually get results. Local people supporting local businesses. More traffic by word of mouth. We have no interest in traffic outside the Eastern Shore and that's why we're not all over Twitter, Facebook and all those other sites that bring traffic to our Website.
No contracts, no strings attached. We either produce business for you or you have every right to simply walk away. We treat our customers exactly the way they'd like to be treated, but don't get the chance elsewhere.
Contact me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349.
The Daily Times has only 2 things going for it and they are #1 Foreclosures have to be advertized in the local daily newspaper and sorry Joe you cant change that,its the law. #2 is Bruce Stump column. They lose that then we coould say goodbye forever.
I agree with 1:24, although not interested in foreclosures, Brice has always been the Time's go to articles. He's one of Delmarva's top writers. I just wish he woud write for some paper I read! The ones on the coast have some goood writers as well.
Question ? How do you know there internet hits ??
anonymous 1:57, WBOC has a new c ommercial out stating they have 500,000 hits per month. THAT'S how we all know how many hits they get.
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