
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Just Don't Get It

Yesterday, GA Harrison made the trip to Kent Island to cover an event we thought would be one of the most controversial meetings/stories so far this year.

Because we know how much the Daily Times, WBOC & WMDT are O'Malley supporters, we felt it was very important to share what we knew none of these other news sources would cover. That is, until the vote passes, then they'll cleverly come back acting like so many are upset after the fact. You know, when it's too late.

In the past 24 hours we have provided three different posts about this matter and I just can't believe what I'm seeing. The lack of comments brought me to go to Site Meter on a regular basis to see if perhaps our hits were down. Nope, that's not the case.

The debate on this matter is minimal. $2.50 each way to $8.00 each way. Are you people SLOW? Do you just not get the FACT that the state promised to remove all tolls once the Bridge was paid for 20 some odd years ago and instead raised it from $1.25 to $2.50!

Did you NOT get the fact that one of the representatives called it THEIR Bridge. It belongs to the taxpayers, not the state. We have one of the larger chicken producers going bankrupt. I have a family member working in Ocean City on weekend, (not even full time yet and summer is here) and they're telling me how slow it is out there.

If people can't realize that you can now buy a condo in Ocean City for $75,000.00 because so many foreclosures are happening and the market isn't worth a damn, charging $8.00 to cross a Bridge is NOT going to help matters.

Sure, you get the every so often redneck commenting, good, keep those people off the shore. Well, when your taxes are similar to Potomac, perhaps then you'll start complaining why your elected officials screwed things up so bad there's no way to turn it around.

The Eastern Shore needs growth to survive, like it or not. If you sit back and support all the luxuries and services Rick Pollit is so passionate about, you better get traffic in from outside of Wicomico and Worcester County or your rates WILL go through the roof.

We have ONE, I'll repeat, ONE resource that draws the second largest tax base in the state and that's the beach. If it turns into a ghost town, (and it could, like Las Vegas) and you do not get involved in this $8.00 toll fee at the Bay Bridge, you'll be screwed.

Let me throw some facts at you real quick. At $2.50 round trip, did you know the state made a net profit of more than $10,000,000.00 last year. I'll repeat, a NET Profit of ten million dollars. That means, (should they get the same traffic) they'll net somewhere around $40,000,000.00 next year!!!!!!

Maybe I'm wasting my time on this issue. The idea, (or so we thought) was to provide you with news, information and opinions you'll not get elsewhere. However, in order to make it successful, your opinion is vital. Have you all become so passive you have no opinion on this increase? Have you simply given up in disbelief? Does it not anger you that the local MSM could give a rats butt about issues like this. So much so they refused to attend?

Let's see what happens with this post and comments.


Anonymous said...

I think you are just beating a dead horse. I think people are just starting to realize that no matter what we do or say, the so called leaders of our so called free country are going to do as they please. The rich are going to get richer and poor are going to get poorer. It has just come to be a fact of life. I think the reason they want so much boarder patrol is to keep the Americans from running
away and taking what money they have left with them. IMHO

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 9:31, Thank You! It's unfortunate that you feel too many people have become so passive but I do believe you are accurate.

Anonymous said...

Joe, in cases like this, most people react after the fact. I believe this is the case and it will be too late then. People are busy trying to make a living and to just stay above the fray. They are not paying attention to what is going on--not to critize them--but just a fact. All heck will break out when it is raised. Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

i LOVE the post concerning this topic; however, when MARTIN OMALLEY in his first term PROMISES a property tax reduction to go along with sales tax increase, and the property tax cut is STRUCK from the bill, and THEN he gets elected again, what do the MINORITY CONSERVATIVE voters of the eastern shore matter to him. he KNOWS we dont matter and his cronies in Annapolis and Baltimoron will rubber stamp it all the way. and it will increase the cost of delivering goods to the eastern shore even more.

Anonymous said...

