Where not sure if this has to do with the Salisbury Festival or not but it's a scary thought knowing everything has been cancelled this weekend at SU for this event.
We are reaching out to Gander Mountain and ALL other local businesses that may sell pepper spray to NOT sell it to local Students.
Believe me, after what happened last Saturday there are search warrants going out like there's no tomorrow. This is NOT going away.

Bad answer, the Mayor needs the sales tax revenue.
Sounds like you have some really good inside contacts with po po...
I guess police should not attack innocent people and cause riots.
what happened last weekend?
This just proves the mentality of these children.
"Innocent" people don't throw bottles and cans at LEO's who are there responding to property damage calls. Get your heads out of your a$$es SU kids. You act like animals, you get treated like animals.
Pepper spraying law enforcement would not be wise, it elevates the use of force and could lead to bloodshed. Mob mentality.
the cops maced almost 2000 college students partying in the "zoo"
so now they think they deserve revenge! they just need to get over it, and go tell all their friends how cool they are for getting maced
No: Do one of two things. Take driver's liscense info on anyone buying pepper spray and also have the security cameras really focused well. Have gander mountain employees point out the surveilance cameras and tell them that if they are involved in a plot against the police, they will be charged with conspiracy and terroristic threatining which would carry major jail time. all video surveilance should be turned over to the police. These stupid college kids will not run our society by mob rule. Looks like it mught time for a serious crack down on off campus parties and underage drinking...
Good for them.bout time people stand up against the long ARM of the law.just hope it all works well for them.for every action there is a positive or negative reaction.
Smart idea from dumb collee kids. Escalation if force will be that officer gets blinded by pepper spray from assailant. Assailant then attacks officer and officer responds with justified deadly force. When te first round goes off these brat punks will run for the hills just like they did when they were sprayed. These kids were breaking the law. 90% of them were underage and they were disturbing the peace. This happens every year. They scream entitlement because there college kids just having fun and this poor city would not survive without their monetary contributions. Grow up children and go back to New Jersey and Pennsylvania to your mommies.
I see you have the government or Gander Mountain to assess the person, then takes his right to purchase a legal product... how about not allowing gun purchases based on frivolous rumors... I do not believe the 2nd Amendment has that clause.
Let's get real, what could these people do anyways to the police.
Don't throw out the Constitution based on rumors!!!!!
the students need to be tazed and cuffed. If that don't work , shoot em , in the leg or the arm or the butt. If that don't work call obamie to out the national guard , if that don't work , get out the m60 machine gun. mow em down like duck pins , yeh , like to see that.
222-Most of the moronic kids are local. I know. I was one of them back in 05-06. Roughly 75% of the kids partying at the Zoo were locals. Plenty of out of staters too, but the main drivers are the locals.
2:26- who said anything about taking rights away? I don't care if they want to buy 55 gal barrels of pepper spray. They should just know the consqences of their actions. That is the problem with youth, sometimes what sounds like a good idea turns out to be big trouble. THis is preventative police work. What is wrong with that.
Most officers have been sprayed multiple times with a much more potent pepperspray than any citizen could carry. The pepperspray they buy at gander mountain will have little effect on the officers and the kids will end up in jail! Great way to start off your summer!
Whats the big deal?
The cops say it is not lethal. Essentially a food product.
What are they worried about?
Dishing it out and not being able to take it?
Spraying innocent non violent people enjoying a gathering on a beautiful Saturday afternoon is not justice.
It is intimidation designed to inflict terror and harm.
They get what they deserve.
i have no problems with the cops "shooting to kill" if they are attacked.
C'mon on folks. I can't believe you fell for this story.
While there might be a few knuckleheads who actually might do this, there isn't a large organized group of SU students putting something like this together.
I have no problem with students "shooting to kill" if they are attacked with pepper spray.
Works both ways.
3:13 I could not agree more with you
assaulting an officer is a felony.
Your degree if you can still attend school will do you no good. Think before you act. You cannot change how things unfolded last weekend it is in the past now. Don't go to jail for something so meanial.
Actually I don't think there is a cop out there worried about these kids spraying them with pepperspray. I say let em buy it, they can start living in this economy by living in a jail cell or on the streets because their criminal records stops them from getting a job after 4 years of college paid by mommy and daddy.
