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Monday, June 13, 2011

Pollitt on Tax Hike – “It’s Just No Fair”

No, that’s not Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt’s view about hiking the Wicomico property tax rate by 5 cents; it’s his view of having his property taxes in Ocean City go up.

On September 2, 2007 the Daily Times ran a very sympathetic article (I’m so surprised) regarding a tax hike on the Pollitt family beach house. While quoting numerous members of the Pollitt clan, Rick’s response was:

”It’s just no fair”. …

I realize that Pollitt would argue that this is apples and oranges. In one sense it is. Pollitt claims that his proposed hike would only hit the average Wicomico taxpayer for the cost of “a dinner out”. Maybe, but what about those taxpayers who can’t afford that dinner out?

The Wicomico council has worked diligently to spare taxpayers that rate hike. Tomorrow, we’ll know for sure whether they have been successful. I empathize with Pollitt’s desire not to “oversee the dismantling of the Wicomico County government”. We need government, but less of it. We need core services; but we need those services delivered efficiently and in a cost effective manner. It’s in limiting government and providing those services in a cost effective manner where Pollitt has failed.

My advice to Pollitt is simple:

  • Restructure the county government; as you promised. Do so, keeping in mind that we are operating under a new paradigm.

  • Quit worrying about “getting out and about”, at least for now. You speny three years trying to sell the repeal of the revenue cap. You spent a year running for re-election. You’ve now spent most of the first few months of a second tem trying to sell a rate hike. Seems like you’ve been “out and about” quite enough for a while. If you feel the need to meet with the public, show up at a council meeting. We know that you watch the meetings on TV; just walk down the hall and turn left.

  • Start acting less like a bureaucrat and more like a businessman. If your employees can’t show up to work on time – replace them. If you have positions that are redundant – eliminate them. If you can afford to furlough employees it seems that you may have more people on the county payroll than you really need. Yes, I know that government isn’t a business. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn a few things from the private sector.
  • The next time Pollitt proposes a tax increase, perhaps he will remember how he felt when it was done to him.



    Anonymous said...

    " A dinner out"
    Haven't had one of those in 2 years.
    Has he forgot that this country and county is crippled.
    We don't have ANY extra money.
    The average citizen in the county is poor. We have the rich and we have the poor , the middle class is gone.

    Anonymous said...

    Amen, Amen...

    But this is typical... Because now he is actually paying more in taxes than in Wicomico, he has something to say... How is it that this city, always manages to hire people who don't live here and who don't give a shit about the people who do... Just like the chief of police for the city of SBY... he didn't even live in this county let alone the city...

    Now how can anyone who doesn't live here know what is best for US who do?

    Never the less, I'm glad to see that Sir, Pollitt doesn't have to make that life decision whether he should buy food and gas for the week or to pay a bill he is delinquent on...

    Anonymous said...

    I am good with compromising at a 3 cent increase. The problem is they are going to cut budgets that directly relate to crime prevention.

    Anonymous said...

    People do not want less government. If they did they would not have voted to add another layer of government to the old structure.

    Anonymous said...

    I'd be good with any increase up to the five cents. I don't think, however, that the council is going to have the guts to vote for anything. Look out folks, the times are going to get rougher for the services you want from the county.

    Anonymous said...

    There will probably be some kind of compromise and small tax increase. Everyone knows to always ask for more than you really need so you can always get what you want. Don't they?

    Anonymous said...

    So he who can afford a beach house is squealing about an increase in those property taxes?? How about those of us who are barely getting by, who are living within our budget? That's what we'd like our county to do, is live within their budget. Cutting some of the utterly ridiculous salaries @ the top would be a start.

    Anonymous said...


    I understand his parents had that beach house -- and he inherited it.

    Anonymous said...

    You forget, Mr. Pollitt, that every little bit hurts! Especially when you have nothing.

    Anonymous said...

    I saw government waste at Wawa yesterday, Jim The PIO Fineraran. I know the mis-spelling, he's just not worth a search.