Joe, There are repairs that are not optional needed for the bridge. It may be suprising to some to know that it actually costs more just to paint the bridge now, than it did to build it. What is the option? Let it deteriorate to the point that it will have to be closed? Well, we won't have to worry about tolls then. If you can think of a better way to raise funds for maintenance, then speak up. I find it ironic that nobody wants to raise taxes, let alone maintain level revenue, but wants the ammenities and convienences that can only be provided through taxes.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 9:44, perhaps you didn't realize ALL of the repairs last year on the Bridges. I traveled over that Bridge for months every single day and they were replacing the concrete surface of the Bridge.

That being said, the made a PROFIT of more than $10,000,000.00, A NET PROFIT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The only people that have a real reason to be up in arms about the toll increase are those who commute accross the bridge daily, for work.

In terms of vacationers, the toll increase will have very, very little effect. People simply are not going to cancel their vacations because they'll have to pay $5.50 extra in tolls to get there. Heck, the people who travel to the beach from Pennsylvania and New Jersey, already pay more than $8.00 in tolls to get here. Have you ever traveled the New Jersey turnpike? The tolls on that road are extremely high, and they're only going up.

I'm not arguing that the toll increase is a good idea. I'm rather indifferent to it, as I only travel across the bridge once a month, or so.

I don't fault anyone who is upset about it, but don't be upset for the wrong reasons.

Ocean City will be just fine regardless of an $8.00 Bay Bridge toll. It's always slow between weekends in June, this year is no different.

Anonymous said...

Where are our so-called "leaders" -- Conway, Mathias, Pollitt, Ireton????

Anonymous said...

The toll now is #2.50 for a ROUND TRIP, and I believe the proposal is for $8. for a ROUND TRIP. While this increase will hit me for a few bucks, I am all for it. This states wants more money to piss away and I'd rather see them get if from the tourouns coming here on the regular basis than the people who live here. Because you know there going to get it from somewhere. That is inevitabl and unchangal.

Anonymous said...

Growth is the LAST thing that the Eastern Shore needs, atleast Wicomico County. You simply can't keep bringing more people in without having a mechanism for revenue to provide services to them. Each new mouth to feed is a deficit. The realtors should have thought about that.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 9:49, I thank you for your comment. Let me ask you this. How long is the New Jersey Turnpike? How many overpasses and miles of roadway do they have to maintain. Would it be safe to say 120 miles? The Bay Bridge is what, 2 miles? As I mentioned earlier, even after they did all those repairs last year on the Bridge, (not borrowing money and paying back a loan) they profitted $10,000,000.00 NET. So we'll agree to disagree here, respectfully.

As for Ocean City, fortunately you have not hit rock bottom and that's a great thing. However, there are many Families that cannot afford to come to Ocean City any more. Some will get so angry this will be the final straw in their decision to NOT cross the Bay Bridge and pay that toll.

I personally think far too many people have forgotten where they came from. Again, when I was a kid we'd travel the extra miles to go around or find roads that didn't have tolls. Don't forget or disrespect those who cannot afford to travel across the Bridge.

Anonymous said...

Joe you call people on the Eastern Shore "slow" and ask if we "don't get it". If you don't like how we are go back where you came from. So what if the state makes more money from the people crossing the bridge, that is more money to the state. Before you call me thick or slow, I have forgotten more about politics and the workings of the state government than you will ever know.

Anonymous said...

Joe, not sure if you realize it, but 10 million dollars isn't a huge amount of money when you are talking about maitaining a bridge such as that. Even IF there is money generated in excess of needed repairs, those dollars could be used to fund projects on other roads that the same bridge users are using. Look how much it costs to cross the Bay Bridge Tunnel. People will still come. An extra 10 even 15 dollars won't stop people. They may just have to buy a small Thrashers french fry instead of a large.

Joseph Albero said...

