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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Caroline Leads Mid-Shore in Number of Sex Offenders

DENTON, MD - The Caroline County Sheriff's Office manages more sex offenders than any other county in Maryland's Mid-Shore region, and the majority of those on its registry are categorized as the most dangerous offenders.

Lt. Ron Dixon has been in charge of overseeing Caroline's sex offender registry for three and a half years and enforcing its zero tolerance policy for those who try to skip out on their court-ordered appointments.

Dixon said as of July 18, Caroline has 73 registered sex offenders, the highest concentration of whom live in the Federalsburg area. He said on the Mid-Shore, Dorchester County currently has 61 sex offenders, while Talbot County has 45, Queen Anne's County has 31 and Kent County has 23.

"Every zip code in Caroline County has some sex offenders living in it," Dixon said.


1 comment:

lmclain said...

It's Bush's fault.