Breaking news... Pepper spray is scared of Joe's mug
Why is it legal for cops to spray people at a party yet as soon as it is mentioned that a cop may be sprayed then stop the presses we need to stop selling pepper spray? If they want to spray a cop go ahead, they will deal with the outcome but who are we to tell Gander Mountain what to sell and who to? If there was wind of a shooting, would you demand them not to sell guns? And maybe the cops should of thought about pepper spraying 2000 people before they grabbed a bunch of cans and unleashed on college kids. Go to roger st and spray some pepper spray and see how far it gets you....
To quote the Good Book, those that live by the sword, die by the sword.
I agree some college students are morons (I used to be one), but I cannot hardly believe they are dumb enough to do this. What is the source of this info?
Does this story remind anyone of the incident in Ohio that is identical to this one?
Why would anyone think that the cops are in the right here, when they were not in Ohio?
Right now the students will win in court. If they pepper spray the cops, no matter if they deserve it or not, they will lose.
Students: Do not give up your ace in the hole. If you assault the cops in any fashion, you automatically lose the upper hand.
Beat them in court. It feels better and lasts much longer.
Most of the kids at that party did not even go to SU.
Jim Beau to the rescue -- NOT
I am a neighbor to the zoo and frequently put up with the crap that happens when school is in session. Last Saturday was a bit much. I implore the Police to do what they need to do to stop this BS!! If they need to put the entire force in there and then call out the Guard to stop it...DO IT!! If this retaliation crap is for real, then the Police need to be ready to defend the citizens that live in the neighborhood. The students also need to realize that we tolerate them, but this is too much. We citizens that neighbor them also have the right to defend ourselves, family and property if threatened.
Search warrants for what?
And what kind of judge would sign a warrant based on hearsay?
There should be warrants on Salisbury's "Nu Hood Order" in parallel so as to curb violent gang retribution towards cops too.
They have threatened, they will not be using pepper spray against cops. Nor skittles and Arizona tea.
Now, which group do you think deserves priority of investigation?
A network of racist armed gangs that the cops will not touch?
Or, a group of unarmed college kids they are willing to maliciously assault freely for obstructing injustice?
This can actually be fought with tuition hikes and a higher interest rate on student loans.It's called "culling".Those who still went to college in spite of the higher costs would be more fit to send out into the world after graduation.A good 25% of undesirables would be weeded out.Even if the current graduates get a decent job after they graduate they'll screw it up.
Obviously a lot of people know nothing about Use of Force and PEPPERSPRAY (Mace is a brand name and refers to a man-made chemical more times than not)... Pepperspray is organic! Shouldn't that make the leftist in the education system HAPPY??? It's green man! The police sprayed AROUND a crowd that was throwing things at them... Hence force (less-lethal) was met with force (Less than lethal)... More lasting and permanent damage could have been inflicted with the projectiles than the Pepperspray which has no lasting effects to speak of... And it smells great too! Really clears the sinuses after this terrible pollen season! Thanks Po-Po!
Salisbury cannot be the only college town to have dealt with issues like these. is anyone on any payroll anywhere looking into MANAGING any of these situations?
Did you see them throwing anything? Didnt think so.with over forty videos out there you'll not see one bottle thrown.this was a peaceful traditional gathering.if a bottle did get thrown I'm sure it happened after the city cops showed and acted like the jerks they are.and who supports the cops accounts???? Salisbury firefighters!!! Its the good il boy I got your back deal.your the animal.your just following in line with the herd here.
And do you think all 2000 plus deserved to be maced? It's obvious people were trying to leave then got a mace cloud from behind.
Does anyone remember what its like in college? How many of you demonstrated over Vietnam? Or some save the world crap? You hippies have done worse for less.this was a traditional school spirit gathering that only escalated because some old hippies got their depends in a bunch
Kent State... There's a man with a gun over there...and these kids are not protesting anything! They are saying "Hooray for our side!" Get over it, SPD. You incite, you reap pepper spray or worse. EVERY STUDENT has a video camera! They will be watching you when you show up.
Play me the 911 call that brought you out there last Saturday.
Sounds like the police need to use real bullets.People need to obey the law or suffer the consequences.
No one threw anything man.there's lots of videos up.not one has anything being thrown but the polices weight.all these people condemning these kids from heresy.everyone of you is as bad as the black panthers al sharpton and co. Condemning zimmerman.