WOW! That's right, charge them as much as you want, it all goes back to the state. Talk about a bunch of liberals who just can't spend fast enough. How about the highway user funds. O'Malley took ALL of that money from every County, stole it, in fact, and use it for Baltimore instead. They/He has screwed the eastern shore with a MONOPOLY. You know, a thing the same government makes sure we citizens can't have or own, a monopoly.

bubba said...

i grew up just outside baltimore. i moved to the eastern shore. what a joke this place is with the good ole boys ,or buddy buddy who can't except change. so my family and i support ocean city the hell with the rest of the least oc and people from mid delaware and further north can except change.remember what old gov. schaefer said the outhouse of md will always b the good ole shore.

Daddio said...

For the record, the Bay Bridge is 4.3 miles long. I've walked it a few times in years past when they opened it up for an annual event.

You are being a bit deceitful when declaring that they raised the toll from $1.25 to $2.50. They removed the toll booths from the westbound side when that occurred, making the cost of a round trip the same.

Charge `em to come here, and when they have spent all their $$$ at the beach, let `em go home for free was the thinking at the time, if I recall.

Compared to other nearby toll bridges, the Bay Bridge is a bargain. The Delaware Memorial bridge is much shorter in span, and costs $3.00 for a round-trip.

Bridges around NYC are much more expensive, as can be seen here. For the record, unless your EZ-pass was issued by NY, you will pay the higher "cash" rates with out-of-state EZ passes on MTA facilities.

I don't believe that high tolls elsewhere are justification for raising tolls here, but this is probably their argument. Having a more reasonable toll rate here would be a plus for this area, as opposed to metro NYC.

I would like to see an accounting of how the tolls are spent and total maintenance and operating costs. Are any of the funds being raided for other projects not related to the facilities where the tolls are being collected? Are we being asked to subsidize new toll roads elsewhere in the state? Those are valid questions.

Finally, it was interesting to note that only ONE meeting about this issue was held on the Shore. Kent Island is not exactly close to Salisbury or Ocean City. All the other meetings were held "over there"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:49 chiming in again...

Joe, the Bay Bridge is over 4 miles long. And, as you said, the New Jersey turnpike is about 120 miles long. Neither of those numbers have anything to do with my point, though.

My point is that people will still come to the beach regardless of a $5.50 increase in the Bay Bridge toll. I was using the tolls on the NJTP as an example, because plenty of people come to Ocean City from New Jersey. Same goes for many of those coming from Pennsylvania, who hit the tolls on the PA turnpike. Both of those groups also pay the DE Route 1 tolls on their way down to boot, which I didn't mention earlier.

To say that people will get so angry about the toll that it will be the last straw, is a major stretch, in my opinion. That's quite simply just not gonna happen in more than one or two extremely isolated cases, if at all.

I'm sure there are valid arguments that can be made on both sides of the toll debate, I just don't think any of them include Ocean City.

Turdy said...

Wow. As a former Eastern Shore resident, I have never been so proud of the word former. Who do you want to tax, Joe? Those beaches and roads don't maintain themselves. Who pays for it? Those are public goods. Take an economics course before you spew your ideological nonsense.

Joseph Albero said...

Daddio, there will be another meeting in mid July in Ocean City. IMHO, it should be in Cambridge instead. The ONLY reason they're choosing OC is so elected officials can spend a weekend at the beach. Cambridge makes more sense. If the people in OC really care, they'll travel to Cambridge.

Anonymous said...

Just what change have we not accepted, (or have accepted for that matter), that has been good for us?

All you knuckleheads move here from godknowswhere and ruin it just as you ruined where you lived before you moved here. That's why you moved here to begin with.

Then what do you do? Complain the chicken houses stink. Complain there are no well paying jobs here. Complain the local populace isn't as intelligent as you. (gag)

Piss moan and bitch. Scat. Go back whence you came. Go somewhere new. Trust me, we will survive without any of you.

Move back to pa. ny. nj. wherever. You can make fun of us all you want. We have heard it all before. It doesn't bother us because we know what kind of people you are and it simply doesn't matter.

And idiot, Schaffer was making a joke. He caught some flack over it from some thin skinned folks but it's an old saying. Probably older than you.

And what part of NET PROFIT don't some of you understand? Net means after all expenses, including painting.

