There's been an Industrial Accident at Plymouth Tube on Industrial Pkwy.
A male in his 50's was overcome by fumes in a pit. Because of the fumes the Hazmat Team has been called in.
The original call was for an industrial rescue, not an accident.
Additional stations have just been called in. Stations, 1, 16, 5, 9, 12, 14 and Salisbury EMS.
The man is his 50's is now outside the building. No one else has been hurt and they are assessing the situation.
More to come...
6 stations, good god!, the overkill will never stop!
Have you ever been inside Plymouth Tube? Some of the tanks hold super heated solvents to clean the tubes. My guess would be 1000's of gallons in these tanks. I was told by a supervisor that if you fall into the tank there is no surviving. If the first responders on the scene thought they needed back up, I put more faith in their judgement over yours from behind a computer screen.
Stations 5,9,12 and 14 were alert because command requested the west side decon trailer.
The Westside Warriors are on stand by with the infamous Pat the midget Toe-back as leader. Jerry the junkman will ride shotgun , sorry that's all , the rest are having a beer.
I hope he is OK. It had to be one of the maintenance guys because they are the only people allowed down in "the pit". The solvent they use to clean the tubes is trichloroethylene and it is extremely dangerous. It falls to the ground and displaces all of the oxygen, so it can take your life real quick.
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