Better go look at my 6:10 Post. It does show items being thrown.
A bunch of entitlement minded spoiled brats who don't have respect for anyone including themselves.
I dont see bottles Joe.and i know you dont like being rebuttled.I see what looks like a full drink being slung emptying its contents.its three shakes by one person.I do it all the time at concerts.
And in the video you posted.....i don't see one police officer.
I have to disagree with you and the others.then again I guess we all will see what we want to see.
They may teach quite a variety of classes in the S.U University, but common sense is a class you learn in the school of hard knocks. My moneys on the cops!!! They don't need an app for that.
Well Salisbury gets what they deserve. To bad the cops are taking the brunt of the problems due to the mistakes of the past city administrators. See what electing good old boys gets ya, getting your buddy the city bids gets ya. The city created this problem by one, NO Alcohol ON CAMPUS two, the CITY approving permits for this crap. (ie, hooking up Barries buddies) and allowing student housing to be built there. A central, ON CAMPUS student housing area would solve this problem. Except they spent 4 million on brick fence instead of housing back in the 90’s, so now the current issue is bolstered by allowing such a situation to fester in our residential zones. Don’t you Remember 4 to 3? The Howards. I do, and this is a SU problem send them all back on campus, allow alcohol at parties and problems solved. Every time you all have these issues. You hear absolute nothing nada from the university. The source and reason for all these problems. IN MY OPIOION IF YOUR OLD ENOUGH TO DIE FOR YOUR COUNRTY YOU SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DRINK.. END OF STORY...
Laughing from a distance
51 WM - Fruitland resident
Ido not understand the mentally of some of you people , you say go and spray the cops yea real intelligent thats how our young kids turn into thugs just provoke them thats real good them when something happens to you or one of your family you will remember whaat you said its ok to mase the cops. These cops are trying to make salisbury a little safer yes not all of them ok I will agree to that but were would we be without them probably dead or should we say our childrens death so I will say to our police go for it and use cannons for the mase maybe these kids will learns something after there mased and the burning pain in there eyes. God I can only hope that gander mountain stoppes selling the mase to these kids cauuse god forbid if something does happen to one of these kids there will be a lawsite against them I do hope they relize this . These children need to face the consequences of there actions and they shouls been swift and strong jail for a bit might change them
This is the most ridiculous article I've ever read. I have never seen such blatant disregard for the law by the men and women who are sworn to uphold the law. Was there a fair warning given out to students to disperse? No, the police told afew students already leaving. Thesemen and women are not police, they are cowards. Students are not buying mace to "get the police" they do not waste their time thinking of ways to hurt cops. But if you ask me,maybe afew cops getting maced might put them in line.
I'm a student at Salisbury and this is literally the first thing I've heard about this...probably because we're not stupid enough to do this. Why on earth would we? Why would we waste our time trying to get back at cops in a way that could get us into trouble? Whoever made this is ridiculous.
First off, this a complete and utter lie. Salisbury students are whole lot smarter than most of the Eastern Shore, hillbilly or gun slinging population. We know how stupid this made up idea would be. I dont know where you got your information but maybe you should stop making accusations against college students and go to college yourself.
I've seen the video with the beer cans flying at the cops, so either you aren't looking or you are lying.
Guess what? It doesn't matter if you think a cop is acting like a jerk, you DON'T get to throw ANYTHING at him!
If you are in a crowd of drinking people, students or old farts no matter, and members of the crowd get out of control and threaten the cops, guess what?
The cops have every legal right to disperse the crowd.
And now your going to knock the firefighters, too? Really?
It's the firefighters who come in ambulances trained to save the lives of the SU students with alcohol poisoning and crashed up in their cars. I remember the kid who didn't make it.
My brother was at Kent State when that "incident" killed 4 students and wounded 9 others.
Your comparison of this drunken b.s. to what happened in Ohio pisses me off.
The cops here used words and when words failed, they used pepper spray, not bullets.
Why are cops worrying so much about some parties that are going on? We got gang banging going on 24/7. Lets separate the real issues from the fake ones
Nobody wants to attack the police. They just want anoher party. It was a peaceful party and even the realtor who owns it is upset by the police actions. they were not called there for property damage it was for too many people. The students were dispersing from the property when they got pepper sprayed, drunk, sober It didn't matter. Also, they took a simple party with drunk students and cause drunk pepper sprayed kids to be running in to the streets, Is that safer? Salisbury has a high enough crime rate that they should focus on the locals not College kids drinking and actually getting along, not fighting or causing problems. know info before you post a blog or a comment.