It's a two mile bridge. Big whoop. Two whole miles with cops on each end trying to catch someone going 5 miles over the speed limit. Not to mention D.O.T. standing in the roadway pulling trucks over to screw with them.

They currently pay ten dollars to cross that two miles. What is the toll increase for anyway? How much would we and do we benefit from such tolls?

After a certain length of time, tolls are just a money maker. Politicians use tolls to spend for whatever they want. If they run low on money, do they stop spending? No, they raise taxes, fees and tolls.

You think they care about any of us? I mean, AFTER the election.

They are supposed to work for us. If you wanted a raise from your boss would you just take out his wallet and remove some money? Or would you ask and show how you have EARNED a raise?

Oh well. Just keep giving it to them, they will be happy to take it.

Anonymous said...

good grief same said travelers don't bat an eye spending 8 bucks at McDonalds
you people will get all wound up over even the most non-issues of issues
it is almost amusing
the people that come here and have second houses and condos don't give a hoot what the locals think or want they are tossing crumbs into this feeble economy and the locals should shut their pie holes and grovel since it seems they can't get their own local economy out of the weeds

Anonymous said...

all the govts are killing us. md isnt doing anything to help businesses, which provide jobs to the people. every politician should be ashamed of themselves about what they are doing to this country. i just hope i live long enough to see the revolt when it comes. all of the polictians should be replaced. surely the new ones wont be as bad as what we have now. they dont care what they are doing to the shore. shame on them and us for putting up with it. thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

I'm 100% against any kind of taxes but if raising the bridge toll keeps people on the other side, I say raise it. We have to many people here on the shore now and we don't need more. Over population is the biggest problem in the world and the shore is rapidly becoming overpopulated.

Anonymous said...

Wow. FOUR whole miles. yippie

Anonymous said...

They been lusting after bridge increase money for years. Now they feel opposition is weak enough now and they are organized enough to get it.. They will take it from us no matter how many oppose it. Nothing short of a referendum will save us

Bill D said...

Daddio, you speak more sense than Joe understands. Then again this blog is only opinion or MSM depending on which day and which way. LMAO !

Anonymous said...

How many state reps do we have on the eastern shore vs the rest? 179-9? Something like that. I think a lot of us have taken this crap for so long we just aren't sure how much impact we can make given our secondary status and lack of representation in the state house.

That being said, why is it that the casino on the eastern shore has to give a kick back to Baltimore and now the bridge has to give a kick back to a western shore inititive, but they never raise tolls to help us on the eastern shore?

Anonymous said...

11:09 PM

Eating at McDonalds has affected your thinking ability. But that's to be expected considering where you live.

Anonymous said...

I've read all of the posts through 12:10am and none of them have brought up the people that live on the shore and travel across the bridge for work. Not to mention when there is a serious medical condition where do the majority of eastern shore residents end up? Baltimore at some of the best hospitals on the east coast.

I totally understand that some life long, generation deep eastern shore residents don't like the western shore way of life and do not want transplants moving here or apparently even visiting but what about your own people? Your child gets into a car accident and is sent to shock trauma, he/she is there for 3 weeks, you cannot afford to be out of work so you must travel back and forth to be with your child and be at work the next day, that's $48 for 6 days $144 for those 3 weeks just to cross a bridge.

I know people that travel to Baltimore, Annapolis, and DC to work because the pay is higher in those areas. Even though it is higher the $3.50+ per gallon of gas and an additional $5.50 for tolls a day does take a toll on families (no pun intended).

For once let this not be a battle between Western shore and Eastern Shore, instead let it be about the people it will have an impact on which is ALL of us in one form or another.

Ocean City, Delaware beaches, the outlets, and many other locations and businesses depend on patrons from other areas besides the eastern shore. Whether people want to see it or not a major hike in tolls will have a negative impact on profit for those businesses.

I do not support the hike in tolls. I think O'Malley is screwing every working class American that has to cross that bridge for business or pleasure and he doesn't give a rats behind because he doesn't know what it is like to worry over $8. What will happen is people are going to get ticked off by the increase and take their money else where.

