As childhood obesity rates have increased over the last few decades, a lot of focus has been put on insuring that school lunches are healthier than the chocolate milk/cheeseburger/tater tot pig-out some of us grew up eating. But according to a new study, the real source of those extra pounds is the stuff kids are devouring when they're not in school.
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I don't disagree at all. However, I have to say that the school breakfasts and lunches in Wicomico County are horrendous! Check the menus, and you will agree. There isn't much "healthy" food offered in the elementary schools.
I don't blame it all on the school lunch but the school lunches are still not at all healthy this week there was pudding with whip cream and more sweets and junk food
I have had the opportunity to do lunch duty at school.I can tell you that no matter how healthy they try to make school lunches,you still can't get the kids to choose the healthy options on the menu. I've seen better lunches that parents have packed for their children. At a lot of the schools they sell chips and ice cream.Students are allowed to purchase 3 of these items in any combination. Two bags of chips and an ice cream etc. I have seen MANY times kids not eating their lunch and only eating their ice cream and chips. Last but not least I do not feel that tax payers should have to pay the extra expense of having healthy lunches at school when the kids don't even eat it. Total waste of food and money.
Well they get money for food stamps and the they get free lunch at the school. Kids that are prone to extra weight will eat at home and at school. The school makes them take food only to see the ones that don't eat two time (skinny students)dump it in the trash as soon as they walk out of line. There are always the ones the will two times.
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