You should learn the difference between they're, their and there and how to spell. No one attacked the police, they were cursing at us, not allowing us to leave the area, spraying sober kids at point blank for simply asking questions. They're too scared to go out and stop the amazingly high crime rate in this city so they pick on the college kids
you "adults" do not know the full story so don't act like you do. yes plotting revenge on the police is childish and dumb but you were not there to see what the police were doing to the students, like myself. they were pepper spraying students that were not causing trouble and were walking away. at one point they were going around houses macing any student they saw.
so you're saying someone who can afford the tuition are better students that wouldn't be able too? That doesn't make sense
then why were kids hit directly in the face by it?
pretty sure i read that only about 20% of Salisbury residents went to college and they're calling the students dumb. That is just funny
I live on Onley road where all this crap went down this past weekend and as I sat in my front yard watching our future leaders of America I was disgusted by the way most of them acted. I watched them throw beer cans at police cars, I watched them bust a beer bottle on a cop car, I aslo watched them pissing in my front yard were I live with my 3 kids in a house I have owned for 20 years. I had to finally make my kids stay in the house the rest of the day because these wonderful kids were cussing at my children. I also had the privilage of going to get in my car and asking 2 of the drunkards to put down my basketball and get out of my driveway and not to play on my court any more at which time they told me to go F myself. Lucky for me I didn't wanna do that unlucky for them I ever so gently removed the 2 from my yard its funny how tough they were until I got my hands on them. With all that said I will say that there were also some kids that were very apologetic for some of there classmates my neighbors and the girls across the street even though they were partying and loud were very respectful to us and the police. But unless you live on this road or have family here you have NO right to say what the police did was wrong! And as far as the "retaliation" this weekend... I will by ANY MEANS defend my family and property
8:31...when property owners call the police to have people removed from their property it is their job to go remove them. Yes, lots of gang banging in the bury too, but as long as these kids are acting like animals in the "zoo" the cops cant be proactive, to busy responding to calls. Did NO ONE see the news tonight, SPD released their own video (I am sure there is more) showing the bottles flying at the police car! Innocent kids my ***
If you want Salisbury PD to focus on the real crimes these kids need to behave...bottom line. Too many parents out there feeding their kids with silver spoons. I partied my tail off in college but when the cops came I left. Never would have even considered for a minute disrespecting an adult let alone an adult that holds a badge, whether he was being fair or not. Respect them first, if there is an issue with the cops behavior or you think your rights were violated get a lawyer.
There's crackheads and criminals running all through this town and the cops want to focus their manpower on the best thing this town has which is the students? SUPD needs to get their priorities straight. Salisbury is ranked top 10 most dangerous places in the country. Focus on lowering that number.
We are not that irrational and if we are sprayed with police grade mace when we are doing nothing to pose a threat to them accept one drunk idiot throwing one beer at them should we not be allowed to defend ourselves because they wear a badge. Keep in mind they are doing little to stop the actual crime in salisbury and instead target the nuisance because it is an easier bust, they don't have to follow due process and they can make money off of them.
In most of the videos and pictures people are just standing around. You weren't there yet you are forming an opinion on it with little or no basis of fact or reality. You sir are the epitome of ignorance. There was no property damage going on accept for grass and one beer was thrown in the direction of the officers from one drunk idiot. I guess that justifies macing 400 people though doesn't it. Even after everyone started to disperse they continued and made no attempt to warn us of the tactics about to be deployed on the crowd. Why don't you listen to more than one side before you let your bias form your opinion for you...
Honestly who are you people... This is the most absurd racist and uneducated conversation I have ever had the misfortune of reading
HAHA there already is a serious crackdown... more like time for a serious crack down on the crack heads and crack dealers on every street corner of your miserable city... Check the crime statistics for Salisbury. Why don't they start doing some real police work. And we would not even think about using it on them unless they used it on us again for no reasons. We are in college so we are smarter than that remember..
Epitome of ignorance. The school is here to stay. If you have a problem with it or the students get over it or move.
haha agreed they used the same stuff on us this weekend.
haha great point. why should they be worried if it isn't a big deal to spray a large crowd all willy nilly.