Anonymous said...

everyone, this is a TAX increase or FEE increase as Omalley ran as a platform last year. this tax is because MD REFUSES to cut spending, so they are finding EVERY single location where they can raise money without cutting their liberal bread and butter. it is a shame, this is WAY more than 8 dollars and you people need to understand that.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the song: "The last resort" by the Eagles on the album: Hotel California

Anonymous said...

Joe, this isnt' a case of apathy. It is a case of fatigue. This is just one more item in a long list of attacks by the State. We have MDE run wild. We have Plan Maryland taking over total control of all planning and zoning issues in the State, removing local control. We have our tax dollars supporting illegal aliens. We have oppressive regulation and regulators at every turn. We the citizens are simply being overwhelmed by it all, and it is hard to focus on one issue when we are trying to combat a swarm of issues. We can beat them on some one or two battles, but ....

Anonymous said...

Actually, the toll used to be $1.25 each way and the $2.50 one way wasn't really an increase. They just did away with the toll on the west bound side to help with traffic patterns.

I think several commenters made very good points:

1. This really effects people commuting daily. For the average Eastern Shore resident, the toll increase will be only an occasional thing.
2. People on the Eastern Shore are out numbered by the idiots on the Western Shore. Just look at the Presidential Election.

Drew said...

They do a great job maintaining the bridge and I want them to continue doing just that. Lets not have them ignoring problems because there is no money. You see it in bridges all over this country where funding has been cut.
What will happen if their is a serious problem and they have to close a span? What will happen to the economy on the shore then? You want to drive around?
The mantra of no taxes no fees is getting tired. People understand what will happen if this bridge is not kept in top condition.

Anonymous said...

The people that this will hurt the most are the people that live on the ES and work across the bridge. Once again its the working that are being punished. Gas is high enough now they want to raise the fee on this. They should give some sort of discount if you have an EZ pass or you use the bridge daily. They could even jack up the rates from May to Sept. People coming to the beach don't care what the cost is to cross the bridge. If they have enough money to stay in the over priced Ocean City that bridge toll is the least of their worries.

Anonymous said...

8:28, I agree with you completely. There are some (including my husband) that drive across the bridge every day because that's where they found a job. The working should be given a discount....let them show proof of employment and somehow give them a discount through their EZ pass. We are all just trying to survive..

Anonymous said...

I think it is important to note that people who live on the Eastern Shore and commute over the bridge for work daily will see an increase from $1.00 round trip to $1.50 round trip on Oct 1st and then up to $2.80 in July of 2013. People that have an EZ Pass will see it increase from $2.50 to $4.50 on Oct 1st and then to $7.20 in July of 2013. Only people paying cash will see the increase go to $5.00 and then to $8.00. This may not make a difference to some as it is still an increase, but it is not as much as tourists who don't have an EZ will see.

bubba said...

i know 4 fact that alot of shorebillies carry their youngsters and elderly parents who are very sick (cancer).they go 2 baltimore. so whatever it may be,so b thankful. they r willing 2 help you. i would not take any of my family to a hospital anywhere on the eastern shore.let alone a pet.these hospitals really suck.just remember if it wasn't 4 baltimore u wouldn't have damn state. at least when you shorebillies cross the brige, we welcome u with open arms not the cold shoulder u give us when we the cross bridge. seeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa good ole eastern shore.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather be be a "Shorebillie" as you call it than a "Baltimoron" ANYDAY!

Anonymous said...

I would think that our county exec, county council,mayor,city council and eastern shore delegation would be furious over this proposal.The state has already taken away our highway user funds ( taxes that WE pay at the pump), making it almost impossible to maintain our local they want to rub salt in the would by more than tripling the bridge toll??? That will really help the Eastern shore economy. And it will really help firms like Sysco and Perdue who make daily truck runs over the bridge.

It's absurd from and economic development and sustainablity standpoint.

Anonymous said...

Open arms with a gun in it.

lmclain said...

