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Monday, June 13, 2011

BREAKING NEWS - Wicomico Council Kow-Tows to County Exec

The Wicomico County Council has decided to flip again and allow County Executive Rick Pollitt to keep level funding in the FY 2012 budget. The vote was:

Gail Bartkovich, Bob Caldwell, Stevie Prettyman, and Sheree Sample-Hughes to give Pollitt’s office level funding. Bob Culver and Joe Holloway voted to cut $100.000 from the County Executive’s salary account and place in contingency until council approves his “reorganization plan”. Matt Holloway was not present, but Bartkovich noted that he was in favor of level funding.



Joseph Albero said...


Anonymous said...

And how does this affect Delmar, DE?

Anonymous said...

I can't say that any of this was a surprise. In the end, I figured that they would kowtow to Pollitt. This is not what we elected them to do and certainly not the will of the people

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 10:50, I know you can't be a new visitor to Salisbury News if you bring up Delmar, DE. That being said, you must be some kind of fool not to remember that I own multiple properties in Wicomico County. In fact, I can assure you I have more say in this matter than you'll ever dream of and if you happen to be who I think you might be, living in section 8 housing, you pay no taxes.

Anonymous said...

Out with the Council! They are not looking out for taxpayers best interest at All!!!

Anonymous said...

They sure do make Salisbury's new council look very good.

Anonymous said...

We need to clone Bob Culver and Joe Holloway..they want to take care of things the others just do what ever Slick Rick wants...what up

Anonymous said...

We just vote them out!!!! Pollittics has over ruled common sense!! I thought we were going to see change not same good ole boy voting! Go ahead and spoil chubby some more!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Breaking "News" - Wicomico Council Agrees to Level Funding for County Exec. That is news, kowtows is opinion. And obviously not everyone's. I think perhaps you should change your title or change your label. Be ever vigilant, G.A. to know the difference.

Anonymous said...

I wish I lived in Delmar, DE instead of Delmar, MD... Because Delaware has their stuff together... Maryland sure doesn't know squat about squat but they sure know how to make you broke, then come back and say, were making you pay more of what you don't have... so basically until Maryland makes you in the negate before you even get a check from your employer there not happy...

How is it that DE, and other states can work for the positive and to balance the budget but MD says there is no problem with the budget and just makes fees and raises taxes on things that make no sense...

I agree with Andy Harris, we have a spending problem and martin O'Fagally thinks there is no problem yet they need taxes and rise prices and things... Its sad and bad when you have to create a pretend fund and say that those funds won't be touched because there fun specific, but you can't even pay for what is out there now... how will you keep it fund specific and not touch it if were going in the whole as a state, county and city... hell even as a country...

Anonymous said...

thank you Joe Holloway and Bob're watching out for the citizens and we appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

I suspect economic realities and cooler heads prevailed in the decision making of Gail, Bob caldwell, Stevie and Sheree. This 10 year old revenue cap is strangling Wicomico County to death and makes providing basic County services unsustainable. I believe the decision of those mentioned above was for the common good the entire County population and not just the demands of a very vocal minority. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that several business leaders in the County told select Council members to vote for this budget, or harsh decision making was going to be necessary by these busines leaders to ensure they employees are able to maintain some quality of life for their families in Wicomico County. Cooler heads have prevailed.

I personnally believe Joe Holloway and Bob Culver could care less about the future of Wicomico County because in 10 years neither one will be on County Council. I think those two only care abaout the now and not what Wicomico County will be in 5-10 years.

11:40 Your right, if you are not happy with Gail, Bob Caldwell, Steive and Sheree, in 2014 the majority will vote them out.

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 1150 -

No. Kow-Tow is the correct term. If you had read the earlier post regarding Pollitt's Iretonesque hissy fit and his threatening letter to the council you would see that the term used was quite accurate.

This post was news. The next one on this particular subject will probably be labeled analysis (maybe op-ed). Despite my disagreement, I do appreciate the comment. It's people like you that keep me thinking about such things and I do believe that they are important.

Anonymous said...

Stevie didn't represent the desires of her constituents!

Too bad we don't have more like Joe Holloway and Bob Culver.....kudos to them for standing up to Rick!

Anonymous said...

12:35pm Great, let's blame everything on Stevie.
Done!! Now it's time to move on.

Anonymous said...

Then Rick needs to streamline the staff in the executive branch of his department.

Anonymous said...

Porky Pig got what he wanted again, on the backs of the tax payers. And, Pluto, Dumbo, Mickey and Minnie Mouse let him do it. Vote them all out. I think all taxpayers should pay their taxes THREE months late to make a statement to all of them. See how they like that!!

Anonymous said...

Why was Matt Holloway not present?

Anonymous said...

Do you people even know what you're talking about here?

Anonymous said...

No spine.

Anonymous said...

A great huge thank you to Joe Holloway and Bob Culver - the rest of you know where you can go, and shame on you for not looking out for us.

Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable!! Rick expects all departments to down size while his adds personnel!! Could someone with the know how please start a petition to do away with the Executive form of govt. All this has done is cost this county big time, and what do we get for it?? A speaker for dinners and little information posted from the PIO. Come on people lets find out what this Executive govt. has cost us between salaries, vehicles, furniture, etc. - this needs to go!!

Anonymous said...

Amen, 12:30! Indeed, the revenue cap has had a really negative effect on Wicomico County. We have lost millions of dollars in potential revenue over these last 10 years (I didn't realize that it has been this long!). Look what the cap has done to education, for example, the area that has been most affected by the cap. The voters at the time were understandably reacting to the 46 cents tax increase voted on by the Council, (an increase that was needed), but I still feel that they did not understand the difference between a tax cap and a revenue cap. Pollitt is right in seeking a mere five-cent increase in the property tax rate (an average of $6.25 a month per household). If Wicomico continues on this path, one can only wonder what we will be like in a few more years. By denying even the 5-cent increase, the Council is merely pandering to the electorate. We are fast becoming a second-class area to live in. Is this what we want?

Anonymous said...

4:37, I would argue that they are not pandering to the "electorate," but rather a small, but vocal section of the electorate. If you judge from the commenters here, you might believe that they are a representative sample. I would bet (and it's just my OPINION based on talking to groups of parents,business people and neighbors)that the majority of the "electorate" would support this increase if were put to the voter.

Anonymous said...

1:32 - just saying she didn't do as I (and a number of folks here) asked - and she represents my (our) district. Would her vote have been the difference if she had listened to us - dunno! But Kow-Tows certainly fits here....

Anonymous said...

6:51 if Stevie had voted with Holloway & Culver the end result would have been the same since it would of been a three to three vote. What is the big deal with this $100,000 vs the $111,000.+ budget. Are you people crazy or what gives?This is small thinking in the big scheme of things here.

Anonymous said...

4:37, The boe has NOT been the worst affected. They have been the LAST to see hard cuts. Other departments have faced layoffs and fulough days. How about.....oh yeah, thats right, they can cut their budget withoug affecting the classroom OR the teachers. (Maybe it was too big to begin with)

Anonymous said...

6:32, you are correct. They are pandering to the VOCAL minority, and not the silent majority or what is in the county's best interests. They are catering to the usual freak show that stands up at the meetings and says the same old rhetoric that is no substance. I am reffering to the Brewington lady, Matt Trenka (total freak), Don Coffin (the one that created the mess who ran for office and couldn't get elected because people were on to his false bill of goods) and the loony lady that always talks about "EDGEYOUKASHION". She has worn out that speech. She doesn't even have kids in our schools and is a come here.

Anonymous said...

Barkovich has become a big problem -- she's a RINO.