This guys not a real journalist. Don't buy into his excuse for boredom and "career" selling advertisements . Read real news and save your time.
NO COLLEGE KIDS ARE BUYING MACE. I'm a student at Salisbury University as well and this post is filled with ludicrous blatant bold faced lies. No students are going and stocking up on pepper spray. Your article is literally the first I have EVER heard about this. As for the person who claims they SAW a video of kids throwing bottles at the cops I would like to see this video; cause I was there and I have seen all of the videos up and NONE of them contain that footage. The landlords gave us permission to be on the premises as long as we were within the cones and not blocking the streets. We were not violating the noise ordinance; and anyway it took place in an ALL college neighborhood so we were not disturbing you lovely locals. So once again, no, we were not disturbing anyone's peace as we were in a strictly college settlement. There was ONE girl who threw a beer bottle who was promptly arrested on the spot. ONE GIRL should not result in the entire crowd getting maced. Yes it was dumb she did this, and she should not have, but everyone should not be punished for her actions. I was an of age innocent bystander along with countless others ( 90% underage..that is also a boldface lie)..who was maced for no reason. When the cops were asked why (and YES this is on video) he goes "its not my f***ing job to educate you". They slashed my friends inflatable slip and slide they rented and now have to pay for..what was the harm in that? And I am APPALLED at the ignorance at some of these posts saying that the college kids should be shot?! Are you kidding me?? Did you all never have fun when you were in college?
I agree I doefinetly wouldn't call them dumb SU has very high academic standards, but being intelligent has nothing to do with being respectful and that's where my issue is with the students at su and in my neighborhood. I'm all for having a good time but when your good time tears up my property I have a problem
Sure would be a bad week for some college girl to buy herself some self-defense mace then...
oh and as far as some of the families in the neighborhood that I understand somewhat, especially with small children present; I am speaking of Cedar Crossing and I have not seen the footage that the cops turned in. Although once again, if it is restricted to a college neighborhood, still don't see the big deal.
you do realize how much the local economy as well as the SUPD rely on the college students for funding right?
I agree with you that anyone saying students should be shot is an absolute idiot and take them for what they are. However its not an all college area I live there with my kids and though I can't speak for what happened at the end of the stett where thbe slide was I saw the bottle that busted on the police car. I have lived here long before these kids got here and will be here well after they are all gone3 this is my home. I have a great relationship with the kids that live next door and honestly have no problem with the kids partying but there needs to be a sense of respect for peoples property I think it would be a much better place if the kids made an attempt to get to know there neigbors, maybe then they would be concened about tearing there stuff up. I am all for you guys getting your education and having the time of your life but please be respectful to the "locals" that are here.
If anyone thinks this is serious they are utterly stupid. I'm an SU student and I can assure you none of us are wasting our money stockpiling up on pepper spray. If anything were spending our money to stock pile beer for the weekend. Besides that, the media is starting rumors like this one, and covering stories about our Dean of students email that he sent us on friday morning, to take the publics eye off of the fact that not only did the SUPD "pepper spray" (Which still burns terribly and can cause temporary blindness if gotten in the eyes, a lot worse than getting hit with a couple beer cans.) 1500 students (Approx. 1490 of whom were not doing anything other than calmly standing around, socializing and drinking. and by the way the cops weren't checking IDs AT ALL, so they did not seem to worried about the underage drinking.)but they also continuously seem to focus a lot more on the SU students drinking and partying than the real crime(rape, drugs, burglary, assault, all the other reasons why they tell us all in freshman orientation not to walk down smith street alone at night) in this town. If there did happen to be a follow up to the festivities of this past weekend, I guarantee the last thing any of us would want to do was physically interact with any officers. This town strives off Salisbury University, it would be nothing without it. All we want in return is too be allowed to have a good time. Don't worry though, we know now to be equipped with sprinklers and sunglasses just incase the force ever gets a little pepper spray happy.
forget buying mace i run around at parties in the crowd stabbing police with a HIV+ needle and disappearing in the crowd of zombies. Slight unnoticed prick gets you for life.
I would like to add to this that most of the kids that actually live in my neighborhood were NOT the ones acting like idiots. I know these kids aren't bad people by any means they are just kids but with that said it in no way shape or form gives them a free pass to be disrespectful and to destroy a neighborhood. I don't drink so is it fair for me to spend my Monday morning cleaning up cups,cans, and bottles out of my yard? Look guys party have fun I did but PLEASE be respectful of others property we don't tear up your stuff please respect ours.
