Once the information was published right here on Salisbury News, once we called out the Daily Times for completely screwing up and purposely attacking and defaming Councilman Tim Spies for numerous alleged violations, once WE cleared the air, Code & Compliance dropped ALL charges against Mr. Spies. It is now a dead issue. Tonight, Mrs. Laura Mitchell made the attempt herself to call out and defame Mr. Spies before she was immediately smacked down by Mr. Spies announcement that all charges have been dropped. She stuttered for several seconds but the reality clearly embarrassed her to no end and turned a shade of red I haven't seen in quite some time.
So you see, when you have a source who knows the TRUTH and spreads the TRUTH, think twice before ever trusting the Daily Times AND other Blogs who have nothing but HATE for those people who truly care about Salisbury and the Eastern Shore.
Mr. Spies, I'm VERY sorry you had to go through all of this and I truly hope the Daily Times, (and others) retract their statements/charges to vindicate you the proper way. Shame on SAPOA as well. Scumbags come to mind.
That's what happens when you don't do your homework, you get embarrassed in front of the class.
Serves her right!
Looks like Laura wooulde get tired of making an a$$ out of herself. She has boarded a sinking ship..time to get off Laura and smell the coffee.
I have said from day 1, Laura Mitchell is a low life scumbag and is not to be trusted. She is Jim Ireton's hand picked seat filler, with her own agenda. Watch how she bares her true self in days to come. Serves her, the Daily Times, Sarah Lake, SAPOA and everyone else involved in this mess, right. They all look good with egg on their faces. No one ever told these despicable people that the truth always shines through. Tom Stevenson should take responsibility for the information provided the Daily Times and RESIGN.
Good, she should be embarrassed!
I agree with 9:17 PM that Tom Stevenson should resign. There have been numerous employees that have left employment with the city and none have left on their own will. Two were females and another was an African American.
Tom Stevenson should resign for many reasons but he will not because he will never find another job paying half as much. He likes the power as well. His word is not good. The whole department needs restructured. It is easily misused against people. Laws are not equally enforced
Mr. Spies should seek counsel and seriously consider filing suit against the Daily Times. The boy mayor should also give notice to Tom Stevenson and put every department head on notice should they ever consider playing into the hands of SAPOA and their ilk.
Joe, you should move all these city posts up to the top. It's about time someone turned over the rocks at City Hall to see what's underneath!
It is a shame that we have been fooled again in the city, twice is too many times Laura Mitchel is a redo of Louise Smith. Enough said. Watch your backs folks, they are mounting an offensive with "ringers".
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