So many comments about taxes, apathy, etc. In reality, its politicians KNOWING they can do something and there's nothing we can do, or more accurately WILL DO. Like Joe pointed out, the toll was supposed to be ONLY until the bridge was paid for, but after that goal was reached, the money was seen to be so lucrative, the politicians couldn't give it up. More lies. Now it's for the annual "maintenance". More lies. 10 million profit AFTER maintenance last year. AFTER! So we need more money for OTHER projects?? You mean gas taxes and other taxes, fees, fines, and surcharges aren't enough? People realize, more and more every day, that it doesn't matter what the "people" want, i.e., health care plan, border control, TARP bailouts, oil/energy development, less government spending, etc --- the "representatives" will do as they please. Shout all you want. Vote for whoever promises you what you want to hear. It is futile. GUARANTEE the toll will be raised. And so will many other taxes, fines, fees, and surcharges. They, our "leaders", don't care what you think. Or say. They know you are too timid and intimidated to do anything other than cry and moan. THAT they can live with....

Anonymous said...

Wow Joe, don't beat us up for not posting an opinion. You don't have to have tons of opinions to put your posts up, which ARE very informative by the way! :-)

Anonymous said...

Joe, I still haven't heard an alternative for funding infrastructure. All I hear is no taxes. How about we just close the bridge and then you won't see your toll increase, and people can drive around (lol) like you say they will. Should only be an extra 30 dollars in fuel.

Emily Austin said...

9:48 Surely you jest about your daily travels across the bay. I would be interested in learning the source of $10M profit. The last figures available are 2009.

9:57 for a person who crossed the bay daily for months, I just cannot fantom the person was not aware of a 4.2 mile span.

people across the bay who cannot afford a $4 round trip toll would not be going to OC to begin with.

10:04 Toll profits have always gone to the other side of the bay. This was not started by O'Malley (who I dislike like as much as Obama).

10:37 and if the prople in Cambridge care they will travel to OC.

8:22 you are correct - everybody is sooo concerned about OC on which the toll will have no effect. It is the daily commuters that will bear the brunt.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 5:04, I know it for a fact. The $10,000,000.00 net profit has been confirmed by at least three sources.

Perhaps you're one of those people waiting to see it printed in the DT's? I'm sure in a week or two they'll get around to it.

Joseph Albero said...

I'll add, while I agree with almost everything youuhave stated, I think the key point is that O'Malley has taxed the state to death and is now raping every one for even more money.

If you've followed me long enough, I've been stating for YEARS now that our government will break us until we have no cash left. Then they'll get us to borrow. Then they'll take our homes and even when that is all said and done they'll take us for anything and everything we could possibly have left.

We, as Americans, have NOT seen the worst of it all yet. This is just another predictable move.

They'll lie about the stock market and the value of the dollar. They'll tell you unemployment is not as bad as it seems, (mainly because so many have maxed out on it) and that people are still spending, when they're not.

It encourages others to keep up with every one else. Look at the Mall parking lots. Look at the lack of new developments. This is a tax any way you look at it and the Eastern Shore will not be the recipient of these additional funds.

O'Malley is out no matter what at the end of this term and he couldn't care less at this point.

I'll point out as well, you are right. Those in Easton, Kent Island and surrounding areas will get hurt the most. But if you think this will not have an impact on Ocean City, I think you're wrong.

Anonymous said...

I can't understand such a dramatic increase in tolls for the bridge. I can tell you this, though... the roads and highways on the Eastern Shore are much more very well maintained, such as repaving every few years (whether needed or not) and litter maintanance than Baltimore and its surrounding counties. I am originally from Baltimore and I can tell you that main throughways and highways are paved about every ten years or more, if at all. And their brilliant highway engineers always engage in a sewer line upgrade immediately after new blacktop has been laid, thus screwing up the newly laid pavement. If you ever drive to B'more enough, the closer you get... the worse the roads are. Our state may be spending too much on our highways and thus charging more through tolls to support it. I love driving the highways this side of the Chesapeake. Very little potholes and no unsightly litter. We are blessed!