I dont know where you are getting your information but the organizations thay arose from this no not condone attacking the authorities in any way. This is about keeping authority down to earth and not get hot headed in their power trip.
Obviously you are a student, so am I. But let's keep ourselves in check. Obvioisly these people getting their panties in a bunch over what we are doing because they do not keep an open mind to the possibility that maybe they are wrong. But we will surely not take up arms against the cops. This will prove these people were right about us and SU is better than that!
Clearly you are uneducated with no respect for the value of life. You are also probably older than college age so you should be more level headed before you publicise such a threat against us. We are non violent people trying to stand behind our school that we love!
Do you realize whay this kind of publicity this would bring to the town of Salisbury? How can you justify death for getting our word out?
The sad fact is a handful of drunk and disorderly students ruined a good day.I saw girls walking around topless and guys pissing in front yards of family dwellings. There were a lot kids just leaving the area on foot. I guess the sad truth is there was enough drunken idiots to ruin the day. The college needs to step in and deal with the students caught on video violating the law. If a police officers over reacted they need to be dealt with. I did not see the police doing anything but keeping hundreds of drunk kids in line.
It is time for student leaders to step up. This can be a great event if it is handled in an adult manor. We can not exspect the non college neighbors to want this stuff going on. Maybe the stadium would be a great place for it. The underage students who started most of this would never show up. It is a sad day to be an S.U. alumnus. I also saw college staff out there drinking ?? There is much more to this incident that needs attention. I hope S.U. draws a stern line.
Have a great summer and do not be stupid picking a fight with the police over the actions of a few on both sides of this incident will just bring bigger problems for all.
This is just ridiculous. Students get at least one e-mail a week letting them know that someone has been mugged or assaulted. Students at SU can't even count on keeping a bike not because other students steal it, it's people from the town of Salisbury!
It's so easy to target a bunch of harmless students when we all know there are much worse things going on in the town of Salisbury. I'm not saying what they did was right, because it wasn't. But to take away pepper spray from students and ban the selling of pepper spray to students is asinine. Not to be dramatic, but how are these students going to protect themselves from the crimes that happen against them every week?
Salisbury Police department, get your act together and start handling the real issues. You all aren't heros for taking down a bunch of students. Get it together.
After reading some of these commement a certain adage comes to mind...."You cannot fix stupid". These are supposedly the future leaders of this country. It is already pretty screwed up and does not need any help. Should this action become a reality the FD should bring in the big hoses and the PD should break out the rubber bullets.
These college kids are idiots and have no regard for the law, We the people of Salisbury are not going anywhere we will continue to call the police when you idiots can't control yourselves. We pay taxes in this town it's ours! enjoy the new speed camera's BTW we are enjoying the extra money from your neglectful parents...LOL
I always knew Salisbury locals were unintelligent, but this is a new low. None of you were there so your opinions are beyond irrelevant. No one's attacking the police, immaturity brewed this rumor.
You "Kids" do not know the full story either. I was there. I live there. You "kids" were out of control. I saw with my own two eyes that the Police tried several things to get the crowd to disperse. They were met with disobedience. All you had to do was leave and it would have been over. I was glad to see that the Police around here finally stood up and did something by forcing you kids to leave. As far as not causing trouble, well I would disagree there also. Because of the actions of a few, the Police gave a lawful order for the entire crowd to disperse. Most people there did not listen. Hopefully they will listen next time and this kind of problem will not occur.
As far as retaliation, lol...I hope you "kids" are kidding. I hope that you realize that that action would probably be the worse thing possible for you to do. Everyone has received a warning from the Police. I believe this weekend, and into the forseeable future, anything there will be treated much worse than usual. I can see the troublemakers getting records this weekend because they did not learn their lesson. My advice...drop it.
This is a preposterous rumor created by locals because they want something to talk about and so they can have harsher rules in place for college kids. The truth is those kids are proud to have been maced because it means they succeeded in having a good time. So get over yourself forty year old white folk, if the kids are contained in their "zoo's" they are not doing harm to anyone. Furthermore, the only students who have pepper spray are the girls who are afraid to be raped in this town.
