
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Question: Your solutions, on stopping drug trade, is, give up, give up to world drugs. I say zero tolerance, we use the military for aid, we stop it from getting into the country, we cut it off at the source. Why give up on that fight?

Ron Paul: What you give up on is a tyrannical approach to solving a social and medical problem. We endorse the idea of voluntarism, self-responsibility, family, friends, and churches to solve problems, rather than saying that some monolithic government is going to make you take care of yourself and be a better person. It’s a preposterous notion, it never worked, it never will. The government can’t make you a better person, it can’t make you follow good habits. Why don’t they put you on a diet; you’re a little overweight!
  • The Morton Downey Jr. Show, July 4, 1988


Anonymous said...

Just a short response to the quote ,I will say use the military or any other force to stop the drug trade.
I will also say shoot to kill if it will help stop the drug problem.

Having said that , we have taken away the police rights to enforce just about anything. I will also say the biggest mistake they made with Rodney King , they should have killed him.

We do not have a judicial system in this country , thanks to the lawyers. The drugs will go on until we change our way of punishing the criminals.

lmclain said...

12:47...where do I begin to refute your myopic, uninformed and totally inane position?? First, the military is specifically PROHIBITED from enforcing law in the Untied States (Posse Comititus Act), but you didn't know that, right? Second, there is ANOTHER law that trumps that one --- easily and more powerfully. It is the Law of Supply and Demand. If there is a demand, there WILL be a supply, and since man has sought to alter his reality (by some form of substance) for thousands of years, there will ALWAYS be a demand. That law is written in stone and NO government can change it or stop it. None. Third, "shoot to kill"?? REALLY?? Shoot citizens (to kill!) before an arrest, trial, or conviction? SEIG HEIL, brother!! You think THAT will stop drugs?? Think again. Saudia Arabia and Iran, virtual police states (you LIKE that idea, don't you), executes drug traffickers. In public. They STILL can't stop drug use/trafficking. Fourth, by your proposition, we would have "shot to kill" George Bush, William Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Kennedy. Plus hundreds of thousands of judges, cops, lawyers, architects, teachers, etc. We have imprisoned MILLIONS of Americans for drugs and we are not even CLOSE to denting the problem. Fifth, Nixon declared "War on Drugs' FORTY YEARS AGO!! Forty years! Drugs are cheaper and more plentiful than ever. And this interview with Paul was in 1988 --- 23 years ago. He is NOT advocating "giving up"...Paul, just a few months ago, asked an audience "if heroin was legalized today, how many of you would run out and get some?" Answer? VERY few. Making drugs legal WOULD NOT cause a disintergration of society. Thats a line YOU have apparently fallen for...please think for yourself and stop goosestepping to every tune the government plays for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 210!

Anonymous said...

Do they have a drug problem in Turkey?
No? Wonder why?

lmclain said...!! are you saying no one in Turkey is smokin' hash? Or using heroin? People in EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY on earth are buying, selling, and using drugs. No exceptions. And if you asked any of the other Muslim countries if they have a "problem" they would also say "no". Keep in mind, however, the GOVERNMENT controls and reports the stats. Ask the Chinese if they have any problem with dissidents in Tibet. Ask the Saudi's if they have a problem with Muslims persecuting Christians. Getting the picture yet?