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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Hate-GOP Machine

by L. Brent Bozell, III

The latest polls show the people are not happy with President Obama's handling of budget matters, but Republicans look even worse. And yet, while the GOP delivers one idea after another, Obama has offered nothing, instead just attacking, attacking, attacking, blaming everyone but himself in utter denial of the reality that no man on the face of this Earth is more responsible for our debt catastrophe than he.

Why then is the public blaming Republicans more? It is because of the ceaseless, shameless and oftentimes utterly dishonest attacks on them coming from Obama's media hit men. A day doesn't go by without a leftist "news" media outrage. They come in all shapes, too.



Anonymous said...

Biased propaganda piece. The Tea party stands for the following .

@They believe we are taxed enough already.
@They believe we shouldn't spend more then we take in.
@They believe the government should operate within the confines of the constitution.

Where's the hate? The Tea party is all about love! Love of country!

Anonymous said...

Majority of the people that think this way, are the very ones that put that moron in the white house. They have no clue or logic to base any information you give them. They hear one thing, from people that are pushing this country into a hole and believe anything they have to say. I guess it could be a bit further and they actually prefer to go the presidents way so they can continue the entitlements. It's obvious more spending, more cuts, needed amendments. This is how logical people rationalize there own budgets. If you don't have it, or can't afford it- you do without. Unless, of course, you are the people doing nothing to get it in the first place. America...the land of entitlements!

Disgusted Republican said...

More whining! If people are unhappy with Republicans, maybe it's because of their postions and not anything more sinister. They refuse to consider any adjustment of the tax rate back to where it was before the Bush cuts and lots of people disagree with that. I am one - and I am one who will be affected, so don't even try to go there. The problem is perception; Obama offers compromise even if we don't know what that may be. The republicans say no compromise and people don't like that. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure our the "why" of this situation, and it's not about the media.

Anonymous said...

Did you look at the site? There is a button that says "Liberal Opinion". We know this is a site for the Kool-Aid drinkers.

Anonymous said...

I'm not unhappy with the republicans or the democrats; I'm unhappy with politicians. Both parties have continued to drag this country as they continue to care more about personal gain rather then whats best for their constituents.

tedh said...

The truth of the matter is that it takes so much money to get elected the politicians have to take money from special interest groups so their position is etched in stone before they even take office.

Anonymous said...

229 well said, the slimy politicians are bought and paid for before they are elected to office they are the scum of the earth, rich scum, but scum just the same.

Anonymous said...

You've been drinking too much Kool-Aid.
Obama hasn't offered ANY compromise.
The bottom line is that they (The Republicans and Dumbocrats) are arguing about cutting 1.4 trillion over 10 years while we borrow 1.4 trillion EACH year for the next 10.
We need to cut the budget by 1.4 trillion THIS YEAR!
I know there are a lot of slugs out there getting money from Heaven (The Government) but it IS going to stop, either now or very soon. You can tax the rich at 100% and it would only cover a few days of borrowing. This country borrow money at the rate of over 100 billion/month.
It will stop...very soon!

Anonymous said...

4:48, you don't read very well. 1:30 said it was the perception that Obama offered compromise while not actually saying what the compromise is. You sound so smug for someone who has trouble with simple English. They are arguing about a lot more than numbers, with the purpose being to make the other side look bad rather than trying to solve the problem. They all need to listen to John McCain and his voice of reason.

Anonymous said...

They all need to resign is what they need to do!
They've ALL shown they can't or won't do the job, plain and simple!
Get the "money" out of Washington. Until then, it will always be like this, and it will get worse!
There are those politicians in Washington who are not there to represent ALL of their constituents. They're ONLY there to represent the groups who can line their pockets and nothing more! THOSE politicians, whichever side of the aisle they're on, MUST go!
Wake up America! STOP voting down PARTY lines!