You have got to be kidding me. This town is the 9th most dangerous town in the country and you want to talk crap about OUR parents? You are without a doubt the stupidest person I've come across on this bullshit post.
I am disgusted by salisbury locals. Cheering on children getting shot? Are you that sick? Y'all need to find jesus.
You DumbA$$ cops in the salisbury area are a joke. When are you actually gonna start solving crimes and stop causing them?? For instance as a colege kid I was Shot at twice, roomate stabbed, friend purposefully hit by car, 2 friends shot and stabbed. Only one of those crimes was ever found and that was cause I could identify the mofo. You all are a frickin joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I hope you ghet yours
Sigh, a good majority of locals here in the city are getting assistance from the government and not paying any taxes. It's the students spending the most money on goods and keeping businesses afloat. Vilify students if you want, and keep your us against them, holier than thou mentality; it won't matter to me at all. Cause I know I'm not stuck in this crappy town. Oh, and I pay my own tuition.
EXACTLY! In fact, a lot of students who were there on Saturday think that any event planned for THIS saturday is completely wrong. We, as students, love salisbury, and want the community to understand that we aren't out to get them. Salisbury is a dangerous place, we ALL know that, and the students want that to go away, just as much as the locals. But is seems to me, some of the locals think that the danger stems from the students. Wrong. Students are not out there mugging innocent individuals, students are not out there running brothels, and students are not breaking in and robbing homes. The University is only growing, and we are not going away. Its time for EVERYONE TO CUT THE B.S. and MAYBE START WORKING TOGETHER TO GET THE POLICE DEPARTMENTS FOCUS BACK ON THE ACTUAL PROBLEMS.
We understand that students and locals are mad and this divide seems to be escalating. We need to find a way to work together to find a common ground. Slandering each other will get us no where. Everyone take a deep breath and try to keep an open mind. Everyone should go to dirtybury.com and input their thoughts, ideas, experiences so that we may have an adult conversation. Students should know how they affect locals as locals should know how they affect students.
I suggest you move, lady! You live in a college town. This kind of stuff happens.
Salisbury is a town... with a University in it... NOT a "College Town"... It was here PRIOR to the school and will be here when enough of you entitlement minded degenerates realize that your degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on anymore. I know enough college "educated" people that are common sense/ common life skill deficient to know that a degree does not make you any smarter than the next guy. To believe that it does only shows the level of your arrogant ignorance.
I cannot believe the idiots in Salisbury who actually believe this story!!! The students are not planning on pepper spraying the cops. SU students are too smart and would not stoop to the level of the police department! What is wrong with you people in Salisbury?? Are you jealous of the students? The comments on this page are disturbing! Why don't you put this energy in to attacking the real criminals in Salisbury - and there are plenty of them! Salisbury is more violent than Baltimore City per capita! I can't believe I ever let my daughter attend SU - between the violent crime and hostility of the townies and the unprofessionalism of the police dept. Hey townies, don't forget if SU wasn't there, your town would be a bigger dump. The students add a lot of money to the economy.
understandable... and from my experience being polite to police gets you farther than being disrespectful.
you're not going anywhere because mos of you can't afford it, the cost of living down here is so much cheaper then baltimore, you wouldn't be able to support yourself, plenty of us pay taxes in this city too sooo its also ours. you're speed cameras are easy to distinguish btw. Neglectful parents? seems like you were the one with neglectful parents if you live in this disgrace you call a city.
most cities were around before a college was opened in it, su opened almost a 100 years ago more than a 1/3 of the cities life so it was here before you or you relatives for the most part
I do not attend Salisbury, I'm a local who decided to leave this region and go to a school with a good reputation, one with a large alumni network, and one that can provide a true educational environment, not some small former teacher's college surrounded by slums and cow pastures. That said, the ignorance and blatant stupidity of local residents, and that also shown by the blog's author, are astounding. You all genuinely believe a anti-police anarchist movement has developed because of officers acting beyond their boundaries? Get real, all of you. The students are angry, and with every reason might I add, but they are not idiots-though the locals seem to be moving more into that classification with each post I read. The only thing more astounding than the warped conspiracy theory I am reading would have to be the apparent failure of the Wicomico County Public School system to educate any of you people in how to write a sentence or spell a word. I'm ashamed to be from Delmarva, you all make those of us with some sense and ability to think look less educated by association.
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