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Monday, June 13, 2011

Obama – “Recovery Is Going To Take Time”

Twenty-eight months ago—on Feb. 13, 2009--Congress passed a $787-billion economic stimulus law and sent it to President Barack Obama who signed it while declaring it would create or save 3.5 million jobs.

This Saturday, in his weekly address, President Obama pointed to his predecessors for causing problems in the economy and indicated a full recovery would not come soon.

“I wish I could tell you there was a quick fix to our economic problems,” Obama said. “But the truth is, we didn’t get into this mess overnight, and we won’t get out of it overnight. It’s going to take time.”



Anonymous said...

In other words - he screwed-up.

Obama has no one to blame but himself and his administration for this mess. He now owns this economy that he says he inherited.

Granted - it wasn't in the best shape when he took office. But while he is trying to pin the blame on his predecessors where was he in trying to sort out this mess.

1. He took over 500 in his entourage to Britian.

2. His wife booked an entire hotel in Spain.

3. He has made several trips to Brazil and allowed them to drill in US leased territories in the gulf.

3. He has traveled more miles than any other previous President and has used so much jet fuel that he is the least environmentally sensitive President alive - (carbon footprint).

4. He suspended all off-shore drilling after the BP disaster - then - when gas prices hit over $4.00 a gallon - irritation erupted among the masses - and now just recently decides it is okay to drill again?

This guy has been an absolute idiot. No doubt - he will go down in history as the absolute worse President this Country has ever seen.

Anonymous said...


Well said!

dan said...

Then, 7:13, make sure the Republican Party nominates someone who can win a majority of votes.

SO far, that does not seem like their goal.

Anonymous said...

Dan If you subtract the dependant on government class Obama would be lucky to get 30% of the vote.

Anonymous said...

7:13 well said and there's more that pen and paper can't contain. Obama came in and presented himself to be the "economic savior" and has been all talk and no action, unless it was a failure, plenty of failures in fact. Don't blame anyone but yourself Obama! You want all the credit for the good and disassociate yourself from blame for the failures. You are useless!

lmclain said...

At least, he did not say "it's Bush's fault", just the more mild and softer "it took a while to get in this mess....". How long will it take to get out of it?? At least until the next election is over. He is a world class buffoon. Some people, no matter how bad the state of the nation is in, would support obama. Trillion dollar deficits, 9-17% unemployment, gas prices doubled, food prices climbing, energy (electricity and natural gas) prices climbing, businesses closing, millions upon millions of foreclosures??? Not obamas fault. If he was a Republican, can you IMAGINE the outcry??? It would be DEAFENING....

Anonymous said...

With what was dumped in the lap after Bush/Chanie left office-----I would have to agree with what a 90 yr old lady told me -----"I don't think anyone knows how to fix the mess we are in------- Republican or Democrat"
God Bless the USA!

Anonymous said...

he's in over his head. no economic, financial background for him or his staff. what did we expect with this group of community organizers. he's orgainized us alright. straight down the bankrupt, socialist path to a global money system.
to 11:27, get real. he's had time to make right choices, make good policies and turn this ship around. at least get us on the road to recovery.
if you believe this man can do what our country needs in the second term you have been bitten by the "dumb bug" and need a healing; body, mind and spirit.
we need to pray daily for a leader who is truly qualified. one who is honorable and will once again bring honor to our nation through his leadership. we also need to pray for our citizens eyes to be open to the truth that they too will be healed body, mind and spirit.

Anonymous said...

Enough already with the Bush crap. The dems had control of the house the last 2 years of Bush(when the spending got out of hand) and he just towed the line with the overwhelming majority. Bush was at fault for signing the junk bills that the dems handed him. But Nancy Pelosi and her crew started this country on this downward spiral.

Random Drug tester said...

Has Obama been drug tested?

Seems he has been hitting the CRACK pretty hard...

Anonymous said...

Recovery from what??? Him being elected???