I'm going to make this brief for the time being as I have to get back to the GOB. However, from everything I've witnessed so far, Paul Wilber is being terminated as the City Solicitor of Salisbury and if I was a gambling man I'd say Mark Tilghman will more than likely be his replacement.
In the most unusual Council Meeting I have ever witnessed, the Council majority chose to move forward TONIGHT by asking the Mayor and others to go into a closed session to interview the two law firms that entered RFP's RIGHT NOW. The Mayor may or may not participate in these interviews but my guess is that they will absolutely choose a new law firm to represent the City some time after 9 PM.
It's also my understanding that Paul Wilber does NOT want to play second fiddle attorney but stated he will represent the City for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Mind you, the taxpayers can expect Wilber's Firm to charge full rate instead of a discounted rate, should the Council choose to do so.
Man, this is just unbelievable. I'll be back later with more details.
Big Mistake.
Paul Wilber - What goes around, comes around. Right along with Barrie and the rest of the misfits. Long overdue. Kudos to the City Council.
If they served adult beverages at the meetings more people might show up.
They are lawyers, what differance does it make.
Isn't he the one that struck out the warranty clause in the 88 million $ contract and only made the WW company liable for 1 million max? Why would we want to keep him on for this one act of buffoonery?
I thought tilghman was an insurace agent?Is he a lawyer also?
John Pick Next. Then his assistant,Lori, please. And while we are at it Oldmon, sho lied about the firehouse and all the paperwork was advertized in the newspaper as excess property.
We dont forget things like this.
Cant blame him for charging the full rate. This is america after all... That extra cost is on the heads of everyone who voted to terminate him before the wwtp litigation is settled. Change a horse mid stream and youre probably gonna get a little wet.
Anonymous said...
John Pick Next. Then his assistant,Lori, please. And while we are at it Oldmon, sho lied about the firehouse and all the paperwork was advertized in the newspaper as excess property.
We dont forget things like this.
January 23, 2012 9:40 PM
Pam is already gone. I say get rid of Rick Hoppes as he is a hold over from the Barrie Tilghman administration as well. He is already running Debbie campbell into the ground. He won't work well with the city council and has already proved it.
These lawyers seem to be part of the 99% that make the rest look bad.
Wilber already stated he would continue on at the contract rate representing the city in the WWTP dispute. He also said he would continue on at contract rate to assist the new attorney while getting settled in. Having said that, isn't Wilber the same one that Stewart Leer beat in the court of appeals? Isn't Wilber the wrote the legislation that the Honorable Newt Jackson said did not favor the home owners? Isn't Wilber the same attorney that was defeated in the Old Mall debacle by 3 housewives and a retiree?
I don't think the pay thing is a big deal. From what I've heard at these meetings, Wilber gave them a reduced rate around $150. No attorney's going to work for less than that.
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